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[i习作temp] issue43 G89 模考~~居然走神了。狠狠拍吧 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-19 11:25:31 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 43
To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.
50’   622

What is an effective leader? What quality should they have? It is a hard topic that no one can make out any sure answer. To be an effective leader, maintaining the highest ethical and moral standards, as the speaker asserts, is really important. However, it is not the only condition for an effective leader and we cannot examine one only by those standards. Moreover, there are many other conditions that a public official must possess if he wants to be an effective one.

I concede that the ethical and moral standards are important to the public officials. First, in the politic fields, the official who possesses high ethical and moral standards would be admired by others, and they would willingly to work for him more effective. With the increase in the prestige of the leader, policies and works would be done more effective. Maintain the highest ethical and moral standards can be the most attractive condition for people to vote and stand by his side. Second, the leader who possesses those high qualities would surely influence not only other officials but also peoples in his country. This is really a significant function. With improving ethical and moral standards in the society, all aspects of the country would develop better, more wealth would be created and the quality of the life-standards will be increased that more and more people would feel happy. Those improvements would not only change the society the leader in, but also give positive impacts on the whole world. There would be less cheating, less stealing, and so on. This is the situation that all people want.

However, we cannot come to the conclusion that people who is not maintaining the highest ethical and moral standards are not an effective leader. No one can make sure that he would not make some mere mistakes; even he is a famous and have high prestige around the world. Just from the study of human beings, there was no evidence can prove that there have been anyone did not make any mistakes in ethical and moral areas. We cannot refute the leader's contributions and effective actions by only a small mistake. For example, Bill Clinton, once the leader of the America, suffered a sex scandal.  He was really doing wrong in it, however, the contributions made by him in the economy aspect in America cannot be washed away; and till now, no one would refute that he was an effective leader who led the Americans to a better world. There are also many people among the world admire him and view him as a successful leader.

Moreover, to be an effective leader, only maintain the highest ethical and moral standards is not enough. When facing a problem, he should have outstanding intellects and individual views to make out a solution quickly. No country want a leader who only know to talk about ethical and moral standards everyday and have no ideas to make a plan. Moreover, besides individual abilities, the leader should have the ability of cohesion that can gather other peoples' abilities together to carry out the solution quickly. A leader is to be a leader only when he has some people to lead. The two conditions are the basic ones that an effective leader should have.

To sum up, to be an effective leader, a public official must possess at least two more conditions that are personal abilities and the ability of cohesion, besides the condition-maintain the highest ethical and moral standards-the speaker only said. Moreover, we cannot conclude whether a leader is an effective one or not only by viewing whether he maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-19 11:49:29 |只看该作者
However, we cannot come to the conclusion that people who is(are) not maintaining the highest ethical and moral standards are not an effective leader. No one can make sure that he would not make some mere mistakes; even he is a famous and have high prestige around the world. Just from the study of human beings, there was(there was去掉) no evidence can prove that there have been anyone (who) did not make any mistakes in ethical and moral areas. We cannot refute the leader's contributions and effective actions by only a small mistake. For example, Bill Clinton, once the leader of the America, suffered (from) a sex(sexual吧?) scandal.  He was really doing wrong in it, however, the contributions made by him in(on?) the economy(economic) aspect in America cannot be washed away; and till now, no one would refute that he was an effective leader who led the Americans to a better world. There are(there are 去掉!!) also many people among the world admire him and view him as a successful leader.

There be 句型很有问题,竟然全错了...:L

[ Last edited by Autumnsea on 2005-8-19 at 11:51 ]

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issue43 G89 模考~~居然走神了。狠狠拍吧
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