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[i习作temp] issue54 历史高频,诚恳排砖。希望散户们来光临! [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-18 11:21:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE54 - "History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today."
WORDS: 363 +610        TIME: 上午 12:45:00  +30  DATE: 2007-7-18

Can looking back for an understanding of the past help people to make significant determination? In my opinion, although in certain case history cannot wholly help us to decide how to choose as a result of the occurrence of new things, it must be admitted that history has something to do with the present in most cases and thence can afford beneficial guidance for an individual or a country.

For the individual level, history offers us with the great support of spirit, which renders us make proper choice on the road of life. At the time when we make efforts to pursue the idea and objectives, we will inevitably encounter countless setbacks and difficulties. And this often makes us plunge into the deep confuse. Nevertheless, history is like a big treasure that are fraught with a large number of distinguished figures, which undoubtedly may bring about spiritual inspiration to us and further make us get rid of dilemma. For a person who is puzzling for the rightness of his conviction, looking back for an comprehending of the experiences of Vesalius, who persisted in his belief despite of the obstruction of powerful religions and eventually disclosed the secret of human autonomy, will provide him or her with motivating power to make his own determination about whether to consist in his belief. Obviously, learning the past will have extremely favorable influence on our own decisions.

For the country level, the study of history also similar plays an extraordinary essential role in helping it to make reasonable determination. In fact, history is like a mirror by which people can clearly reflect on their own behavior and further draw some useful experiences and lessons about how to avoid the occurrence of same mistakes, which will ultimately guarantee the welfare of people in the country. Take China for example. The government in China did not pay more attention to the environmental problems, but just pursued the rapid rise in economy in the 80s. As a result, the constantly worsened environment produced an increasingly severe impact on the improvement in people’s living condition and the sustainable development of national economy. Fortunately, the local government has come to realize the seriousness of the problems and take effective measures to protect environment, which makes the development in China go into a virtuous cycle gradually. Apparently, it is by studying the preceding mistakes it ever made that the local government can make right judgment and change the wrong views and policy. Thence, from forgoing the instance, we can clearly see that studying history will provide a country with favorable guidance.

However, we have to admit that it is true that the present has become so new and complex that some problems are never encountered by us in the past, and so it is difficult for us to refer to the experiences of yesterday. After all, with the rapid advancement of science and technology, the society of the present has rather great difference from that of the past. And this, to some extent, makes us have no choice but to depend on today's knowledge and methods. For instance, how can we turn to history for addressing the moral and ethical problems stemming from the cloning human since in retrospect no such a technology ever exists in the past? How can we find answers about how to resolve the mental problems originating from the fast life pace in modern society since the life style of the society in the past almost has been dramatically changed today? Consequently, due to the great change of times, history cannot provide sufficient guidance for us to settle all of today's problems.

In sum, the study of history indeed cannot tell us all methods and knowledge about how to make the best decisions today, but it is certainly closed related to the present's world in many respects. Therefore, studying history still can benefit people huge.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-18 18:58:08 |只看该作者
:cool:  帮顶之!

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Golden Apple

发表于 2007-7-19 09:44:29 |只看该作者

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Scorpio天蝎座 荣誉版主 US Advisor

发表于 2007-7-22 19:22:23 |只看该作者
Can looking back for an understanding of the past help people to make significant determination? In my opinion, although in certain case history cannot wholly help us to decide how to choose as a result of the occurrence of new things, it must be admitted that history has something to do with the present in most cases and thence can afford beneficial guidance for an individual or a country. (看下文是否能照应红字)

For the individual level, history offers us with the great support of spirit, which renders us make proper choice on the road of life. (有点空泛,后面的which从句似乎对于前面的spirit解释不够.) At the time when we make efforts to pursue the idea and objectives, we will inevitably encounter countless setbacks and difficulties. And this often makes us plunge into the deep confuse. Nevertheless, history is like a big treasure that are fraught with a large number of distinguished figures, which undoubtedly may bring about spiritual inspiration to us and further make us get rid of dilemma. For a person who is puzzling for the rightness of his conviction, looking back for an comprehending of the experiences of Vesalius, who persisted in his belief despite of the obstruction of powerful religions and eventually disclosed the secret of human autonomy, will provide him or her with motivating power to make his own determination about whether to consist in his belief. Obviously, learning the past will have extremely favorable influence on our own decisions. (更像是说前人经历容易增强人的信念,提到帮助作出决定的内容不多.自己把思路再理理吧.红字是我认为你段落思路的关键字.)

For the country level, the study of history also similar plays an extraordinary essential role in helping it to make reasonable determination. In fact, history is like a mirror by which people can clearly reflect on their own behavior and further draw some useful experiences and lessons about how to avoid the occurrence of same mistakes, which will ultimately guarantee the welfare of people in the country. (我觉得还是要和make decision是扣紧比较好.你只是说了红字部分.) Take China for example. The government in China did not pay more attention to the environmental problems, but just pursued the rapid rise in economy in the 80s. As a result, the constantly worsened environment produced an increasingly severe impact on the improvement in people’s living condition and the sustainable development of national economy. Fortunately, the local government has come to realize the seriousness of the problems and take effective measures to protect environment, which makes the development in China go into a virtuous cycle gradually. Apparently, it is by studying the preceding mistakes it ever made that the local government can make right judgment and change the wrong views and policy. Thence, from forgoing the instance, we can clearly see that studying history will provide a country with favorable guidance. (自圆其说了,深度还是不够啊.呵呵.例子可以试着再短一点,例子后面的论证可以适当再拔高.)

However, we have to admit that it is true that the present has become so new and complex that some problems are never encountered by us in the past, and so it is difficult for us to refer to the experiences of yesterday. After all, with the rapid advancement of science and technology, the society of the present has rather great difference from that of the past. (并成一句吧,罗嗦.) And this, to some extent, makes us have no choice but to depend on today's knowledge and methods. For instance, how can we turn to history for addressing the moral and ethical problems stemming from the cloning human since in retrospect no such a technology ever exists in the past? How can we find answers about how to resolve the mental problems originating from the fast life pace in modern society since the life style of the society in the past almost has been dramatically changed today? Consequently, due to the great change of times, history cannot provide sufficient guidance for us to settle all of today's problems. (同上段落,自圆其说了.)

In sum, the study of history indeed cannot tell us all methods and knowledge about how to make the best decisions today, but it is certainly closed related to the present's world in many respects. Therefore, studying history still can benefit people huge.

放轻松,issue就是把自己关于题目的想法清晰表达出来就好.加油:) :handshake

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issue54 历史高频,诚恳排砖。希望散户们来光临!
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