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[主题活动] issue 同主题写作第四类 8月18-19日 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2017-8-20 00:24:35 |只看该作者
To begin with, the attention from the public after a scandal does not necessarily focus on the right issue.(Point)Take the Clinton scandal and impeachment for example.  With the release of Starr report, the Clinton scandal has attracted the national and even international media attention. But the majority of American people seem to find it more interesting to talk about whether or not President Clinton had sex with Monica Lewinsky. They would even get into the debate over whether oral sex would count as sex. (Information) But the real issue that should capture public attention is whether or not the President had lied and still deserved the trust of American people. (Elaboration)With the media always interested in reporting sensational news, the Clinton scandal failed to focus public attention on the right issue and therefore was not very useful for the development of American politics. (Elaboration)

In addition, when a scandal is involved in powerful corporation, a professional public relations team will very quickly take actions to address the crisis and divert the public attention from the right issues.(Point)The oil giant BP, for example, was responsible for the oil rig explosion in 2013 and subsequent oil spill in the gulf of Mexico. During the scandal of this ecological disaster, BP hired a sophisticated PR team to launch a massive campaign to paint themselves as victims of tort law suits and shift media attention from the aftermath of the oil spill.  (Information)The large corporations like BP has the large amount of financial resources at their disposal to manipulate the media and the public opinions when necessary. As the public is often forgetful while overwhelmed by the news and scandals, it is fairly easy for them to get away from such scandals. (Elaboration) In other words, one cannot really rely on scandals to solve problems involving big corporations. (Elaboration)

Some people may argue that scandals are still useful in creating pressure to push the government to reform.(Point)For example, after the scandal of Sun Zhigang, a Chinese university graduate who was tortured and killed in Guangzhou Center for the Homeless, Chinese government has abolished the institution of arresting the homeless in the large cities. (Information) While this case leads to some desirable outcome, it is doubtful that we should count on scandals like this to reform a nation’s legal and social infrastructure. (Elaboration) To fix the numerous problems in a modern society, the best solution is to educate the people about their rights so people can speak up against injustice when their rights are violated. We cannot just overlook the injustice in our daily life and wait for scandals to fix the problems in our society.  (Elaboration)

17)Formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free. [claim/comparison]

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
我用的第三种方法构建框架,对key term进行分类。
I totally agree with the statement that formal education may limit the mind and spirits instead of setting them free. Nowadays people always receive different education in their different stages such as primary or junior education, higher education and some occupational education. Nevertheless, they all have a fixed pattern for usual people but they are not specific to everyone, which may leading some people to studying in wrong ways, restraining their thoughts.

TS1: When students study in formal primary education, they learn something rigid so that they may waste the golden time of creation and imagination.
e.g. Primary or secondary education involves verbal knowledge and some easy theories of math, although it’s necessary, it is a pattern of single- direction education. Students are only taught by teachers about some knowledge but there are no one to focus on how to perform the students’ ability to create and question.
TS2:When entering universities, people receiving higher education is constraint to interdisciplinary innovation.
e.g. People choose their major courses and focus on their own research, ignoring to explore their potential capability of other aspects.
I major in public health, so when I think about some problems of a disease, I consider more about how to prevent the disease, but as to students study medicine, they tend to find some solutions to cure the disease.
TS3: People working in companies often have occupational education to improve efficiency and quality of their jobs, causing a contrary result.
e.g. People always immersed in their own tasks and working patterns learned from the occupational education have fixed model to solve problems or finish works. After repeating the patterns for a long time, they are trapped in a thinking model and make their minds and spirits restricted.



Rank: 2

发表于 2017-8-20 01:01:11 |只看该作者
Formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free. [claim/comparison]

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Formal education is presumably regarded as a system that involves standardization in every aspect. As secondary schools and universities require students to prepare for and to take considerable standardized tests for graduation, many people are concerned that formal education constrains students’ minds and ways of thinking, thus damaging their ability to think critically and innovatively in the future. However, I do not think secondary school education and university education restrain students’ ways of thinking and their creativity. Instead, classes in secondary school and universities become increasingly experimental and tolerant nowadays, while in contrast, professional courses in graduate school do limit student’s thinking and freedom. In this essay, I will discuss three stages of formal education: secondary school stage, the university stage, and graduate school stage.

