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[主题活动] 9月7日-9日同主题练习 [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8


寄托兑换店纪念章 US-applicant 19周年勋章

发表于 2017-9-6 22:00:19 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2017-9-6 22:01 编辑

9)    Choice of major or goals (15<135>,  20<32, 39, 98, 129, 136>,  3<35, 137>,  51<71>)




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寄托兑换店纪念章 US-applicant 19周年勋章

发表于 2017-9-6 22:00:33 |只看该作者

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发表于 2017-9-8 20:58:04 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 TaylorW 于 2017-9-10 09:24 编辑

issue 3/35/137

Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position

TS: There is a saying that educational institutions should persuade students from fields they are unlikely to succeed. I cannot agree with such claim for students’ latent capacity are hard to predict and it may not been shown during school days. On the other hand, schools and college , educational institutions have no right to deprive one’s chance to get education they can only advise them. For opponents, I assume they support to dissuade those students for fields they are not good at for the sake of good jobs which I think should not be an issue in this situation.   

Pt1: The possibility for a student to success in his field is hard to predict.
-The famous physicist Plank used to be persuade by his professor for changing his field.
-In a class, the students who achieve the most success in the future is hardly the top student.

First of all, the possibility for a student to success in his field is hard to predict. It is unwise to prevent students from fields they want. Some genus mature slowly in their professional life. In some cases, they even perform the worst in school but turn out to be successful later. So persuading one from his loved field only because he does not show capacity in school might be bias. Take Plank’s experience for example, when plank was in university, his professor suggest him abandon physics for it is quite complete at the time, seems nothing else to discover. But Plank didn’t quite that easily, he keep dig in physics and decades later, he created Plank constant and helped establish quantum physics theory. If Plank listened to his teacher, quantum physic might introduced t us centuries later or did not exist at all. Also in our life, when we attend to classmate reunion years later from graduation, we find out with surprise that some slow mind students turns out to be successful. Thus, schools should not interfere fields student are in even though they seem unfit.  

Pt2: As a educational institution, schools have only rights to advice students to make better choice but not dissuade.
-college offer freshmen a chance to change major
-College students are allowed to choose a second major to study.

In addition, as an educational institution, schools have only rights to advice students to make better choice but not dissuade. The main duty for schools and academy is providing education that students want and make sure they get well educated. One’s major seems to be personal decision. Persuading students from a certain field and judging his school performance is violating one’s tight. And the institution can offer help to them to change their mind. Such as in many universities, after the first semester, they offer freshmen a chance to reschedule their major and adjust professional study plans. At time, student who finds out he is not good at his major could seize the chance to turn around. But this is all depends on their own willingness. Moreover, in some academies, they encourage senior students to choose a second major, in case it is too late for those students to change major. Students are never been pushed to do these things. Because no matter what their grades are, they should be advised but not deprived from study what they want.

Pt3: For getting employment, some people support such opinion that educational institutions should talk students out of the fields they are less qualified for. Actually jobs should not be a consideration in this issue. And their assumption is subjectively from themselves. Employers are cline to have potential employees. And students who showed less talent in his field usually showed a great ability to manage this business
- Google hire people with great ideas, grades become secondary.
- Students who preform less capable in curriculums always tend to establish their own business in their field and be the manager who hire qualified people work for them.

However, for the sake of employment, some people support such opinion that educational institutions should talk students out of the fields they are less qualified for. Actually jobs should not be a consideration in this issue. And their assumption is subjectively from themselves. They hold the impression that companies prefer students who did well in their study. The higher rank they are the easier to get a job. But some employers are cline to have potential employees. Such as google they sometimes hire people with great idea but may not studies well in school. Also, a contract is not necessary to be the only choice for work. Some students who showed less talent in his field usually showed a great ability to manage his field. They tend to start their own company and hire qualified people to work for them. So educational institution should not dissuade students from their field only because of bad grades.

To sum up, educational students should just focus on providing education but never prevent students from chasing their dreams in some fields, even though it seems unsuitable for them .  

黄色为回应题目关键词 红色为有疑问的表达
原题:College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.
To start with, admittedly, the goals of studying is mostly finding a job after graduation.

However, few instances like that and choosing a field to study can’t be just narrow down at what jobs there are in society.

Finally, it would be meaningless if you are not interested in your study even through there are tons of opportunities available. Interests will be a best teacher for you study and job opportunity is not constant.
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国产耗子 + 1 加油!

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发表于 2017-9-9 11:16:23 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 国产耗子 于 2017-9-9 11:22 编辑

20/32/39/98/129/136  College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

Going to college is a very important timing in people’s life, because it is a start for our career. Thus, students should be serious about how to choose their field of study in college. This statement claim that college students had better to base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field. I’m not really agree with that because a lot of aspects should be considered such as students’ interests, the development trend of that field.

To start with, admittedly, the goals of studying is mostly finding a job after graduation.
-e.g. brother

To start with, admittedly, the goals of studying is mostly finding a job after graduation. It is reasonable to search some information about the availability of jobs in that field in which students want to study. It is not easy to argue when people don’t want to choose a field because of there are not such many job opportunities for them. My brother change his field to another major because he has to make a living. With his own study major, he can’t find even a basic job.

However, few instances like that and choosing a field to study can’t be just narrow down at what jobs there are in society.
·electrical books

However, few instances like that and choosing a field to study can’t be just narrow down at what jobs there are in society. What we need to do is be imaginary and broaden our mind. As society developing faster than we thought, situation and the job opportunities change dramatically. For instance, when it comes to the Internet, the job environment changes a dramatically. The number of newspaper and bookstore decreased, and the people who work for them are fewer and fewer. Does it mean people who liking writing would lose their job? Not at all. The electrical bookstores come out and people can even read electrical newspapers with their smart phone. Several people can change their job from corporeally to virtually. What I’m saying is, people who choose literature field they want to study would not be changed by the availability of jobs.

Finally, it would be meaningless if you are not interested in your study even through there are tons of opportunities available. Interests will be a best teacher for you study and job opportunity is not constant.

Finally, it would be meaningless if you are not interested in your study even though there are tons of opportunities available. Interests will be the best teacher for your study and job opportunity is not constant. Take myself as an example, I spent 6 years to study construction management with the original motivation that jobs are easy to hunt in the construction field. However, after I graduated and find a job easily, I find out it is really tortuous to do something that you do not really enjoy. So I reconsider about my career and make a new choice which is based on the availability of jobs in that area but the choice from my heart - to be a doctor.

To conclude, even though we should think about the availability job in the field your study, it should not be the only reason to choose your major. Still, you should consider what your interests are and the development trend in that career track.

前两主题句都有很好的回应题目(第三句 不知算不算回应,是否可以有一句概括性的句子作为主题句
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2016 US-applicant 新任版主

发表于 2018-4-19 10:44:25 |只看该作者

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