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[i习作temp] Issue41【0706G-CRUSADE小组】第4次作业 by xixiaiko [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-2-25 01:07:14 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
41"Such non-mainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital rolein society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."

Viewpoint: a historical view, comparable view

1.      Attitude: alternative coming by the development of history
2.      Example of 周易supporting the idea
3.      Analyze to the example
4.      Analyze to the exist inquiries’ form
5.      The alternative of inquiries
6.      Conclusion, restate

1。Divinations for harvest and weather had once played a crucial role in the Shang Dynasty of the ancient China three thousand years ago. Most of the scriptures carved then on the bottom shells of tortoises, known as the earliest character in China, are written to record these divinations. The well-known Biblical character Moses is described in the Scripture as the greatest oracle and spiritual leader among the Jewish people then. However, having such significant meaning at their own age, nowadays these old stories of divinations are more regarded as a phenomenon representing the naïve and primitive feature of the ancient culture in the early history of human beings. Their alternative: Science, Religion, are taking their role as the claim saying --“satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.”

2。Known as one of the greatest works for Confucian, <Chou Yi> is among the Top 6 books as best representing for the Chinese ancient culture. The book was first named <Yi> and created by anonymous authors as a way of foretelling when people suffered a lot from surviving. Thereafter, the book has been developed by the King of Zhou Dynasty by calcus and induction. The book hence became more focused on the rule by which the world works -- nature such as water, air, earth, for etc. Basic necessities of life were no longer a problem then. Later as it came to Confucius, an age when philosophy came forth, it was once again being interpreted and developed to a philosophy level.

3。As these authors all presenting the highest wisdom of their ages, we can see from the development of this subject that people’s attitude towards divination is changing within the development of science and technology. The more human conquered the nature, the less damage can unpredicted disasters cause, thus the less need there is to predict the unknown future which may cause anxiety before. Instead, there raised an increasingly desire of how the world works. Interpreting the nature phenomenon on earth, the subject of Science ever came to its stage. And never since has these so called “non-mainstream areas” overwhelm human’s life that groups of people can’t survive without it.

4。So where have these non-mainstream subject and its believers gone? As to the former ones, some of them remain as symbols which are still being used today. The symbol used in Korean national flag is derived from the first edition of <Zhou Yi>. The widely used “pentacle” was first the symbol for magic used 4000 years ago and once the symbol for cults. Some of them exist mostly as literal form lying in libraries and were being researched by less and less people who are regarded as deviant ones and mostly ill-educated. Some of them, for example the horoscope, is popular for its symbolizing meaning as certain types of characteristic. As we can see, the leftover of these non-mainstream inquiries in modern society has lost its original meaning and being accepted and used by people for other purpose.

5。The alternative for the function of inquiries to interpret the original truth of human beings and the world which, such as the Creation, the Death, for etc, haven’t been addressed by the science, is called Religion today. Religions, such as Christianity, Chatholic, Budism, are still having great influence in today’s society all around the world. However, the existing of religion in modern society is quite different from the primitive ones--inquiries. People distinct these two clearly.

6。In conclusion, such non-mainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal, are having mere influence today in modern societies, especially compared to the influence of Science(both Nature Science and Social Science) and Religion. And it is them who are playing a vital role in society by satisfying human needs objectively and spiritually.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-2-25 15:55:18 |只看该作者

