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[i习作temp] issue207 [勇往直前小组] 第四次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-23 21:18:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Rituals and ceremonies are significant for a culture in that they can help define it. We should not omit their importance, but we also can not exaggerate their roles, without them, people still can have a sense of themselves by other means.

Rituals and ceremonies was a representation or symbol of a particular culture, they can reveal the internal essence in that culture and thus help people appreciate and identify with the culture. People pass down their culture and tradition from generation to generation mainly through the rituals and ceremonies. Take spring festival as an example, it is the most important ceremony for most Chinese people, even those who live abroad, no matter how busy they are, they will try their best to go home and stay with their families. The spring festival almost is the symbol of Chinese culture, children grow up abroad can learn their culture and identify themselves by it. For the westerner, it is undeniable that Christmas is their most important ceremony; Christmas is also the representation of the western culture. Although westerners working in China do not have holiday that day, none of them will not celebrate it, their children who are born and live in China learn their own culture mainly through it. In a short, rituals and ceremonies are significant for people to learn their own culture, especially for those who are outside their culture。

However, rituals and ceremonies play a significant role in revealing the internal essence of their culture; they also witness their ever-increasing rapid disappearance from the vision of modern life. Nowadays, with the rapid development of modern technology, the communication between cultures becomes more and more common. Besides, the revolution of society and the increase in people’ knowledge also make people gradually lose their faith in old conventions. All of these make the traditional rituals and ceremonies far away from the modern lives, especially the negative ones. For example, in the past, the wedding ceremony acts as the sole procedure of marriage, only through which people can be identified as wife and husbands. Today, registry becomes the only licit form to marriage and many couples choose no wedding marriage. Likewise, many superstitious ceremonies are replaced by new and scientific method, such as exorcism.   

Furthermore, rituals and ceremonies are not the whole of a culture. Without them, people can understand and identify themselves through other means, such as clothing styles, eating habits, as well as language. All of these can also help people distinguish them from others. For instance, Chinese people living abroad can make them different from the native by the Chinese traditional clothes, Chinese food, as well as Chinese besides the rituals and ceremonies.

To sum up, although rituals and ceremonies do play an important role as a symbol of one culture, with the progress of our society, their importance will fade gradually, so the saying that people without them can not have a sense of themselves is unjustified.

1)  首先,在了解了其他的文化之后,我们能更好地理解对本身文化的某些方面
2)  其次,虽然不同文化之间存在差异,但是具有某些共同性
3)  然而,对本身文化的理解还应该着眼与对本身文化的研究,对其他文化的理解只能起辅助作用

1)  首先要肯定的是,主要城市是一个国家一个社会的经济,政治文化中心,所以具有研究的样本作用
2)  然而,一个社会不仅由主要城市组成,除去主要城市的小城镇也代表了社会的一个方面。举例,越来越多的人在小城镇定居
3)  同时,乡村也是社会的总要组成部分,例如,很多文学作品都是反映的乡村生活

1)  首先,现在的交流媒体确实有利于更便捷的交流
2)  然而,这种交流媒体确实有自身的缺陷。例如,电子邮件一般都比较简短,电视内容不能太深奥,所以有意义有思想的交流确实会受到威胁
3)  最后,交流方式本身是没有区别的,关键在于人们用什么态度去对待它。

1)  首先要肯定的是,科技的进步确实带来某些问题,比如原子弹之类的
2)  然而,科技可以让我们工作的效率更高,然后有更多的休息时间
3)  同时,科技可以让我们拥有更高的生活质量,使用到更好的科技产品。

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-24 18:13:58 |只看该作者
Rituals and ceremonies are significant for a culture in that they can help define it. We should not omit their importance, but we also can not exaggerate their roles, without them, people still can have a sense of themselves(这样翻译感觉不好,认同感用identity好点) by other means.