Secondary school education nowadays tends to become experimental, in a way that can release students’ potentials and minds.(point) Instead of focusing on traditional subjects, many secondary schools broaden students’ scope of learning by providing elective courses that such as AP Psychology and AP Art History that enable students to explore more fields and develop their interests in distinctive areas.(information) Moreover, many teachers in secondary school start to incorporate discussions into classrooms so that students have opportunities to exchange ideas with each other and speak up their own opinions. (information) Through exploring different subjects and actively search ing for their interests, they are offered with opportunities to freely think about their future paths. (elaboration) Through discussions in the classrooms, they can develop their diverging thinking ability and consider theories and knowledge in textbooks critically. (elaboration) Even though they indeed need to take substantial standardized exams for different subjects so as to graduate, they still have a lot of time to explore and discuss issues that they find disputative rather than sorely memorizing information, thus setting their minds free. (elaboration)

Likewise, university education offers a place for students to think independently and freely and to gain different perspectives.
-many elective courses with a lot of chances of discussions.
e.g tutorials, require students to discuss and present their opinions
- many activities and field study, combine knowledge with field experiences
  -> gain distinctive insights, think critically toward established theories, and release their innovative ideas  

In contrast with secondary school education and university education, professional education in the graduate schools do limit student’s ability to think according to their wills. (point) In order to be professional, they have to adopt a systematic way of thinking and accumulate sorely relevant knowledge and experiences. (information) For example, accounting master students may need to “think like an accountant” and learn how to understand and extract informative data from various financial statements. (information) Since time is a scarce resource, they have to abandon their interests in other areas and dedicate themselves to reading overwhelming financial statements. (elaboration) They tend to only focus on the financial news while lack insightful opinions and thoughts in other areas such as art, science, and social issues. (elaboration) As a result, their visions become increasingly narrow and their minds restricted. (elaboration) While they indeed become more proficient in one field, they gradually forgo their ability to think diversively and freely. (elaboration)

1) 框架沒問題 不過第二點的 be constraint to 是不是用錯了?僅限於interdiscipline?應該反過來?


Rank: 3Rank: 3


美国offer勋章 建筑offer勋章

发表于 2017-8-20 04:53:23 |只看该作者
21. Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.

There are two reasons why laws enacted by legislatures should not be flexible. (Topic sentence stating the main Point) To begin with, the time and efforts of the Congressmen at federal and state levels are limited. (First context. Provide the relevant fact or Information) They can only hold meetings for a certain amount of time each year and there are many items in their legislative agendas. (offer examples to further explain the fact. More Information) In addition, they often represent different interest groups and it takes them a long time to reach any consensus on any issues. (More Information) If they have to take into account specific circumstances or times or places when debating a statute, they will never be able to finish their jobs on time. (Connection between point and information. Elaboration) The second reason has to do with the function of laws as the general guide for human behaviors. (Another context) Laws have to be understood by the general public if they are to be used to regulate people’s behaviors. (Provide the relevant fact or Information)  Given the limited cognitive abilities of the public, the laws have to be clear and concise. (offer examples to further explain the fact. More Information.) If the laws change according to different situations, the public would find it difficult to use the laws to make decisions about their behaviors. (Connection between point and information. Elaboration) 

On the other hand, the case laws created by the judges should take into account the details of the cases. (Second Point) Consider the famous case of Riggs v. Palmer during which a grandson murdered his rich grandfather, but according to the law and the will of his grandfather, was entitled to inherit a large sum of money. (offer example to provide Information) Despite the law and the will, the judge invalidated Palmer’s claim to his grandfather’s estate because, in the case, the defendant should not benefit from his murderous act. (Information) While there was no statutory law authorizing the court to punish the defendant further by depriving his rights to the estate, the specific circumstance of the case warrants such a decision. (Connection between point and information. Elaboration)


Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2017-8-20 09:46:57 |只看该作者
beener322 发表于 2017-8-19 23:58
Issue 4)  Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker o ...

自己写的ISSUE 4)的中间段:
Obviously, scandals that cause great damage to the public benefits will aggravate anger and censure of the public, and focus people’s attention immediately on the relative problems. (Topic sentence: stating the main POINT) Take the oil leak in the gulf of Mexico for example. (Provide relevant fact or information) As soon as this disaster was reported by mass media, almost all the people of America and other affected countries fixed their eye on the progress of preventing further oil leak and how to diminish the damage. Consequently, civilians poured their anger to the responsible corporation, i.e., the oil giant BP and violently criticized the government for their low efficiency of disposing this risk. (Detail public attention on this risk-INFORMATION) All people care about events that are relevant to their lives most, thus ,the reporting of scandals that damage health or environment focus their eyes on how these happen and who to blame . With the help of mass media, citizens can deliver their great anger to the government and urgent the authority take proper measures and make necessary progress to present this kind of thing happen again in the future, which sometimes even determined reformers cannot reach.(Explain how scandal focus our attention-ELABORATION)
我看了感觉写的挺好哒,不过the reporting of scandals that damage health or environment focus their eyes on how these happen and who to blame 这一句我看的不大明白~~


Rank: 3Rank: 3



发表于 2017-8-20 11:31:09 |只看该作者

17)Formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free. [claim/comparison]

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

68. When we talk about education, some people may criticize the formal education constain students sprite and mind. And other people may say that on the contrary, the education's purpose is releasing children and students's mind and making them creat more  possibility. In my opinion, we should consider the debate in different perspectivities. In the mordern society, new idea of education is provide students a chance to creat, which means that students should not be restrained in the existed world. But in ancient, the only meaning of education is restrain people's sprite in order to help government maintain their management.

