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[未归类] issue38 【勇往直前】第二次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-21 21:14:47 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

With the development of science and technology, new media appears by which we can attain knowledge and technical skills conveniently. The author claims that reading book is not important as before and enough knowledge can be attained by watching television. However, based my personal experience, I cannot agree with the author.

Admittedly, television plays a vital role both in people's daily life and research fields; we can get much information through this media. For example, nowadays, the first thing to do in a day for most people might be turning on the television and watching the news home and abroad. From television, we can get the lively news with pictures or explanations. Another example is the program on popular science, which will show us the profound information by pictures, movies, cartoons and so on; the science become easier to be understood by public. So, referring to the cases above, we can know that television does provide us knowledge with apparent convenience.

However, there are also some shortcomings with television which cannot be neglected. First, the knowledge and information shown in the television cannot be relearned by viewers, that is, we watch the news or the programs for only one time. We cannot watch the specific program again. So it is highly possible that we cannot fully remember what it says. Second, it is obvious that we cannot know all the information about what the television show us, such as the background knowledge, reference, more detail information etc. Third, the knowledge which the television provided is very limited and cannot meets individual needs and interests of people. Due to the limited time, television usually broadcasts some important information and ignores others. But the needs and interests of people vary case-by-case. Hence, when we enjoy the convenience the television provides, we should understand the limitation of television.

When it comes to the way of attaining knowledge, books may be the more efficient and effective way, therefore it is indispensability in the long history of culture development. Comparing with television, books could provide us with more systematic and professional information about every field. Take the mathematics for example. There are tremendous amount of books for you, from the mathematic fundamental knowledge to advance mathematics, from algebra to discrete mathematics. You could know all of the knowledge on mathematics if you are interesting in them. Furthermore, we can know that knowledge which is the profound parts television shows usually omits. Meanwhile, the books could provide you more professional information, though it might be filled in professional words leading to difficult understanding.

From the discussion above, we can get a conclusion that television does provide us information more conveniently and lively in the form of pictures, movies, cartoons etc. However, its defects are also obvious. It cannot provide more systematic and professional information like books. Thereforesome information cannot be provided by watching television, and reading books might be the only way to achieve it.

1)      很多工作是一个人完成不了的,因此团队协作就显得十分重要。
2)      同时还有很多工作更要突出个人的创造性和独特性。
3)      总的来说,合作精神比竞争精神更能使人进行高效率的工作

1)      忠诚在维护人与人,人与组织的稳定关系上有积极作用
2)      然而,盲目的忠诚或愚忠阻碍了人们的独立思想,有时候甚至会产生反作用
3)      另外,过分的强调忠诚不利于人们开始一段新的关系,开始一种新的生活

1)  部分天才的,超时代的个人往往以一己之力可以推动创新,推动社会进步,科技发展。
2)  然而,个体的创新和独特的视角也是通过小组的工作来实现和证明的,没有这种工作,个体的创新也无法变成现实
3)  同时,在小组的合作和交流中,不同的人的不完善的视角和思路可能互补,形成完整的,可行的创新思想

1)  社会中的文化会通过影响人们思想的形成,进一步影响人们的行为,因此对人们的行为也负有责任
2)  然而,个体应该更多的为他/她们的行为负责,因为即使生活在几乎完全相同的政治经济条件下,人们的行为还是差异很大
3)  总结起来,社会和个体本身对行为都负有责任,作为社会方面要积极宣传好的行为方式,作为个人来讲,也要努力塑造良好的行为习惯

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-22 16:50:38 |只看该作者

With the development of science and technology, new media appears by which we can attain knowledge and technical skills conveniently. The author claims that reading book is not important as before and enough knowledge can be attained by watching television. However, based my personal experience, I cannot agree with the author.

