本帖最后由 YsL137 于 2022-4-29 17:16 编辑
There will be a PhD opening (SINGA PhD scholarship) for 2022 August / 2023 January intake in Prof. Ran Ni group in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. The deadline is May 8th. This opening is for students who obtained their first degrees from non-traditional countries, i.e., Europe, America, Africa, Middle East, and Asia (except China, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan). To check your eligibility, please contact r.ni@ntu.edu.sg. Our group focuses on theoretical soft matter physics using numerical techniques, e.g. Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics, Brownian dynamics simulations, etc., and theoretical techniques, e.g. (dynamic) mean-field theories and linear response theories, etc. The projects we are working on now span from the programable assembly of DNA coated building blocks to the non-equilibrium dynamic assembly of active colloids and various phase transitions in 2D systems and self-assembly of biomimetic systems as well as deep learning assisted computational physics. For details, please contact email: r.ni@ntu.edu.sg or check the website: https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/r.ni We are looking for highly motivated candidates, and we will offer internationally competitive remuneration and a multidisciplinary research environment. To apply, please send your CV and a short description of yourself to r.ni@ntu.edu.sg. The candidate applying for the PhD position should have a bachelor/master degree in a related field by the beginning of the PhD study. The related fields would be physics, chemistry, materials, chemical engineering, (computational) mathematics, etc. There is no requirement for TOEFL or GRE for SINGA applicants. Monthly PhD salary in NTU is (tax free): 2200 SGD (before qualify exam), and 2700 SGD (after qualify exam)