Firstly, in the comtemporary society, students are allowed to question existed rules and rationale because science has developed in response to the question and answer.
e.g. students were encouraged to rise questions when a professor deliverd a academic speech.

Secondly, artists also need to free their mind to creat more attractive and valuable art works.
e.g. Picasso, a modernism and cubism artist. The young ladies of Avignon, one of the most work of his, break the break the tradition of geometrical perspective and color adaption.

Thirdly, in the ancient, due to some religion reasons and unenlightened knowledge of science and nature, general people always be limited by so called education.
e.g. people always be educatied to followed the government of their emperor and did  not allowed to question emperor's idea and power. The earth is round.

Secondly, as human beings gain more and more knowledge, people could create a lot of things that do not exist in the world. During the process that people create more things that no-exist in the world, these things also have a profound influence of which existed in the world before. Thus, the interactions also make the world become harder to comprehend(point). For example, after human started the Second Industrial Revolution, the world become more and more worm due to the use of petroleum and emission of carbon dioxide. But up to now, no one can clearly point out the mechanism that how human activities can influence the global climate(information). Thus, we can say that social development help things become more obscure (elaboration? Not so clearly). There is another example can also demonstrate it. In prehistoric age, only several simplest alloys can be used into construction, such as steel, bronze and copper. However, in the modern society, billion kinds of alloys are created. Some of them can comprise dozens even hundreds of elements(information). [lack of elaboration]


Rank: 2



发表于 2017-8-20 12:58:58 |只看该作者
21 Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.  
Before talking about whether should laws be flexible, it is necessary to define the “law”.Different people have various explanation for “law”. As far as I’m concerned, the laws refer to regulations enacted by legislatures at different levels. Judgments in the courts can become part of the laws as well as enforcement activities. While laws enacted by legislation should not be too flexible, judges and enforcement agents need to take different situations,times, and places into account.

Point1:There should be no room left for negotiation for laws enacted by legislatures.
Information1:laws are exact and clear.
Elaboration1:a flexible law contribute to confusion
Information2:the legislatures’ work time is limited,
Elaborantion2: too much things to consider make them impossible to finish the work.

Point2:Judges need to be flexible faced with different circumstances, times,and places.

Point3:In the process of the enforcement of laws, different circumstance, times and places should be considered.
Exp:speeding in exigent situations,such as taking pregnant woman to the hospital.

There should be no room left for negotiation for laws enacted by legislatures.(point)To begin with,the staff in the legislatures and their working time are limited, and because of laws representing different interest groups,so that it is hard to reach consensus on any issues. (information1)If they take various circumstances, times and places into account when formulate the laws, there will be countless work for them to deal with. (elaboration)The second reason has to do with the function of law as a regulation for human behaviors. (information2)In this sense, laws ought to be intelligible for general public.(information2) Given the limited cognitive ability of the public, the laws have to be clear and exact. (information2)If the laws change under different situations, people would feel confused when using the laws to adjust their behaviors.(elaboration)


Rank: 2

发表于 2017-8-20 13:14:37 |只看该作者
Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.  

To begin with, the attention from the public after a scandal does not necessarily focus on the right issue. [point]Take the Clinton scandal and impeachment for example. [information]With the release of Starr report, the Clinton scandal has attracted the national and even international media attention. But the majority of American people seem to find it more interesting to talk about whether or not President Clinton had sex with Monica Lewinsky. [information]They would even get into the debate over whether oral sex would count as sex. [elaboration]But the real issue that should capture public attention is whether or not the President had lied and still deserved the trust of American people. [elaboration]With the media always interested in reporting sensational news, the Clinton scandal failed to focus public attention on the right issue and therefore was not very useful for the development of American politics.[information]

In addition, when a scandal is involved in powerful corporation, a professional public relations team will very quickly take actions to address the crisis and divert the public attention from the right issues. [point]The oil giant BP, for example, was responsible for the oil rig explosion in 2013 and subsequent oil spill in the gulf of Mexico. [information]During the scandal of this ecological disaster, BP hired a sophisticated PR team to launch a massive campaign to paint themselves as victims of tort law suits and shift media attention from the aftermath of the oil spill. [information] The large corporations like BP has the large amount of financial resources at their disposal to manipulate the media and the public opinions when necessary. [information]As the public is often forgetful while overwhelmed by the news and scandals, it is fairly easy for them to get away from such scandals. [elaboration]In other words, one cannot really rely on scandals to solve problems involving big corporations.[elaboration]

Some people may argue that scandals are still useful in creating pressure to push the government to reform. [point]For example, after the scandal of Sun Zhigang, a Chinese university graduate who was tortured and killed in Guangzhou Center for the Homeless, Chinese government has abolished the institution of arresting the homeless in the large cities.[information]  While this case leads to some desirable outcome, it is doubtful that we should count on scandals like this to reform a nation’s legal and social infrastructure. [information]To fix the numerous problems in a modern society, the best solution is to educate the people about their rights so people can speak up against injustice when their rights are violated. [elaboration]We cannot just overlook the injustice in our daily life and wait for scandals to fix the problems in our society.  [elaboration]


Rank: 2

发表于 2017-8-20 15:19:57 |只看该作者

Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.  