1.   Divinations for harvest and weather had once played a crucial role in the Shang Dynasty of the ancient China three thousand years ago. Most of the scriptures carved then on the bottom shells of tortoises, known as the earliest character in China, are written to record these divinations.(牛~!The well-known Biblical character Moses is described in the Scripture as the greatest oracle and spiritual leader among the Jewish people then.(牛例子~!) However, having such significant meaning at their own age, nowadays these old stories of divinations are more regarded as a phenomenon representing the na&iuml;ve and primitive feature of the ancient culture in the early history of human beings(human being). Their alternative: Science, Religion, are taking their role as the claim saying --“satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.”(好象很牛的句子,只是不太明白…their role指哪个)(开头很有型,6分有戏呵呵,PS: xixiaikoBIBLE有研究,还是已经受过洗了?)
2Known as one of the greatest works for Confucian, <Chou Yi> is among the Top 6 books as best representing for the Chinese ancient culture. The book was first named <Yi> and created by anonymous authors as a way of foretelling when people suffered a lot from surviving(surviving adj.改为survivals). Thereafter, the book has been developed by the King of Zhou Dynasty by calcus(???) and induction. The book hence became more focused on the(natural) rule by which the world works – nature(X) such as water, air, earth, for etc. Basic necessities of life were no longer a problem then( in the book). Later as it came to Confucius, an age when philosophy came forth, it was once again being interpreted and developed to a philosophy(philosophical) level. 3As these authors all presenting the highest wisdom of their ages, we can see from the development of this subject that people’s attitude towards divination is changing within the development of science and technology(within可以表示依靠吗?). The more human conquered the nature, the less damage can unpredicted disasters cause, thus the less need(requires) there is to predict the unknown future which may cause anxiety before(我觉得应该改:which might be full of anxiety of human survivals). Instead, there raised an increasingly desire of how the world works. Interpreting the nature phenomenon on earth, the subject of Science ever came to its stage(). And never since has these so called “non-mainstream areas” overwhelm human’s(human adj.) life that groups of people can’t survive without it (这句话不太懂,解释下吧~我有点晕).

4So where have these non-mainstream subject and its believers gone? As to the former ones, some of them remain as symbols which are still being used today. The symbol used in Korean national flag is derived from the first edition of <Zhou Yi>. The widely used “pentacle” was first the symbol for magic used 4000 years ago and once the symbol for cults. Some of them exist mostly as literal form lying in libraries and were being researched by less and less people who are regarded as deviant ones and mostly ill-educated(有点偏激…). Some of them, for example the horoscope(这样表达没见过the horoscope, for example), is (one of them that is )popular for its symbolizing meaning as certain types of characteristic. As we can see, the leftover (表残余的没用的)of these non-mainstream inquiries in modern society has lost its original meaning and being accepted and used by people for other purpose. 5The alternative for the function of inquiries to interpret the original truth of human beings(为什么加复数) and the world which, such as(换个位置,感觉句子太长了,如果再插入语,有些人可能会误读,比如我-_-!!) the Creation, the Death, for etc, haven’t been addressed by the science,(such as 放这怎样?) is called “Religion” today. Religions, such as Christianity, Catholic, Buddhism, are still having great influence in today’s society all around the world. However, the existing of religion in modern society is quite different from the primitive ones--inquiries. People distinct these two clearly.6In conclusion, such non-mainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal, are having mere influence today in modern societies(表达有点小问题,简单点就好), especially compared to the influence of Science(both Nature Science and Social Science) and Religion. And it is them who are playing a vital role in society by satisfying human needs objectively and spiritually.

感觉你这篇文章的内容与深度^_^!我看了1小时….但是感觉有点脱离题目你的重点是在大方向上通过描述非主流的演化来说明人们对非主流的态度….虽然是大方面,但是你的重点应该是要在细节上来阐述非主流的作用,比如创造和灭亡the Creation, the Death,你有提到他们不能被主流处理,但是读者却不知道非主流是怎么对待的再如何满足人们需求,接着变成religion,那宗教又究竟是怎么处理的,他和人类需求是什么关系? 所以,我觉得你一些influence可以展开举例.
第二段讲述周易,你头两句介绍它,后面突然提升到了非主流变哲学,我看的时候不明白为什么要说这个,直到最后一段, it is them who are playing a vital role in society….所以我觉得你开头要点明下主题-----你是strongly agree?.
最后, 我要说下,就是你这篇应该是以非主流发展至今依然playing a vital role in society. 但是你忽略了原因,也就是satisfy human needs 为什么会让它成为重要角色,所以我觉得应该从这个human needs nonmainstream 如何满足,然后为什么对社会重要...为线索进行论述.


[ 本帖最后由 vanlucker 于 2007-2-25 15:57 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-2-28 23:45:18 |只看该作者
这题还是我的理解有问题, 呵呵~
今天复习的时候想了想,觉得那个非主流的确应该分成pseudoscience和supernatural pursuit两种进行分析

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