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[i习作temp] issue41 v6 8.18 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-8-19 02:21:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
41"Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."

0:52 2005-8-19
Although I agree that nonmainstream areas could satisfy some people's needs, they are not positive, not to mention vital, to the society for the reason that nonmainstream areas are not truly reflect the reality at all but only pours out many ideas from empirical life.

Admittedly, in ancient times, when science was not full-fledged enough, therefore mostly could not explain various kinds of puzzled natural phenomenon, people turned to other areas to seek reasonable explanation to satisfy their curiosity, while the inquiry as astrology and fortune telling fitted them and rendered the reasons to psychic and paranormal aspects.  
It is well-known that our predecessors often counted on astrology to predict what would happen in future. For instance, when one comet, later named as Halley Comet, firstly appeared in the night, most people who had seen the scene immediately announced that something horrible would soon happen and started to worry about their life all day. From this point of view, the so-called nonmainstream areas indeed satisfied people's needs specifically as the curiosity because it was the only area in ancient time people could turn to.

Even gradually numerous unclear things have been explained successful by modern science, there are still many people who resort to those fields as the astrology and so on. In my opinion, it is because these people have not received education concerning about that. Evidently, a scientist would not accept those predictions or other assertions from nonmainstream areas.

However, the function of nonmainstream areas to satisfy people's needs actually imposes harmful effects on the society's healthy development or at least gives no positive influence. On the personal level, some parents without science knowledge informed would most likely to believe the predictor in nonmainstream areas about their children's future, sometimes resulting in counterproductive effects. Consider, the chiromancer presumably announced that that child would be a great football athlete. The parents may blindly follow his instruction and forced the child to sport areas, while the child’s physical condition is not appropriate for sports at all. The result could be incredible. It is evident that such nonmainstream areas to some extent undermine people’s normal life.

On the national level, a nation obsessed in such nonmainstream areas could bring tremendous detriment to the whole society in contrasting to personal damages. We all know that in some ancient countries, the monarch strongly believed the astrology and even relied on them to decide the important policies. For example, many monarchs in ancient China accumulated astrologists into royal court to make predictions about whether the so-called agricultural god would endow rain to his citizens in future, paying no attention the fact that most people were suffering from the drought have died of no necessary food aids. Examples above well demonstrated the great damage from the astrology.

Finally, although the advanced sciences have explained many puzzles, whether most of people have received such relevant education is the crust for solving problems in the long run. Nonetheless, people would eventually choose the science but not nonmainstream areas because time could verify everything. For instance, although some astrologist predicts that 2000 is the doomsday of human society, in fact it is not, or else why we still here today.

In conclusion, with the thrusting development of science, gradually more unknown natural world will be presented in front of us and satisfy our curiosity truly, therefore improve the human world.

1:45 2005-8-19

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