With the development of modern mass media, scandals are almost ubiquitous.  Hardly can a day go by without some news reporting scandals involving high-profiles politicians, athletes or movie stars.  While it is true that scandals often attract public attention and may expose certain problems, I do not believe that they are useful in solving social problems as they often focus public attention on the wrong issues and can hardly maintain public attention for a sufficiently long time. After elaborating these two points, I will also address the argument that scandals can usefully create pressure for the government to introduce reforms.  

To begin with, the attention from the public after a scandal does not necessarily focus on the right issue.(point) Take the Clinton scandal and impeachment for example. (information) With the release of Starr report, the Clinton scandal has attracted the national and even international media attention.(information) But the majority of American people seem to find it more interesting to talk about whether or not President Clinton had sex with Monica Lewinsky.(information) They would even get into the debate over whether oral sex would count as sex. (information) But the real issue that should capture public attention is whether or not the President had lied and still deserved the trust of American people.(elaboration) With the media always interested in reporting sensational news, the Clinton scandal failed to focus public attention on the right issue and therefore was not very useful for the development of American politics. (elaboration)

In addition, when a scandal is involved in powerful corporation, a professional public relations team will very quickly take actions to address the crisis and divert the public attention from the right issues. (point) The oil giant BP, for example, was responsible for the oil rig explosion in 2013 and subsequent oil spill in the gulf of Mexico.(information) During the scandal of this ecological disaster, BP hired a sophisticated PR team to launch a massive campaign to paint themselves as victims of tort law suits and shift media attention from the aftermath of the oil spill.(information)   The large corporations like BP has the large amount of financial resources at their disposal to manipulate the media and the public opinions when necessary. (information) As the public is often forgetful while overwhelmed by the news and scandals, it is fairly easy for them to get away from such scandals. (elaboration) In other words, one cannot really rely on scandals to solve problems involving big corporations. (elaboration)

Some people may argue that scandals are still useful in creating pressure to push the government to reform.(point) For example, after the scandal of Sun Zhigang, a Chinese university graduate who was tortured and killed in Guangzhou Center for the Homeless, Chinese government has abolished the institution of arresting the homeless in the large cities. (information) While this case leads to some desirable outcome, it is doubtful that we should count on scandals like this to reform a nation’s legal and social infrastructure. (elaboration) To fix the numerous problems in a modern society, the best solution is to educate the people about their rights so people can speak up against injustice when their rights are violated.(elaboration) We cannot just overlook the injustice in our daily life and wait for scandals to fix the problems in our society.  (elaboration)

In conclusion, while I acknowledge that certain scandals may eventually lead to some progress in our society, most scandals are not very useful in reforming the society as the public often focus their attention on the wrong issues and the powerful corporations can easily divert public attention through their public relations campaigns.  To achieve real progress in social development, we need better education to increase people’s awareness of their rights and their sense of justice.

17)Formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

我写提纲时搭建框架所用的方法是第2种  从三个角度看待这个命题 the side effect of the exam ; the teaching methods ; the benefits of the orientation by the formal education


  As far as the statement concerned, the education we received has the tendency to circumscribe our minds and spirits, instead of set them free. To some extend, we can't deny the fact that the formal education, aims at free the student from ignorance, has counterproductive effects on students.It restrict the students' mind and spirits in its teaching methods and the evaluation of student's performance by the exams. Meanwhile, on the contrary, the formal education indeed benefits the students by orienting the students in the developing of their brain, set the students free in some degree.

The teaching methods, which more or less serves as a way in repeating the truth and the rationality,
Example : history class
Reason : The teacher just teaches the facts , less inspire the students to seek the causes and effects behind,or to raise questions in class, blocks the students' ability to thinking independ and innovative.
The teaching methods, which more or less serves as a way in repeating the truth and the rationality, seldom enlighten the students to explore on their own. (point)For example, in the history class, what the teachers convey are the facts happened in the past, rarely do they inspire the students to seek the causes and effects behind or to raise questions in class. (information) It has the tendency that our pupils are more imaginary and eager to quest their teachers than the college students. (information) The outmoded reaching methods block the students' ability to thinking independ and innovative. (elaboration) From this point, we can come to an inclusion that the the formal education has the conterproductive effects, no wonder that now more and more parents favor teaching at home. (elaboration)

