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- 精华
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- 22
GRE Scoring Guide: Present Your
Perspective on an Issue
Score 6
A 6 paper presents a cogent, well-articulated analysis of the
complexities of the issue and conveys meaning skillfully.
A typical paper in this category
• presents an insightful position on the issue
• develops the position with compelling reasons
and/or persuasive examples
• sustains a well-focused, well-organized analysis,
connecting ideas logically
• expresses ideas fluently and precisely, using
effective vocabulary and sentence variety
• demonstrates facility with the conventions (i.e.,
grammar, usage, and mechanics) of standard
written English but may have minor errors
Score 5
A 5 paper presents a generally thoughtful, well-developed
analysis of the complexities of the issue and conveys
meaning clearly.
A typical paper in this category
• presents a well-considered position on the issue
• develops the position with logically sound
reasons and/or well-chosen examples
• is focused and generally well organized,
connecting ideas appropriately
• expresses ideas clearly and well, using appropriate
vocabulary and sentence variety
• demonstrates facility with the conventions of
standard written English but may have minor
Score 4
A 4 paper presents a competent analysis of the issue and
conveys meaning adequately.
A typical paper in this category
• presents a clear position on the issue
• develops the position on the issue with relevant
reasons and/or examples
• is adequately focused and organized
• expresses ideas with reasonable clarity
• generally demonstrates control of the conventions
of standard written English but may have some
Score 3
A 3 paper demonstrates some competence in its analysis of
the issue and in conveying meaning but is obviously flawed.
A typical paper in this category exhibits ONE OR MORE of
the following characteristics:
• is vague or limited in presenting or developing a
position on the issue
• is weak in the use of relevant reasons or examples
• is poorly focused and/or poorly organized
• has problems in language and sentence structure
that result in a lack of clarity
• contains occasional major errors or frequent
minor errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics
that can interfere with meaning
Score 2
A 2 paper demonstrates serious weaknesses in analytical
A typical paper in this category exhibits ONE OR MORE of
the following characteristics:
• is unclear or seriously limited in presenting or
developing a position on the issue
• provides few, if any, relevant reasons or examples
• is unfocused and/or disorganized
• has serious problems in the use of language and
sentence structure that frequently interfere with
• contains serious errors in grammar, usage, or
mechanics that frequently obscure meaning
Score 1
A 1 paper demonstrates fundamental deficiencies in
analytical writing skills.
A typical paper in this category exhibits ONE OR MORE of
the following characteristics:
• provides little or no evidence of the ability to
understand and analyze the issue
• provides little or no evidence of the ability to
develop an organized response
• has severe problems in language and sentence
structure that persistently interfere with meaning
• contains pervasive errors in grammar, usage, or
mechanics that result in incoherence
Score 0
Off topic, in a foreign language, merely copies the topic,
consists of only keystroke characters, or is illegible, blank, or
GRE Scoring Guide: Analyze
an Argument
Score 6
A 6 paper presents a cogent, well-articulated critique of the
argument and conveys meaning skillfully.
A typical paper in this category
• clearly identifies important features of the
argument and analyzes them insightfully
• develops ideas cogently, organizes them logically,
and connects them with clear transitions
• effectively supports the main points of the critique
• demonstrates control of language, including
appropriate word choice and sentence variety
• demonstrates facility with the conventions (i.e.,
grammar, usage, and mechanics) of standard
written English but may have minor errors
Score 5
A 5 paper presents a generally thoughtful, well-developed
critique of the argument and conveys meaning clearly.
A typical paper in this category
• clearly identifies important features of the
argument and analyzes them in a generally
perceptive way
• develops ideas clearly, organizes them logically,
and connects them with appropriate transitions
• sensibly supports the main points of the critique
• demonstrates control of language, including
appropriate word choice and sentence variety
• demonstrates facility with the conventions of
standard written English but may have minor
Score 4
A 4 paper presents a competent critique of the argument and
conveys meaning adequately.
