"Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators."
6G的高频题 本来打算写的 但是后来去新东方上课的20天里一篇也没有写(8。2号结的课) 我想说的是 去上课期间一篇也没有写 是我最后悔的事情了 因为本来写了7,8篇的高频,挺有感觉的,这个20天没有写后,8月3号再开始练习 已经全然没有感觉了 大家作文要坚持写 不要因为什么事情就耽搁了 我就是教训 今天写的肯定是不如平时 本来我不是一个怯场的人
"The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
也是6G的高频题 我原来写过的 但是没有选这个题 不知道当时自己怎么想的 也可能是在上GRE班之前写的 考场上全无印象了 刚才把习作找出来看了一样 写得也不怎么样 但是肯定比我考场上那一篇要好。
一般来说 修锐老师总结了几种ISSUE题目的论证思路 有 因果型,有问题解决型,有结论型,有比较型,我自己觉得比较擅长于写问题解决型,就是One Solution+ Other Solutions,我把154看作问题解决型来写了,后来翻看修锐的归类竟是 因果型。
"The marine sanctuary on Tria Island was established to protect certain marine mammals. Its regulations ban dumping and offshore oil drilling within 20 miles of Tria, but fishing is not banned. Currently many fish populations in Tria's waters are declining, a situation blamed on pollution. In contrast, the marine sanctuary on Omni Island has regulations that ban dumping, offshore oil drilling, and fishing within 10 miles of Omni and Omni reports no significant decline in its fish populations. Clearly, the decline in fish populations in Tria's waters is the result of overfishing, not pollution. Therefore, the best way to restore Tria's fish populations and to protect all of Tria's marine wildlife is to abandon our regulations and adopt those of Omni."