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[i习作temp] issue120 vivien 4月作文小组3月28日第二次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-3-29 11:00:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
"Somuch is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of thepast provides little guidance for living in the present."

According to the title of the statement, the speaker assertsthat modern world is a much more complex and new world and studying historyprovides almost no evidence for our modern people. I concede that the modernworld is more complex and newer than the previous world, but I do not agreewith the speaker that studying history provides little guidance for living now.In my opinion, we can find great help from understanding of the past.

To begin with, the world we live now is a much new andcomplex world the previous people had never thought. In the past, people needto move to a place far from them for a long time because they have not fastvehicles. But for our modern people, we can go to almost any place in the worldwithin a short period by plane or some other ways. If you want to go to anotherside of the globe, taking plane only costs you less than 3 hours. Anotherexample is about the way of communication and getting information. Our modernpeople have so much ways to communicate with each other like using telephone,Email, fax and also many ways to get information liking using internet, radio,TV set and so on. We can communicate with almost all the people in any placefast and clearly in the world by these modern communicating tools, and get a largeamount of information from these modern medias. To think about previous people,their ways of communication and getting information is very limited.

Although our modern world is much more advance than previousworld, to studying the experiences of previous people provides much help today.Take Dayu as an example, who lived thousands years ago and is famous for hisskills of controlling flood and his hard working spirit. Dayu did not forbidthe flood but dig several artificial rivers to let the flood flow away fromthese rivers. Now this method is still a effective way to control flood.Besides controlling flood, some teachers use this method to solve some problemsin teaching students. When students indulged in playing computer games,teachers do not just forbid them playing but let them play these games for ashorter time and provide other healthy entertainments to them. This method willprevent students go against teachers. To better access my opinion, we can takethe experience of the second world war as another example. The result of thewar is a great amount of people's death, the stopping of the development ofeconomy and society, many children without parents and so on. After accountingthese negative influence of the war, we modern people will avoid warsespecially the weapons today are more advanced which can make more seriousdamages.

Because our modern world develops very fast that many thingsare not be met by previous people and we do not know which things will occur inthe future, some times studying history provide little guidance in present.Like euthanasia what means that people can choose whether to live or die whenthey suffers serious illness is a new thing has never met by previous people.When we deal with the problem of euthanasia, we can find almost no help fromthe experience in the past. Another example is human clone what is also acomplete new problem, whether we make human clone illegal or not depend on ourown choice without advice from the past. Besides euthanasia and human clone,there are many other things we can not find direct help from studying history,we must deal with these problems according to the condition of the modernworld.

To sum up, from what had been discussed above, we can drawthe conclusion that in our new and complex society, we can find many helpfulexperiences from the understanding of the past. But, we must deal withsomething by ourselves when we meet problems which are never meet before.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-29 13:09:58 |只看该作者
According to the title of the statement, the speaker asserts sthatthat modern world is a much more complex and new world and studying history provides almost is no evidence for our modern people.(其实前面的可以去掉,直接提出观点就好) I concede that the modern world is more complex and newer than the previous world, but I do not agree with the speaker that studying history provides little guidance for living now. In my opinion, we can find great help from understanding of the past.

To begin with, the world we live now is a much new and complex world the previous people had never thought.我认为无需证明过去和现在的差异,这很明显,重点应放在guidence上) In the past, people need to move to a place far from them for a long time because they have not fast vehicles. But for our modern people, we can go to almost any place in the world within a short period by plane or some other ways. If you want to go to another side of the globe, taking plane only costs you less than 3 hours. Another example is about the way of communication and getting information. Our modern people have so much ways to communicate with each other like using telephone, Email, fax and also many ways to get information liking using internet, radio, TV set and so on. We can communicate with almost all the people in any place fast and clearly in the world by these modern communicating tools, and get a large amount of information from these modern medias. To think about previous people, their ways of communication and getting information is very limited.

Although our modern world is much more advance than previous world, to studying the experiences of previous people provides much help today. Take Dayu as an example, who lived thousands years ago and is famous for his skills of controlling flood and his hard working spirit. Dayu did not forbid the flood but dig several artificial rivers to let the flood flow away from these rivers. Now this method is still a effective way to control flood. Besides controlling flood, some teachers use this method to solve some problems in teaching students. When students indulged in playing computer games, teachers do not just forbid them playing but let them play these games for a shorter time and provide other healthy entertainments to them. This method will prevent students go against teachers. To better access my opinion, we can take the experience of the second world war as another example. The result of the war is a great amount of people's death, the stopping of the development of economy and society, many children without parents and so on. After accounting these negative influence of the war, we modern people will avoid wars especially the weapons today are more advanced which can make more serious damages. (这一段论述很充分)

(这里加个however吧,这样更有层次感。)Because our modern world develops very fast that many things are not be met by previous people and we do not know which things will occur in the future, some times studying history provide little guidance in present. Like euthanasia what means that people can choose whether to live or die when they suffers serious illness is a new thing has never met by previous people. When we deal with the problem of euthanasia, we can find almost no help from the experience in the past. Another example is human clone what is also a complete new problem, whether we make human clone illegal or not depend on our own choice without advice from the past. Besides euthanasia and human clone, there are many other things we can not find direct help from studying history, we must deal with these problems according to the condition of the modern world.

To sum up, from what had been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that in our new and complex society, we can find many helpful experiences from the understanding of the past. But, we must deal with something by ourselves when we meet problems which are never meet before.(改为we must deal with problems which we never meet before  by ourselves.)


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