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[学校专业] SUTD-VLG 实验室招人(PhD和RA) [复制链接]

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发表于 2023-2-11 20:46:42 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

新加坡科技设计大学(Singapore University of Technology and Design,SUTD,新科大)刘俊教授带领的SUTD-VLG 科研小组招聘若干计算机视觉和机器学习相关方向博士生和科研助理。

Join the cutting-edge research in SUTD-VLG (the Computer Vision and Learning Group at the Singapore University of Technology and Design)!

We are seeking highly motivated and talented PhD students and Research Staff to join our research group in the field of computer vision and machine learning.


If interested, please send your CV to jun_liu@sutd.edu.sg

About Prof Liu Jun

Jun Liu received his PhD degree from Nanyang Technological University (NTU). His research interests lie in human activity analysis, video understanding, computer vision, and machine learning. He is a young and influential assistant professor in SUTD with over 8,000 Google Scholar citations and field-famous human activity understanding datasets such as NTU RGB+D and UAV-Human. His works have been published in premier computer vision journals and conferences, including TPAMI, CVPR, ICCV, and ECCV. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, and Area Chair of ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, and WACV in 2022 and 2023. Prof Liu Jun has a rank in the top 0.5% in the field of Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing (excluding self-citations) according to the database by Stanford University and Elsevier BV in 2022. https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/4

刘俊教授在南洋理工大学获得博士学位。他的研究兴趣包括人类动作/行为分析、视频理解、计算机视觉和基础机器学习。他是一位年轻有影响力的科研工作者,拥有超过8000次谷歌学术引用,并发布了领域内著名的行为理解数据集(如NTU RGB-D、UAV-Human)。他的论文发表在顶级计算机视觉期刊和会议上(TPAMI、CVPR、ICCV、ECCV 等)。他在近几年持续担任机器学习三大顶级会议(ICML,ICLR,NeurIPS )的领域主席,同时也担任领域内多个学术期刊(如TIP、TBIOM )的编辑。根据斯坦福大学和Elsevier的数据库,刘俊教授在人工智能和图像处理领域排名全球前0.5%。https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/4

About SUTD Computer Vision and Learning Group (SUTD-VLG)

Recent research focuses within the SUTD-VLG include Diffusion Models, 2D/3D Pose Estimation, Vision and Language Models, Self-Supervision, Meta-Learning etc. The research direction of the group is diverse, the topics are flexible and broad, and the research atmosphere encourages discussion and collaboration. Therefore, we welcome all kinds of applicants with the same or different research experience.

SUTD-VLG is one of the leading computer vision research groups in Singapore. Currently, there are ~10 PhD students and ~10 research staff in SUTD-VLG, all with diverse strong backgrounds. Our group focuses on publishing in top-tier conferences and journals, in CV (CVPR, ICCV, ECCV), ML (ICML, ICLR, NeurIPS), and TPAMI. SUTD-VLG has ample funding sources to provide cutting-edge equipment and various research collaboration opportunities. VLG’s research has been proudly funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore, AI Singapore (AISG), Ministry of Education (MOE) Singapore, Hyundai, Adobe, etc. We will provide you with team-level easy-to-access GPU workstations (RTX 3090s/4090s/A5000s), school-level on-demand GPU clusters (DGX V100s/A100s), and any flexible cloud GPU resources to supercharge your research.

近期组内的研究重点包括扩散模型(Diffusion Models)、二维/三维姿态估计(2D/3D Pose Estimation)、多模态(Vision and Language Models)、自监督学习(Self-supervision)、元学习(Meta Learning)等。组内的研究方向多元化,课题灵活,组内研究氛围轻松并充分鼓励讨论与合作。所以非常欢迎各类有过相同或不同研究经验的申请者。

SUTD-VLG 是一个领先的计算机视觉和机器学习研究实验室。我们目前有大约10名博士生和大约10名研究人员,他们有不同的、优秀的背景。我们实验室主要专注于在顶级会议和顶级期刊上发表文章,包括计算机视觉领域内的 CVPR、ICCV、ECCV,机器学习领域内的 ICML、ICLR、NeurIPS,以及计算机领域顶刊 TPAMI。SUTD-VLG 有充足的经费来源,提供一流的计算设备和各种研究合作机会。我们的研究得到了新加坡国家研究基金会(NRF)、新加坡人工智能项目(AISG)、新加坡教育部(MOE)、韩国现代公司、Adobe公司等的持续资助。我们科研小组计算资源丰富,拥有组内独占的多卡多机的GPU工作站(RTX 3090/4090/A5000),学校也提供大型GPU集群(DGX V100、A100),并且我们提供灵活的云端GPU计算资源。

About SUTD

SUTD is the fourth autonomous university in Singapore, established by the Ministry of Education, in partnership with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Zhejiang University, focusing on design, research and innovation. The founding president is Professor Thomas L. Magnanti, Dean of MIT's School of Engineering. SUTD is a research-intensive university established in 2009. Despite being young and small-scale, it has made a significant global impact on research and engineering education. SUTD is the top-1 emerging engineering school in the world (according to “The global state of the art in engineering education”, a study commissioned by MIT). SUTD is also ranked as the fifth-most influential scientific research institution in telecommunications, based on the citation impact of research papers (according to “The State of Innovation Report 2017” by Clarivate Analytics).

SUTD是新加坡教育部与麻省理工学院(MIT)和浙江大学合作成立的第四所公立大学,专注于设计、研究和创新。创始校长是麻省理工学院工程学院院长Thomas L. Magnanti 教授。SUTD是一所研究型大学,成立于2009年。尽管年轻,规模小,但它在研究和工程教育方面已经产生了重大的全球影响。SUTD是世界上排名第一的新兴工程学院(根据麻省理工学院委托的 "全球工程教育现状 "的研究)。根据研究论文的引用影响,SUTD也被列为电信领域第五大最具影响力的科研机构(根据Clarivate Analytics的《2017年创新状况报告》)。

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