进了使馆,依旧人山人海。看了一下,窗口6到12有VO,HMM在7号窗口。我最后被分在9号窗口,旁边两个窗口都是大水车。尤其是10号窗口的一个男小胖VO,我们签一队,他已经签过了三队,而且没有拒的。8号窗口是一个胖胖的可爱的女VO,感觉她人很好,一直冲签友微笑,不怎么问问题都是粉条。我一直内心祈祷着被分到这两个窗口,但是没有,不过幸好给我签的VO GG也很好(我觉得是全场最帅的一个,嘎嘎~),不是很水,但是非常敬业,也不太难为人。(但是拒了我之前一个去国外找LG的:( )
Me: Good morning, sir!
VO: Good morning! How are you?
Me: Fine, thanks!
VO: So you haven't graduated from college yet?
Me: Yeah. But I will be awarded BA degree by the end of this June and graduate from ****.
VO: You will study Linguistics for MA degree at University of Virginia?
Me: That's right!
VO: Why Linguistics?
Me: Coz I am very interested in the study of languages. (之前想了一堆很棒的理由,可是一下子脑子空白,只蹦出这一句。。。)
VO: That's cool. I know many students in China choose to pursue majors concerning business.
Me: You know I am a gal. (笑,VO也笑)I love to stop by and hear people talk. I love to explore the mistery behind languages by probing into spontaneous utterances. (当时语言组织的没这么好,很胡。不过因为口语还不错,VO一直微笑聆听。)
VO: Great! Who...(麦克原因,没听清楚)
Me: Sorrry I didn't hear you clearly..
VO: (Repeat) Who will pay for your tuition?
Me: My parents.
VO: What do they do?
Me: They run a restaurant in TJ together. It's quite lucrative.
VO: Good! Could you show your certificate of deposit?
Me: (找)Would you like to see my asset list first?
VO: Okay! (找到递上,后递上bank books)
Me: There is one thing to explain...(就是我妈去给开我存款证明时,把几个折子合到了一起,开了一张。折子很乱,跟VO折腾了好一会。。)
VO: I c. Your parents' business license please.
Me: Wait a sec. (递上)
VO: (仔细看)Good. Congratulations! Good luck for your studies. Sure you will succeed! (扔I20, SEVIS回执,和粉条)
Me: Thank you so much! Have a nice day!
VO: You too!
(当时我东西到处都是,我停下来整理了一会儿。VO抬起头发现我还在,笑。说: Bye!)
感觉VO很认真,但是不为难人。准备的苦闷了好久的归国计划,学校特色都没被问到,但也不算水过。HMM没有那么可怕,虽然她会跟签友询问很久,但我也没看到没过的。总之签证形势很好,尤其对F1而言。但是,大家还是不要大意,做最好的准备,最坏的打算。将每个签证官都想象成HMM,相信自己,be natural and be lovely. 尽量不要抢话,否则象在背书。遇到问题时,要冷静地为自己争取。偶尔跟签证官开个小玩笑,缓和一下气氛。大家一定都会无比顺利!!!