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[i习作temp] issue 218 同主题(改) 斑竹可否给总结一下呢 辛苦了 谢谢 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-4-12 20:06:11 |只看该作者

issue 218 同主题(改) 斑竹可否给总结一下呢 辛苦了 谢谢

218"In order for any work of art—whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people."

Is there a benchmark for works of art, which is per se hard to evaluate? Does a work of art that one person appreciate so much have less value than another work that two persons give a high opinion to? By the some token, is the view of the majority of people matters more than that of the minority? At least, I do not think so.

To begin with, it is true that the more people enjoy a certain work of art, the bigger influence the work will have. The Hollywood commercial movies, for example, almost enjoy the market every time, and they, of course, have their own merits that interest people and, in some sense, influence the way they think, even the way they live. And people, every so often, even accept those influences cheerfully; therefore their influences have correspondingly more power.  

Although works of art that are understandable and favored by most people have merits of their own, merits of those works less understandable do exist. Since there is even no certain criterion that can rightly assess the value of all works of art, one can never give an absolutely accurate judgment of them. The works of Picasso, which were given the high assessment immediately after they were worked out, have been acknowledged to be much more abstract and sometimes even confusing than most of other works of art. Of course, they are not understandable to most people. As a matter of fact, even the artists in artistic circle cannot fully comprehend what the real meaning of those works. After all, art is something you cannot fully grasp and it is because of this and the pleasures, the sorrow, even the pain coming into being in the process of pursuing it that give the reason why art is permanent. The works of Picasso, however, enjoyed so great a success that it is said with little seriousness that when he was in his old age, the price of his works was so high that even he himself could not afford one. People love his works and his works do have merits, though most people do not, every so often, understand what those works really mean.

There are still many works of art were not fortunate as Picasso’s, though they might just as not understandable as Picasso’s. Van Gogh, for instance, was an unfortunate artist, at least when he was alive. The prices of his works are now mounting to astronomical figures; however, the value was not understood by his contemporaries. Can we say that his works have no merit in his living time and then, suddenly, the value of them was appreciated overnight? Of course, the answer is no. Whether his works were not understandable or were just not understood in that time, what we can be sure is that his works indeed have merit.

To sum up, whether works of art have merit should only be judged in art's eye, for art's sake, rather than the understandability of them to people, even most people.        
总感觉时间不够  sigh
You will never know me more than what I let you know.^_^

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-4-12 22:07:25 |只看该作者
218"In order for any work of art—whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people."

Is there a benchmark for works of art, which is per se(什么意思,没有看懂) hard to evaluate? Does a work of art that one person appreciate so much have less value than another work that two persons give a high opinion to? By the some token, is the view of the majority of people matters more than that of the minority? At least, I do not think so. (三个疑问句开头,感觉有一个递进的关系,我的开头一向很平庸,所以我也不知道这样的开头是否合适)

To begin with, it is true that the more people enjoy a certain work of art, the bigger influence the work will have. The Hollywood commercial movies, for example, almost enjoy(enjoy??) the market every time, and they, of course,(which 用定语从句连接好一些吧) have their own merits that interest people and, in some sense, influence the way they think, even the way they live. And people, every so often, even accept those influences cheerfully; therefore their influences have correspondingly more power.

(加一个however吧)Although works of art that are understandable and favored by most people have merits of their own, merits of those works less understandable do exist. Since there is even no certain criterion that can rightly assess the value of all works of art, one can never give an absolutely accurate judgment of them. The works of Picasso, which were given the high assessment immediately after they were worked out, have been acknowledged to be much more abstract and sometimes even (more confused)confusing than most of other works of art. Of course, they are not understandable to most people. As a matter of fact, even the artists in artistic circle cannot fully comprehend what the real meaning of those works. After all, art is something you cannot fully grasp and it is because of this and the pleasures, the sorrow, even the pain coming into being in the process of pursuing it that give the reason why art is permanent(这句话好绕啊^_^). The works of Picasso, however, enjoyed so great a (such a great)success that it is said with little seriousness that when he was in his old age, the price of his works was so high that even he himself could not afford one. People love his works and his works do have merits(People gradually realize the merits of Picasso’s artworks), though most people do not, every so often, understand what those works really mean. (你的长句好多啊,很多话有点绕,感觉有的时候表达可以更简练一些。对例子分析的比较多,论证的也比较充分,但是读起来感觉有些乱)

There are still many works of art (which) were not (as) fortunate as Picasso’s, though they might just as not understandable as Picasso’s. Van Gogh, for instance, was an unfortunate artist, at least when he was alive. The prices of his works are now mounting to astronomical figures; however, the value was not understood by his contemporaries. Can we say that his works have no merit in his living time and then, suddenly, the value of them was appreciated overnight? Of course, the answer is no. Whether his works were not understandable or were just not understood in that time, what we can be sure is that his works indeed have merit.(这一段写的不好,没有很好的论证主题,凡高的例子能否从这个方面来论证,伟大的艺术作品的价值可能无法被同时代的人们所理解)

To sum up, whether works of art have merit should only be judged in art's eye, for art's sake, rather than the understandability of them to people, even most people.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-4-12 23:16:05 |只看该作者


per se 是本质上 从其本身来看的意思
You will never know me more than what I let you know.^_^

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issue 218 同主题(改) 斑竹可否给总结一下呢 辛苦了 谢谢
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