When it comes to what scares the students most, it must be the exams, whether excercises or final exams, more or less harms the student's mental health and leads to less eager to learn. As the evaluation of student's performance, the exams really helps the students to seek the improvements of their study and a feedback to the teachers thus they can teach better. However, with the increasing severe competition, the exams are much hard and frequent.
Example : more exams ; the parents focus more on the scores than what's their child learned
Reason : The more exams the students take, the more tensions they have to take on, which causes them less confident and more anxiety.
When it comes to what scares the students most, it must be the exams, whether excercises or final exams, more or less harms the student's mental health and leads to less eager to learn.(point) As the evaluation of student's performance, the exams really helps the students to seek the improvements of their study and a feedback to the teachers thus they can teach better.(information) However, with the increasing severe competition, the exams are much hard and frequent. (information) What's more, parents seem to in favor of this phenomenon, since they values the scores more instead of what their child really learned. (information) The more exams the students take, the more tensions they have to take on, which causes them less confident and more anxiety. (elaboration) Moreover, given the fact that reason for the students to go school is to acquire knowledge, the evaluation of the formal education in turn decreases the student's ethusiasm for the knowledge.(elaboration)
Even though the formal education nowadays have such drawbacks, to some degree, the formal education indeed benefits the students by orienting the students in the developing of their brain, set the students free.
Example : the science curriculam
Reason : gives the students the bacis ways in soving problems so they can use it to handle more complicated problems, makes their mind more sound and acquire more confidence and pleasures.
Even though the formal education nowadays have such drawbacks, to some degree, the formal education indeed benefits the students by orienting the students in the developing of their brain, set the students free.(point) In the science class, the teacher gives the students the bacis knowledges and formulas in soving problems so they can use it to handle more complicated problems, makes their mind more sound and acquires more confidence and pleasures. (information+elaboration) The formal education serves as an instrument in the transforming the knowledge to the ability to solving real problems. (elaboration) No matter how much the exams and how outmoded the mothords are, the science class really do good to the student's mental health and intelligence. (elaboration)


算是真正意义上的入门了,但是遣词造句方面还是有些问题,希望老师以后的课程里可以讲一下比如如何做到句子错落有致,如果让段落间衔接更紧密~ 还有argument 的assumption 和evidence其实还不是很清楚,可能还需要再看一次视频。

我写的全文 (建议在修改提纲后再写)






Rank: 2

发表于 2017-8-20 17:42:44 |只看该作者
Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system.
Reason: Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds.

我写提纲时搭建框架所用的方法是第3种: through classification of key terms in the issue statement,将problem分类举例(酒驾,同性恋,车辆排污),同时也将law进行分类(是否与时俱进),对Claim以及Reason提出反对。

The construction of laws and legal system is one of the key factors to promote the progress of modern society and maintain social stability. But could all modern society problems be solved by laws and the legal system? The speaker claims that many of them cannot be solved, for the reason that laws cannot change what is in people’s hearts or minds. I concede that there are still many problems cannot be solved by current laws, however, laws and the legal system which always improve along with the progress of society are not immutable. Besides, his reason is untenable because laws form people’s minds in a long run.

It is undeniable that laws can regulate people's behavior, associated with the impaction on people’s thoughts. [point] Take the traffic law of China for example. It is reported that the new law which increased penalties for drunken driving has significantly reduced the occurrence of drunk driving and accident because of drunk driving. Although drinking is an important way for Chinese people to socialize, many interviewees said they and their friends would not drink at a banquet, if they had to drive after the meal. Moreover, they said they are aware of the importance of safety and no longer believe that drinking is essential for social after the enactment of the new law and its strict implementation. [info] Indeed, the social problem of drunk driving has been improved by the perfection of law, and people’s mind towards drinking is altered. [elaboration]

The change in the view of homosexuality is another way in which the law can solve social problem and affect people’s minds.

Nonetheless, there are still many problems haven’t been solved, modifying the existing law may be a valid solution.
1)        The case described above does help to solve some social problems.
2)        Many social groups are calling for more justice laws to ease social contradictions.
3)        For modern society, it is important and necessary to deal with the rapid development of science and technology and society.


Rank: 3Rank: 3


美国offer勋章 建筑offer勋章

发表于 2017-8-20 21:25:10 |只看该作者
Issue 4

Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.  


Since modern media has developmed and prevailed all over the world, news especially scandals is commonplace in our daily life. It is not surpised to know different kinds of scandals every day from celebrities and governments involving politics, finance, private life and so on. Undeniably, scandals can attract public attention and create great sensations and somemtimes even can force the society to make a change and become better. However, scandals have negative impacts  usually cannot avoid, on society as well. However, scandals' advantages outweigh disadvantages which I will elaborate in following discussions.

