" it has the best statistics faculties in the Europe. Anotherreason is that KU Leuven has a unique and fairer testing system for final exams,oral and written exams mixed together, which nowhere else has."
I believe courses like Statistics for Financeand Insurance, Data Mining and Neural Networks and Statistical Analysis ofReliability and Survival Data will be of great help to my objective.
1、After taking part in Econometrics last semester, however, I find it useful and helpful statistics in our life.
find it 后面是???it? statistic?宾语很混乱请检查
以及take part in一般是用来讲活动,participate也是
时态上find建议改完成时have found,表示影响到现在之类的,可能更有连续性一点
I am studying Information and Computational Science at XYZ University at present.
两个at连在一起读起来怪怪的,建议at present用同义词替换
Currently I am studying Multivariate Statistics, Regression Analysis and Python by myself to enhance my knowledge in statistics.
我猜你是想说这些也是你的strong background in mathematics
句式上, I开头的一些句子可以适当替换一下,还有楼上朋友提到的has,表达可以丰富一点
I have chosen to apply for KU Leuven, because I really like its education equality, especially in statistics.
The statistics program of KU Leuven appeals over (some other programs) because it specifically emphasizes/because of its high education quality……and I am drawn to
比如Thank to courses such as Mathematical Analysis明显应是thanks to
为了向对方表示自己有好好了解他们的课程的话,为什么不插个comprehensive curriculum之类的词来夸一下对方呢
I believe it will be of great help to my objective to study courses like Statistics for Finance and Insurance, Data Mining and Neural Networks and Statistical Analysis of Reliability and Survival Data.
这一两段你的develop明显有问题,轻重渐进地不太对,education equality和a unique and fairer testing system这些学校的东西完全应该放在一起讲,反而是具体的课程设置对你的未来有帮助,才应该作过渡,放在后面讲一大段,讲成most importantly之类的
比如你要是说I believe it will pave the way for my ambition of becoming a PhD candidate in the field of microeconomics,还一下子就可以省掉好几个句子,前后联系都清晰具体很多,不会绕来绕去的