12月16号拿到了港大MAES(MA in English Studies)的口头OFFER,是这样写的:
Thank you very much for your interest in the Masters of Arts in English Studies Programme at The University of Hong Kong for the Fall of 2021. We were impressed with your application and your strong interest in pursuing your studies with us, and the admissions committee would like to extend you a conditional offer to our full-time programme, dependent on the receipt of your graduation certificate later on in the term, a copy of which can be emailed to Ms Connie Kong at ckconnie@hku.hk. A conditional offer will be sent in a few weeks from Faculty, which can be used to apply for a student visa if needed, but I wanted to let you know sooner so that you can start to make your plans for next year.
In the meantime, if you can give us an indication of whether you would like to join the MA programme, I will preliminarily hold a spot for you. If you have any questions about the programme or studying at HKU, please do not hesitate to contact me. We hope that you will choose to join us the next academic year and look forward to welcoming you to the School of English.