TS1: Scandals can restrain behaviors of celebrities, politicians and governments.
Information: scandals can damage their reputation
Elaboration: reputation is the most important factor for celebrities

TS2: Scandals can galvanize the public to supervise government the government to improve their policies and celebrities to behave properly.
Information: The WaterGate Scandal
Elaboration: The public know to supervise politicians so that they must not wield power above the law.

TS3: Scanda
ls inevitably have negative influence on society.
Information: During U.S. presidential election, many candidates' old scandals will be exposed by their opponents in order to ruin their reputation and approval ratings.
Elaboration: Hillary Clinton email controversy completely devastate her second presidantial election.


Rank: 3Rank: 3


美国offer勋章 建筑offer勋章 19周年勋章

发表于 2017-8-21 02:45:45 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 Herio_HKeKe 于 2017-8-21 02:46 编辑

23)Governments should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

我写提纲时搭建框架所用的方法是第 3 种:  对restrictions 进行分类:研究对象的限制,研究资金的限制,研究场地的限制


In many cases, programs would perform more smoothly with proper disciplines that can readjust them to keep correct orientation timely. Even if sometimes those restrictions go too deep and far to obtain positive and everlasting consequences of programs in long term, still, appropriate stresses are beneficial with project promotions in gross. Which means, with responsibilities of governments to regulate and promote science, restrictions are requisites.

The most vital aspect of scientific research and development is what the research concentrates on, of which has to be taken control, as its safety is guarantee of citizens’.
-human cloning involves issues of transgressing morals and cannot be embraced by most populace.
-it is supposed to prevent studies on nuclear technology from fabricating nuclear weapons.
-innovative medicine research and exploiting has potential detriments from drug development, which may endanger people health.

Financial constraints on research can stymie program sprawling effectively.
-Financial support provides a solid foundation for running a scientific research. Which means without governments’ apt supervision on science fund, it is facile for intrigues to use them improperly, even illegally.

body 1 :
The most vital aspect of scientific research and development is what the research concentrates on, of which needs to be taken control, as its safety is guarantee of citizens’. (point) Cloning human involves issues of transgressing morals and cannot be embraced by most populace. (information) Considering people’s mental health and emotional fluctuation, latent reason for ethical panic, government need interdicts on human cloning to take precaution first. (elaboration) And,  innovative medicine research and exploiting has potential detriments from drug development, which may endanger people health.(information) That’s why the restriction of objects is required for medicine research.(elaboration) What’s more, it is supposed to prevent studies on nuclear technology from fabricating nuclear weapons for further malevolent military competitions. (information & elaboration)

Another reason why the government should not restrict scientific research is that research projects nowadays often have to go through lengthy processes of funding applications during which experts will evaluate the potential benefits and harms of the research.(point)  If a research project carries certain risk or threat to public safety or national security, it is very unlikely that such projects would receive financial support from the funding agencies.  (information)In other words, we should trust the scientific community itself to make sound decisions on whether or not a particular project should be supported or not.  (information)Through the competitive processes for funding, projects that are potentially harmful will be stopped.  (elaboration)

1.        以现在的结构感觉很容易不切题,所以主题句琢磨了很久。
2.        感觉写body的时候还是会弄混info和elaboration,所以也不知道自己写出来的PIE结构对不对….


Rank: 2

发表于 2017-8-21 17:44:21 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 sofresh666888 于 2017-8-21 17:48 编辑

Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

There are two reasons why laws enacted by legislatures should not be flexible.  To begin with, the time and efforts of the Congressmen at federal and state levels are limited. (Point)  They can only hold meetings for a certain amount of time each year and there are many items in their legislative agendas. (Information) In addition, they often represent different interest groups and it takes them a long time to reach any consensus on any issues. (Information)  If they have to take into account specific circumstances or times or places when debating a statute, they will never be able to finish their jobs on time. (Elaboration) The second reason has to do with the function of laws as the general guide for human behaviors. (Point) Laws have to be understood by the general public if they are to be used to regulate people’s behaviors. (Information) Given the limited cognitive abilities of the public, the laws have to be clear and concise. (Information) If the laws change according to different situations, the public would find it difficult to use the laws to make decisions about their behaviors. (Elaboration)  

On the other hand, the case laws created by the judges should take into account the details of the cases. (Point) Consider the famous case of Riggs v. Palmer during which a grandson murdered his rich grandfather, but according to the law and the will of his grandfather, was entitled to inherit a large sum of money. (Information) Despite the law and the will, the judge invalidated Palmer’s claim to his grandfather’s estate because, in the case, the defendant should not benefit from his murderous act. (Information) While there was no statutory law authorizing the court to punish the defendant further by depriving his rights to the estate, the specific circumstance of the case warrants such a decision. (Elaboration)

Finally, the enforcement of laws, which is also an important aspect of laws, should be flexible as the law enforcement agents should always take into account the specific circumstances, times and places. (Point) Consider the laws about speeding. Usually when a driver exceeds the speed limit, by the traffic laws, s/he will receive punishment in the form of a speeding ticket. (Information) But one can and should get away from this law if it is under emergency situation. (Information)  Maybe the driver was sending a pregnant woman to a hospital for delivering a baby. (Information)  In cases like this, with a letter from the hospital, the driver should get his/her speeding tickets cancelled. (Information)  As illustrated in this example, the enforcement of law should be flexible by considering the specific situations that may warrant a different treatment. (Elaboration)


Rank: 2

发表于 2017-8-21 21:36:23 |只看该作者
ISSUE 4  Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.