A typical paper in this category
• identifies and analyzes important features of the
• develops and organizes ideas satisfactorily but
may not connect them with transitions
• supports the main points of the critique
• demonstrates sufficient control of language to
express ideas with reasonable clarity
• generally demonstrates control of the conventions
of standard written English but may have some
Score 3
A 3 paper demonstrates some competence in its critique of
the argument and in conveying meaning but is obviously
A typical paper in this category exhibits ONE OR MORE of
the following characteristics:
• does not identify or analyze most of the important
features of the argument, although some analysis
of the argument is present
• mainly analyzes tangential or irrelevant matters,
or reasons poorly
• is limited in the logical development and
organization of ideas
• offers support of little relevance and value for
points of the critique
• lacks clarity in expressing ideas
• contains occasional major errors or frequent
minor errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics that
can interfere with meaning
Score 2
A 2 paper demonstrates serious weaknesses in analytical
A typical paper in this category exhibits ONE OR MORE of
the following characteristics:
• does not present a critique based on logical
analysis, but may instead present the writer's own
views on the subject
• does not develop ideas, or is disorganized and
• provides little, if any, relevant or reasonable
• has serious problems in the use of language and in
sentence structure that frequently interfere with
• contains serious errors in grammar, usage, or
mechanics that frequently obscure meaning
Score 1
A 1 paper demonstrates fundamental deficiencies in both
analysis AND writing .
A typical paper in this category exhibits MORE THAN ONE
of the following characteristics:
• provides little or no evidence of the ability to
understand and analyze the argument
• provides little or no evidence of the ability to
develop an organized response
• has severe problems in language and sentence
structure that persistently interfere with meaning
• contains pervasive errors in grammar, usage, or
mechanics that result in incoherence
Score 0
Off topic, in a foreign language, merely copies the topic,
consists of only keystroke characters, or is illegible, blank, or
Score Level Descriptions
Although the GRE Analytical Writing measure
contains two discrete analytical writing tasks, a
single combined score is reported because it is
more reliable than is a score for either task alone.
The reported score, the average of the scores for
the two tasks, ranges from 0 to 6, in half-point
The statements below describe, for each score
level, the overall quality of analytical writing
demonstrated across both the Issue and
Argument tasks. Because the test assesses
"analytical writing," critical thinking skills (the
ability to reason, assemble evidence to develop a
position, and communicate complex ideas)
weigh more heavily than the writer's control of
fine points of grammar or the mechanics of
writing (e.g., spelling).
SCORES 6 and 5.5 – Sustains insightful, indepth
analysis of complex ideas; develops and
supports main points with logically compelling
reasons and/or highly persuasive examples; is
well focused and well organized; skillfully uses
sentence variety and precise vocabulary to
convey meaning effectively; demonstrates
superior facility with sentence structure and
language usage but may have minor errors that
do not interfere with meaning.
SCORES 5 and 4.5 – Provides generally
thoughtful analysis of complex ideas; develops
and supports main points with logically sound
reasons and/or well-chosen examples; is
generally focused and well organized; uses
sentence variety and vocabulary to convey
meaning clearly; demonstrates good control of
sentence structure and language usage but may
have minor errors that do not interfere with
SCORES 4 and 3.5 – Provides competent
analysis of complex ideas; develops and supports
main points with relevant reasons and/or
examples; is adequately organized; conveys
meaning with reasonable clarity; demonstrates
satisfactory control of sentence structure and
language usage but may have some errors that
affect clarity.
SCORES 3 and 2.5 – Displays some
competence in analytical writing, although the
writing is flawed in at least one of the following
ways: limited analysis or development; weak
organization; weak control of sentence structure
or language usage, with errors that often result in
vagueness or lack of clarity.
SCORES 2 and 1.5 – Displays serious
weaknesses in analytical writing. The writing is
seriously flawed in at least one of the following
ways: serious lack of analysis or development;
lack of organization; serious and frequent
problems in sentence structure or language
usage, with errors that obscure meaning.
SCORES 1 and .5 – Displays fundamental
deficiencies in analytical writing. The writing is
fundamentally flawed in at least one of the
following ways: content that is extremely
confusing or mostly irrelevant to the assigned
tasks; little or no development; severe and
pervasive errors that result in incoherence.
SCORE 0 – The examinee's analytical writing
skills cannot be evaluated because the responses
do not address any part of the assigned tasks, are
merely attempts to copy the assignments, are in a
foreign language, or display only indecipherable
SCORE NS – The examinee produced no text
whatsoever. |