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[i习作temp] ISSUE136 米国有米第八次作业 欢迎狠批 [复制链接]

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荣誉版主 Economist

发表于 2007-1-4 00:00:20 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE136 - "The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare."
WORDS: 570          TIME: 0:54:41          DATE: 2007-1-4

To which extent the statement that the absence of choice is a very, very rare circumstance depends on how choice is defined. Fundamentally, I agree with the speaker that the existence of choice is almost absolute. However, the underlying philosophy of choice is somewhat complicated.

First of all, in an absolute sense, under the governance of physic laws, a person always has choices for things. People in the modern society encounter choices every hour and even every moment. Choices involve whether one should go to college or should enter the labour force, how many hours should be spent on work vis-a-vis leisure, whether to buy a cup of latte or a short black, and so on take place occasional, frequently or daily. It is little exaggerated to say we live by making choices. However, one may argue that, except in cases like we can not avoid the final dead, which a natural law, human still so time have no choice to do something. For example, an adult may argue that he/her has no choice but work. However, this is no completely true. One may still have the option to not work, relying on family subsidy or public welfare, and the accompanied lower social status, or even the hunger and dead from hunger. Though there are rare people who are sound but choose not to work and suffer hunger to dead, it can be an option anyway.

However, relatively speaking, that whether one feels to have choices or not in a particular circumstance is determined by the system of valuation and belief of this person. One who strongly believe one must highly independent of others may feel that he/her have no choice but work, while another one who believes his has greater pursuit may accept funds from others. For instance, while Karl Marx was completing this book of Theory of Capitalism, he was subsidized by his friends. He may have a choice like this, whether to earned him a living by pursuing an earthly work, or accept the financial help from friends and concentrate on work of creative thought. Hence, in the same circumstance, there can be choice for one person, but none for another as they consider psychologically.

Then, it leads to the question that whether one is able to choose what to believe and valuate, and if so to what extent he/she can. Undoubtedly, human does not have complete ability to choose their belief. Social culture, family background and genetic profile are largely out of control of human. Any there are numerous uncertainties along one's growth. An economic Nobel Prize winner used to say that he never knew he want to be economist until he excel as an economist, to address how fortunate for he to be an economist. Nevertheless, it is implausibly passive to deny the human effort to alter and design their own fates. Given known and unchangeable conditions, human are able to choose the option that, though difficult, helps to expand their pool of options in future. Therefore, if we think of choice as a link of options, rather than many discrete decisions, the absence of choice is even rarer.

In the final analysis, in a broader frame of consideration, where choice is thought as a continuous parameter, I believe that the absence of choice is really rare. People may think of themselves in a position of no choice. However, it is their anterior choices cause their belief of no choice.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-1-7 11:04:56 |只看该作者
To which extent the statement that the absence of choice is a very, very rare circumstance depends on how choice is defined. Fundamentally, I agree with the speaker that the existence of choice is almost absolute. However, the underlying philosophy of choice is somewhat complicated.
First of all, in an absolute sense, under the governance of physic laws, a person always has choices for things. People in the modern society encounter choices every hour and even every moment. Choices involve whether one should go to college or should enter the labor force, how many hours should be spent on work vis-à-vis leisure, whether to buy a cup of latte or a short black, and so on take place occasional, frequently or daily. It is little exaggerated to say we live by making choices. However, one may argue that, except in cases like we can not avoid the final dead, which [is ] a natural law, human still [so time 这是什么意思] have no choice to do something. For example, an adult may argue that he/her has no choice but work. However, this is no completely true. One may still have the option [to not work] – >[not to work], relying on family subsidy or public welfare, and the accompanied lower social status, or even the hunger and [dead 应为death] from [hunger 和前面重复,改starving姣好]. Though there are rare people who are [sound 要表示健康的意思吗? 换个词较好] but choose not to work and suffer hunger [to->until] dead, it can be an option anyway.
However, relatively speaking, that whether one feels to have choices or not in a particular circumstance is determined by the system of valuation and belief of [this person-> him/her]. One who strongly believe one must highly independent of others may feel that [he/her-> he/she] have no choice but work, while another one who believes his [has 一个从句2个动词] greater pursuit may accept funds from others. [这里主语重句太多,看起来不是很舒服]For instance, while Karl Marx was completing this book of Theory of Capitalism, he was subsidized by his friends.[马克思好像只找恩格斯一个人借过钱吧,呵呵``] He may have a choice like this, whether to earn[ed] him a living by pursuing an earthly work[,] or accept the financial help from friends and concentrate on work of creative thought. Hence, in the same circumstance, there can be choice for one person, but [none for another 想表达什么?] as they consider psychologically.
Then, it leads to the question that whether one is able to choose what to believe and valuate, and if so to what extent he/she can. Undoubtedly, human [does->do] not have complete ability to choose their belief. Social culture, family background and genetic profile are largely out of control of human.[ Any ] there are numerous uncertainties along one's growth. An economic Nobel Prize winner used to say that he never knew he want to be economist until he excel as an economist, [这里不连贯,可以把后面这半句提到Nobel prize winner后]to address how fortunate for he to be an economist. Nevertheless, it is implausibly passive to deny the human effort to alter and design their own fates. [Given known ?] and unchangeable conditions, human are able to choose the option that, though difficult, [helps to expand their pool of options in future.] –> [help them expanding their pool of options in future.] Therefore, if we [think-> consider] [of-> a] choice as a link of options, rather than many discrete decisions, the absence of choice is even rarer.
In the final analysis, in a broader frame of consideration, where choice is thought as a continuous parameter, I believe that the absence of choice is really rare. People may think of themselves in a position of no choice. However, it is their anterior choices cause their belief of no choice.

[ 本帖最后由 Silence0706 于 2007-1-7 11:07 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-1-7 11:08:47 |只看该作者
条理清晰, 要注意从句的应用

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