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[i习作temp] 勇往直前作文小组 第一次作业  关闭 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-21 10:53:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
issue 36:Issue 36: the greatness of individuals can be only decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.  
Can the greatness of the individuals be decided only by those who live after them instead of the contemporaries? The speaker contends so. I agree with the broad assertion that the most often happened is that the greatness of some famous people is generally realized by those living after them. However, insofar as I know, there are lots of great people who are considered as having gained great achievements by the contemporaries. Thus, the speaker seems to be partial on this matter.
   To begin with, there are a lot of people who are recognized as the eminent person after what they have done becomes public in their working territories. Unfortunately, at that time, what they have done at that time can not be totally accepted or understand by others. However, it may be fully understood by the people following them who can not help appreciating the greatness of their works. Some people say that they are just go ahead of their times, while some people say it is the academic environment contributing to the buskin. Whatever, it is a problem related to the history and this phenomenon can be observed in many aspects.
   In art, many famous artists that we admire today died in obscurity. To illustrate the point, Vincent Van Goah is just in this group. Vincent Van Gogh, a famous Netherlandish artist. As we know, the painting of sunflower which is created by Vincent Van Gogh is considered one of the most valuable paintings in the worldwide. However, during the period when Vincent Van Gogh is still alive, the great artist was even kept worried about the fundamental factors for living such as meals. Through painting, he expressed his unfortunate fate and his loneliness while few people understand his works. A few years after the death of Vincent Van Gogh, his works of the sunflower painting became popular worldwide along with his own reputation growing.
Secondly, not only does this kind of things happen in art, but also in science, it is a quite common thing. As the old saying goes,”the distance between fool and genius is so short that maybe there is a length of only a thread.” For some new discoveries of the genius, some others may not understand the conclusion and even hold the opinion that the conclusion is actually wrong. Sometimes on the basis of their overrating self-confidence, they begin to join together to laugh at that scientist who turn out to be a great one at last. Take Einstein and his theory of relativity as an example; obviously, the theory of relativity in some degree can be thought to make historical development in the latter-day physics. However, when Einstein first carried out the new theory, almost no scientists believed in what he said. In their opinion, it is almost a crazy idea that if you travel faster than the light you will find the time means nothing to you for it is still. It sounds ridiculous for compared with other physical theories, the theory can not be tested by the experiments. While after a few years, the scientists who follow him became realizing the truth.
Admittedly, while so many scientists, artists and great person of other territories whose greatness is identified by those who live after them, still it is too partial to contend that the greatness can only be judged by the following people instead of the contemporaries. The speaker ignores a certain fact that the contemporaries can see the current things more clearly and make a more trustable criticism. In the territory of business, great achievements are recognizable immediately. In my opinion, the greatness of a businessman is not resulted from the amount of money he earns, but also the operation sprits of his company, the working environment that he creates and the contributions he made to his country. Bill Gates, as a leader of the Microsoft Company, is famous for his talent in leadership. The foundation of the Microsoft company, the contribution to lifting American economy, the well-operated working departments, all three or more do contribute to the greatness of Bill Gates whose achievements are broadly admitted by his colleagues and competitors
    In sum, the speaker overlooks many great individuals, especially in the business, whose achievements were broadly recognized as great by the contemporaries. The speaker remains partial on this matter.

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