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issue47 G-89-互助社-25日 (已用WORD修改红绿线,高频,请各位高手拍砖、交流) [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-8-25 18:11:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue47  第45篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:fantasia     共用时间:45分0秒     640 words
Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect—that is, on reasoning and other cognitive skills.
As the trend of society and culture fluxes and ebbs in its specific periodicity and yet proceeds in its accelerating and eternal velocity, the function of intellect and the function of non-intellect elements are receiving more and more debate. Though whether the society does place much or little emphasis on reasoning and other cognitive skills is still controversial, to simply assert that society does not place enough emphasis on them is oversimplifying this problem. As a matter of fact, the answer to the question differs according to diverse times, separate religions as well as divergent phases of individuals and so forth.

To approach the solution without gradually, what is to be explored first is the reason why society put emphasis on something but not other things. Naturally, a society, just like a person, calls for an item when it is in need of it. In other words, it is the need that imposes consequence on certain items, such as intellect or any other terms. Therefore, in accordance to which the need changes just constitutes the answer to the question why an emphasis changes. That includes times, religion, phase and trend.

More precisely, take China for example. On the one hand, when children are studying in primary or middle schools, teachers and parents tends to emphasize intellect, which contributes to cleverness, memory, and other subject aspects. For the majority of families, parents regard the intellect of their children of paramount importance, even sometimes at the cost of other non-intellect factors such as ambition, persistence, enthusiasm, or even honesty, etc. To makes the situation worse, a large scale of population even equalize intellect with high marks in tests. On the other hand, when students advance to high education, not only colleges but also the society are prefer to propagating non-intellect factors rather than accentuating intellect. What is then considered predominant is the so-called "ability"--in all spheres but academy. Once students become an undergraduate, all sorts of teachers, schoolmates come time and time again to "welcome" the newcomers' arrival in such unions as the student union, the badminton union or the dance union. Accompanying with the introduction of these unions, lots of rules relating to the benefits with participating in any unions are exhibited in front of the rolling-in undergraduates. Superficially plausible, the propagation rather than introduction is forcing the students involving in unions in order to train their "ability" of communication or organization at the cost of studying. Substantially, rules regulating the rewards of scholarship in Chinese universities possess a strong propensity of emphasis on participation in after-class activities rather than the core responsibility of students--academy. This inclination is largely undermining the authentic duty of students. On the contrary, students in the USA are always living under the predominance of creativity, which is a part of intellect.

Apart from phases and regions, times and trends also pose great impact on the issue. Decades ago, when IQ was prevailing in China, the whole community was discussing about intellect and thus paying significant attention to the item, educating children according to standards of IQ. Then the time comes when the position of IQ was replaced by EQ, common people again distracted their attention from intellect and then focused on emotion and other non-intellect elements. This very instance illustrates the function of trend as well as times on society. The similar thing is bound to happen elsewhere other than China concerning the similar principle of humanity and society.

In sum, to decide whether society place enough emphasis on the intellect is such an intricate task that instead of formularizing the solution, it necessitates a case-by-case study. Though this would then be a heartbreaking and backbreaking stock for examination, this is essentially affected by distinctive times, regions, trends and phases of human at least.

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