To begin with, the attention from the public after a scandal does not necessarily focus on the right issue.(POINT) Take the Clinton scandal and impeachment for example(INFO).  With the release of Starr report, the Clinton scandal has attracted the national and even international media attention(INFO). But the majority of American people seem to find it more interesting to talk about whether or not President Clinton had sex with Monica Lewinsky(INFO). They would even get into the debate over whether oral sex would count as sex(INFO). But 这里用but感觉转折的很突兀 the real issue that should capture public attention is whether or not the President had lied and still deserved the trust of American people(ELABORATION). With the media always interested in reporting sensational news, the Clinton scandal failed to focus public attention on the right issue and therefore was not very useful for the development of American politics. (elaroration)

TS 2
In addition, when a scandal is involved in powerful corporation, a professional public relations team will very quickly take actions to address the crisis and divert the public attention from the right issues(point又很像info). The oil giant BP, for example, was responsible for the oil rig explosion in 2013 and subsequent oil spill in the gulf of Mexico(info). During the scandal of this ecological disaster, BP hired a sophisticated PR team to launch a massive campaign to paint themselves as victims of tort law suits and shift media attention from the aftermath of the oil spill(info).  The large corporations like BP has the large amount of financial resources at their disposal to manipulate the media and the public opinions when necessary(INFO). As the public is often forgetful while overwhelmed by the news and scandals, it is fairly easy for them to get away from such scandals(ELABORATION).  In other words, one cannot really rely on scandals to solve problems involving big corporations(POINT).

Some people may argue that scandals are still useful in creating pressure to push the government to reform(POINT). For example, after the scandal of Sun Zhigang, a Chinese university graduate who was tortured and killed in Guangzhou Center for the Homeless, Chinese government has abolished the institution of arresting the homeless in the large cities(INFO).  While this case leads to some desirable outcome, it is doubtful that we should count on scandals like this to reform a nation’s legal and social infrastructure(ELABORATION). To fix the numerous problems in a modern society, the best solution is to educate the people about their rights so people can speak up against injustice when their rights are violated. (ELABORATION)We cannot just overlook the injustice in our daily life and wait for scandals to fix the problems in our society(ELABORATION).  


Rank: 3Rank: 3


美国offer勋章 19周年勋章

发表于 2017-8-22 00:02:13 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 ning97 于 2017-8-22 11:54 编辑

Thesis:         Everyone should obey the just laws, and also should obey the so-called unjust laws unless there are experts proof the unjusty and change it throught legislation.

Laws is the basement of society satety and the code of social conduct. Even though people work hard on the legislation, there still may be defective that seems unjust. In my opinion, whether the law is just or unjust, as long as it still in the laws and regulations, we should obey it to maintain the social order. As to the concern over the harm of unjust laws, people should try to reform them within the legal framework.  (老师的原句)

TP1:We should obey the just law to maintain social safety.
              EP: steal\murder\fire-raiser
TP2: When it comes to the controversial laws, we still should obey it.
            1) As ordinary people, we may not have accurate standards of the unjust laws. If everyone believes one of the laws is unjust and then he could break it, the society will become anarchy soon.
           2)The bondary between the just and unjust laws is ambivalent, it need professional experts to assert it.
TP3: Obeying the controversial laws doesn't mean that we couldn't fight for ourselves.
            1)It is possible for the laws to be unperfect, we even have the constitutional amendaments.
            2) We could reflect the problems through the media and seek help from the experts who are qualified to raise the amends under the legislation.

Let’s first consider why everyone should be responsible for obeying just laws. (Point) Take the simple examples of the traffic law about driving under the influence of alcohol. (Provide examples--information) In most countries, it is illegal to drive if one is drunk.  Few people would challenge the justice behind this law. (Elaborate the fact about drunk drive) When a driver is drunk, s/he would not be able to operate an vehicle safely and driving would threaten the safety of the driver, the passengers and others sharing the road. (Elaborate the reason: drunk drive is dangerous) To protect the interests of everyone involved, the laws prohibit such behaviors and punish those breaking the laws.  For just laws like this, everyone should obey them and there is no doubt about it.  (Elaborate the point)


Rank: 2

发表于 2017-8-22 12:36:51 |只看该作者
The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority.
Well-being 幸福,福利

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Whether the statement holds true or not depends on which groups of people in the society are challenging the authority and in what ways. For groups of people such as secondary school students and employees in factories and companies, challenging the school teachers and the supervisors will disrupt the normal operations of schools and firms that would harm the well-beings of the society. On the other hand, scientists should be encouraged to question the authority through which new theories can be developed and new technologies can be advanced to improve the productivity of the society.   

