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[i习作temp] issue35G-89-互助社-8.18日同主题写作 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-8-18 17:32:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
35"No matter what the situation, it is more harmful to compromise one's beliefs than to adhere to them."
In the era of worshiping compromise, mediocrity becomes the academic standard and the loyalty to one's belief tends towards some unreasonable and rare virtue, which is so precious and crucial for our progress and self-satisfaction. Moreover, the proposition that "no matter what the situation" induces the illusion that compromise is superior to adherence in any situation. Yet almost any absolution will end in failure.

"Plato is dear to me, but the dearer still truth", as Aristotle, ancient Greek philosopher said, adhering to one's beliefs rather than compromise to some authorities would lead us to the ultimate truth. Take the case of Bruno in point, he refused to agree with the prevailing seemly plausible truth-the earth centered theory, but stick to his own belief that the earth circuits the sun in a certain manner. As the great power of the authorities, Bruno devoted his life to his own belief. This challenge to compromise, which brought us further understanding of the universe and correct our misunderstanding with popularity for centuries, will not occur unless Bruno have not adhere to his own beliefs. Also, there are many other similar cases when some new theory was born, because the conflict between the old and the new are inevitable before convincing general public that the new theory is a progress. In this situation, adherence is of alarming importance than compromise.

Even without some new theory or discovery, the more general case about harmless adherence to one's belief should be encouraged and respected though these beliefs are not correct or reasonable in the view of others. Muslim, Christian, and catholic are belonged to different religious groups, and each of them holds his own beliefs. We have no standard for them to decide which one is better than others, but as the proposed argument, "No matter what the situation, it is more harmful to compromise one's beliefs than to adhere to them", two serious consequences would ensure thereof. On the first place, people will be confused with their beliefs, which contrasted the central law of any religious, the loyalty, and they may lose themselves in the middle of nowhere since their spiritual beliefs once endow them with great self-satisfaction disappeared. On the other hand, unnecessary conflicts between different religious groups will be inevitable because all of them want to survive in the compromise war.  In this sense, respect for others and adherence to one's beliefs are essential ingredient in the recipe for harmony.

However, blind faith in one's own beliefs will end in hatred, narrow-mind, and even catastrophe. Hitler, who extremely believed that the Jew are inferior nation in the world and devoted himself to violence and killing, brought the most severe tragedy in our history---the world war two and most cruel holocaust to the human being. And when people devoted themselves too much in the fundamentalism in late 19th century, a kind of human fierce existed in other religions and culture. In Israel, the terrorist incident that assassinated Rabin several years ago is the crime that Judaism taught the fundamentalism. Also The extremist of Sikhism and bloody Thaimil and Elam Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka are persons who believe in fundamentalism and killing for " faith ". These fanatic beliefs will do harm to us.

Therefore, we should face our beliefs with an open mind, the once correct theory may turn into false one as time passing by, the currently right solution may not meet tomorrow needs. Adding some fresh meaning for every new social situation to our belief, and then we should adherent to our beliefs rationally.

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