加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学 黄为民教授课题组招收2017年博士生及硕士生,欢迎有志青年加入团队,招生信息如下,如有意向可邮件联系黄老师:
2-3 PhD/Master positions with full scholarship in Electrical and
Computer Engineering at Memorial University (Canada)
• Starting date: September 2017 or later.
• Duration: 4 years (Ph.D.), 2 years (Master)
• General Requirements:
1. Obtained Master degree before starting PhD (except PhD candidates supported by Chinese
Scholarship Council (CSC));
2. High academic standing ;
3. TOEFL(at least 80) or IELTS (at least 6.5); GRE is preferred but not a must ;
4. Good programming skills (for example, C/C++, MATLAB);
5. Good knowledge of math, digital signal processing or electromagnetic field (graduates from
Physics major are encouraged to apply as well).
• Research Topic 1: High Frequency (HF) Radar ocean remote sensing; (Specific requirements:
obtained knowledge in electromagnetic fields).
• Research Topic 2: Microwave Nautical Radar image processing; (Specific requirements: obtained
knowledge in image processing).
• Research Topic 3: Ocean remote sensing using GNSS-R signals. (Specific requirements: obtained
knowledge in digital signal processing).
• Contact Information: Dr. Weimin Huang, weimin@mun.ca
Website: http://www.engr.mun.ca/~weimin/