Adolescents studying in secondary schools should not be allowed to challenge their teachers and parents to ensure their own well-being and the stability of the society.(point)  As we all know, adolescents are very likely to have conflicts with their parents and teachers as they struggle to become more independent and get more freedom.  (information)They are interested in experimenting with new things such as sex and drugs without proper understanding of the consequences of such experimentation.  (further information:provides facts)The supervision and constraints from teachers and parents are often necessary for their own well-beings. (information concerning keyword:well-being ) Without respecting the authority of parents in regulating young people’s sexual behaviours, for example, the teenage girls may get pregnant by accident, which can lead to serious personal and social problems. (information) In terms of academic studies, students at this stage do not have the abilities to challenge the authority of the teachers who often present the relatively well-established facts and theories based on the textbooks. (information) Challenging teachers’ authority in academic matters will only harm the productivity of the teachers and students.  (elaboration)

Employees in manufacturing and service sectors need to follow a set of rules if the society is to prosper economically.  (point)Modern corporations and factories rely on the cooperation of a large team of employees to create economic value efficiently.(generic information)  Workers on the assembly lines, for example, have to follow the instructions of their supervisors to ensure the smooth manufacturing processes. (information,facts) The supervisors’ authority has to be respected when the workers are told to correct some mistakes they make.  In addition, the effective governance of corporations rely on the swift execution of instructions made by the managers to their subordinates.  The authority of the managers has to be maintained to ensure that the organisation would perform according to the policies made by the top management. (information) Otherwise, the productivity and profitability of the corporations will suffer.  (elaborate:indirectly manifest how this fact impact the overall well-being)

Scientists, on the other hand, can benefit the research community and the society as a whole by questioning the leading experts and their theories in the fields.  (piont)One of the key features of science that distinguishes itself from pseudoscience is that the scientists and researchers are always open to the possibility that the existing theories and explanations could be wrong.  (generic information)Through publishing peer-reviewed scientific papers, the researchers need to present their findings to the scientific community and be prepared to answer any challenges that may arise from their peers.  (elaborate)Other members of the research community may try to replicate the studies and challenge the authority of the authors if they come up with some inconsistent results.  (information)The whole process of challenging the authority of one another ensures the rigor of science and the validity of knowledge construction, which are essential for the overall well-being of the modern society.  (elaborate)

In conclusion, the well-being of the society is closely related to the success of different sectors such as education, business and research.  As I clearly illustrate with the examples above, challenging the authority in the fields of secondary education and business may harm the effective operation of the schools and businesses, thereby damaging the well-being of the society.  Nevertheless, it is necessary for the members of the research community to challenge the authority to advance the development of the fields. 

总结(不知道理解的对不对):point—generic imformation in supporting your point—detailed information—find the link between information and your point(elaborate)—another circle(parallel)—conclusion

Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.

Having the aspiration to cultivate talents with comprehensive knowledge and competence,some universities implement rules that every students are required to take so-called optional courses.It is undeniable that a wide scope of knowledge and skills contribute to individuals’ academic performances in their own field of research or future possibilities.Consequently,I agree with this claim to some extent,but what matter most is whether the rules applied properly and timely in specific scenarios.

I have to admit,on the on hand,that wide range of courses means more than just abundant knowledge that students can acquire from universities’ teachers and experts.(point)For instance,like I’m studying computer science,taking classes taught by a professor from art department might provides me a chance to view technology in quiet a dissimilar way.(information)Technology means not just 0 or 1 in digital world,by using natural programing language,such as Python and Processing,human beings are able to create intricate pictures with the law of mathematical formula.(Elaborate)
Missing:elaborate the main point in the context of-providing more options for further academic searching

However,on the other hand,taking extra courses towards other fields is favorable to some of universities students,but not all.(point)wide range of classes show merits with regard to students studying interdiscipline.By taking diversity courses and absorbing abundant knowledge from relative fields,students tend to  view things from several perspectives rather than a limited one.(elaborate)In addition,more opportunities are provided for their future careers if they strive to experience as much as possible to pick a field in which they are passionate.(information)But when issues come to students who major in science related discipline or math deem to be extremely devoted to their own fields of study and research,it would be aimless and futility for them to pick up various kinds of courses,such as art history,music instruments or P.E.(information)Though these subjects might keep them staying healthy both mentally and physically,obligatory courses can distract them for consuming their time and energy to prepare for exams.(elaborate)
Missing:the link between this paragraph and the keywords
The existing disparity of different subjects results that this proposal can not be beneficial to every students.


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