M:Nice to meet you, sir.
V:So your major is EE?
M:Yes,sir. And I am going to pursue a JD's degree in University of XXX.(想继续说,不给机会了)
V:So you are going to study law as a Phd? (这句记不清了,大意就是这样=_=++)
M:No, sir,it's a JD's degree——Juris Doctor, not a Phd.
V:Why do you want to study law?
M:Well, during my study at college, I found ...is very weak in my country, especially in the field of
V:Have you graduated?
M:I've graduated last year.
V:What do you do after your graduation?
M:Because of lacking of legal background, I prepared for entering law school by studying preliminary knowledge and basic theory of law on my own.
V:What do your parents do?
M:My father is ......, and my mother is........
V:What's their salary?
M:Would you like to see the certificates of ....?(想给VO看证件,被打断)
M:My father's annual income is....., and my mother's.......
V:So you will study for 33 months.
V:3 years!(我知道问题来了)
M:But my parents can support me. My father will be my primary sponsor, and my mother will also support me by investing in a house, which costs at least XXX.
M:Sir,would you like to see the bank deposit certificates?
我先把asset list递了进去,然后乘机把两张房产证和资金证明一起递了进去。同时不停跟他解释我爸前年新买了房子之类的......
V突然抬头)So you will sell your house?
M:Sir, the house is not for living, it is a investment. You see, saving is no longer the best way to manage your money(blabla...)
VO一直不回答,我越讲越激动....结果突然一张绿色卡片从天而降,而且YYGG一脸坏笑望着还在唾沫横飞的我,说了句大意是“期待你把钱赚回来”的话Orz 愣了一回儿,我知道自己过了~~