Admittedly, television plays a vital role
both in(觉得应该是in both吧) people's daily life and research fields; we can get much information through this media. For example, nowadays, the first thing to do in a day for most people might be turning on the television and watching the news home and abroad. From television, we can get the lively news with pictures or explanations. Another example is the program on popular science, which will show us the profound information by pictures, movies, cartoons and so on; the science become easier to be understood by public.So, referring to the cases above, we can know that television does provide us knowledge with apparent convenience.
However, there are also some shortcomings with television which cannot be neglected. First, the knowledge and information shown in the television cannot be relearned by viewers, that is, we watch the news or the programs for only one time. We cannot watch the
specific program(前面提过news or the programs,这里是否改为them好些)again. So it is highly possible that we cannot fully remember what it says. Second, it is obvious that we cannot know all the information about what the television show us, such as the background knowledge, reference, more detail information etc. Third, the knowledge which the television provided is very limited and cannot meets individual needs and interests of people. Due to the limited time, television usually broadcasts some important information and ignores others. But the needs and interests of people vary case-by-case. Hence, when we enjoy the convenience the television provides, we should understand the limitation of television.
When it comes to the way of attaining knowledge, books may be the more efficient and effective way,
therefore it is indispensability in the long history of culture development.这句话好像没什么意义啊,therefore显得有点牵强)Comparing with television, books could provide us with more systematic and professional information about every field. Take the mathematics for example. There are tremendous amount of books for you, from the mathematic fundamental knowledge to advance(是否用advanced恰当些) mathematics, from algebra to discrete mathematics. You could know all of the knowledge on mathematics if you are interesting in them. Furthermore, we can know that knowledge which is the profound partstelevision shows usually omits(用被动好点吧,主语是knowledgeis usually omitted. Meanwhile, the books could provide you more professional information, though it might be filled in professional words leading to difficult understanding.
From the discussion above, we can get a conclusion that television does provide us information more conveniently and lively in the form of pictures, movies, cartoons etc. However, its defects are also obvious. It cannot provide more systematic and professional information like books. Therefore
some information cannot be provided by watching television, and reading books might be the only way(太绝对了用better似乎好些) to achieve it.


[ 本帖最后由 linshao 于 2007-7-22 17:09 编辑 ]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-22 19:56:04 |只看该作者
With the development of science and technology, new media appears by which we can attain knowledge and technical skills conveniently. The author claims that reading book is not important as before and enough knowledge can be attained by watching television. However, based my personal experience, I cannot agree with the author.(点出结合个人经历,好!)

Admittedly, television plays a vital role both in people's daily life and research fields; we can get much information through this media. For example, nowadays, the first thing to do in a day for most people might be turning on the television and watching the news home and abroad. From television, we can get the lively news with pictures or explanations. Another example is the program on popular science, which will show us the profound information by pictures, movies, cartoons and so on; the science become easier to be understood by public. So, referring to the cases above, we can know that television does provide us knowledge with apparent convenience.

However, there are also some shortcomings with television which cannot be neglected. First, the knowledge and information shown in the television cannot be relearned by viewers, that is, we watch the news or the programs for only one time. We cannot watch the specific program again. So it is highly possible that we cannot fully remember what it says. Second, it is obvious that we cannot know all the information about what the television show us, such as the background knowledge, reference, more detail information etc. Third, the knowledge which the television provided is very limited and cannot meets individual needs and interests of people. Due to the limited time, television usually broadcasts some important information and ignores others. But the needs and interests of people vary case-by-case. Hence, when we enjoy the convenience the television provides, we should understand the limitation of television.(从时间限制,信息量的限制来说明电视的不足。感觉第三点有点向前两点的综合表述,而不是并列。)

When it comes to the way of attaining knowledge, books may be the more efficient and effective way, therefore it is indispensability in the long history of culture development. Comparing with television, books could provide us with more systematic and professional information about every field. Take the mathematics for example. There are tremendous amount of books for you, from the mathematic fundamental knowledge to advance mathematics, from algebra to discrete mathematics. You could know all of the knowledge on mathematics if you are interesting in them. Furthermore, we can know that knowledge which is the profound parts television shows usually omits. Meanwhile, the books could provide you more professional information, though it might be filled in professional words leading to difficult understanding.(这个关于数学的例子举得很不错哦,看来组长对数学方面很熟啊。)

From the discussion above, we can get a conclusion that television does provide us information more conveniently and lively in the form of pictures, movies, cartoons etc. However, its defects are also obvious. It cannot provide more systematic and professional information like books. Therefore,some information cannot be provided by watching television, and reading books might be the only way to achieve it.(最后总结三段论述,回应开头。)

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