会议名称:2nd International Conference on Computer Technology and Information Science 会议时间:2024年6月21-23日 会议地点:中国鄂尔多斯 会议官网:http://www.icctis.org/DefaultCn.aspx 出版检索:往届会议论文集均已完成 IOP-JPCS 出版 和 EI Compendex、Scopus 检索!
会议简介: CTIS会议致力于为来自世界各地的学者、专家和研究人员提供专业的学术交流平台。通过学者间的交流和探讨,开启新的研究思路,建立同行学者间的联系,以寻求更多的合作机会。CTIS会议包括主题报告、口头和海报展示等多个环节,围绕计算机技术与信息科学领域里最新科研和实践过程中遇到的新挑战和问题进行深入探讨。本次会议征集高质量的原创稿件,所有提交本会议的论文需为大会领域相关的原创文章,并都将由至少2-3位审稿专家进行同行评审,并根据内容的原创性、技术和研究内容/深度、正确性、与会议的相关性、贡献和可读性进行评价。
CTIS2023于线上顺利召开,获得众多学者对会议的支持,如IEEE会士Yingxu Wang教授、Maode MA教授、Constantin Morarescu教授、Shancheng Zhao教授等数十位学者做精彩的主题报告。
Keynote Speakers Professor Jun Wang 香港城市大学 Professor Yong Yue 西交利物浦大学 Professor Rajanikanth Aluvalu 印度柴坦尼亚巴拉蒂理工学院 Prof. Yousef FARHAOUI 摩洛哥穆莱伊斯梅尔大学 Assoc. Prof Selvakumar Manickam 马来西亚理科大学
Conference Chair Prof. Pascal Lorenz University of Haute Alsace, France
Conference Co-chair Prof. Dunhui Xiao School of Mathematical Sciences, Tongji University, China
Publicity Chair Assoc. Prof. Lei Chen Shandong University, China
征稿领域 包括但不限于: Quantum Information: Quantum Communication, Quantum Computing, Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms, Quantum Computers Information and Communication Technology: Communication and Information Systems, Wireless Communication and Data Transmission, Switching and Broadband Networks, Array Signal Processing, Satellite Communication, Signal and Information Processing, Multimedia and Image Processing, Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Optimization Algorithms and High-Performance Computing: Optimization Algorithms, Parallel Computing, Distributed Computing, Cluster Computing, Grid Computing, Cloud Computing Computer Modeling and Simulation
分会征集: CTIS2024 welcomes articles and presentations in the areas of Quantum Information, Information and Communication Technology, Optimization Algorithms and High-Performance, Computing Computer Modeling and Simulation. The conference particularly invites and encourages prospective authors to share their recent research work, findings, perspectives, and developments related to the above-mentioned topics.
Interested organizers are invited to submit workshop proposals for half-day sessions in the topic areas listed in call for Papers of the conference. The proposal for a workshop should include the following items:
Title Abstract Organizers A list of potential contributing authors with their affiliations, contact e-mails, and presentation titles (optional)
联系方式 Conference Secretary: Ms. Zhang Email: info@icctis.org Tel / WeChat: 15697142092 QQ: 1829609798