Rituals and ceremonies was a representation or symbol of a particular culture, they can reveal the internal essence in that culture and thus help people appreciate and identify
with(应该去掉) the culture. People pass down their culture and tradition from generation to generation mainly through the rituals and ceremonies. Take spring festival as an example, it is the most important ceremony for most Chinese people, even those who live abroad, no matter how busy they are, they will try their best to go home and stay with their families. The spring festival almost is the symbol of Chinese culture, children grow up abroad can learn their culture and identify themselves by it.(这句话前后好像没有什么逻辑联系吧,后半句和该段论点没什么关系吧)For the westerner, it is undeniable that Christmas is their most important ceremony; Christmas is also the representation of the western culture. Although westerners working in China do not have holiday that day, none of them will not celebrate it,(双重否定感觉很别扭啊) their children who are born and live in China learn their own culture mainly through it. In a short, rituals and ceremonies are significant for people to learn their own culture, especially for those who are outside their culture(用中外对比感觉挺好的)

However,(感觉用Though吧) rituals and ceremonies play a significant role in revealing the internal essence of their culture; they also witness their ever-increasing rapid disappearance from the vision of modern life. Nowadays, with the rapid development of modern technology, the communication between cultures becomes more and more common. Besides, the revolution of society and the increase in people’ knowledge also make people gradually lose their faith in old conventions. All of these make the traditional rituals and ceremonies far away from the modern lives, especially the negative ones. For example, in the past, the wedding ceremony acts as the sole procedure of marriage, only through which people can be identified as wife and husbands. Today, registry becomes the only licit form to marriage and many couples choose no wedding marriage.(这个例子很好) Likewise, many superstitious ceremonies are replaced by new and scientific method, such as exorcism.   
(花太多文字来论述rituals and ceremonies正在disappear,没必要的,而且与主论点无关,偏离中心了)

Furthermore, rituals and ceremonies are not the whole of a culture. Without them, people can understand and identify themselves through other means, such as clothing styles, eating habits, as well as language. All of these can also help people distinguish them from others. For instance, Chinese people living abroad can make them different from the native by the Chinese traditional clothes, Chinese food, as well as Chinese besides the rituals and ceremonies.
To sum up, although rituals and ceremonies do play an important role as a symbol of one culture, with the progress of our society, their importance will fade gradually, so the saying that people without them can not have a sense of themselves is unjustified.


[ 本帖最后由 linshao 于 2007-7-24 18:17 编辑 ]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-24 19:58:23 |只看该作者
Rituals and ceremonies are significant for a culture in that they can help define it. We should not omit their importance, but we also can not exaggerate their roles, (我觉得夸大和作用搭配会比较好。)without them, people still can have a sense of themselves by other means.

Rituals and ceremonies was a representation or symbol of a particular culture, they can reveal the internal essence in that culture and thus help people appreciate and identify with the culture. People pass down their culture and tradition from generation to generation mainly through the rituals and ceremonies. Take spring festival as an example, it is the most important ceremony for most Chinese people, even those who live abroad, no matter how busy they are, they will try their best to go home and stay with their families. The spring festival almost is the symbol of Chinese culture, children grow up abroad can learn their culture and identify themselves by it. For the westerner, it is undeniable that Christmas is their most important ceremony; Christmas is also the representation of the western culture. Although westerners working in China do not have holiday that day, none of them will not celebrate it,(双重否定,感觉不错。)their children who are born and live in China learn their own culture mainly through it. In a short, rituals and ceremonies are significant for people to learn their own culture, especially for those who are outside their culture。(这两个对比说明感觉很清晰。)

However, rituals and ceremonies play a significant role in revealing the internal essence of their culture; they also witness their ever-increasing rapid disappearance from the vision of modern life. Nowadays, with the rapid development of modern technology, the communication between cultures becomes more and more common. Besides, the revolution of society and the increase in people’ knowledge also make people gradually lose their faith in old conventions. All of these make the traditional rituals and ceremonies far away from the modern lives, especially the negative ones. For example, in the past, the wedding ceremony acts as the sole procedure of marriage, only through which people can be identified as wife and husbands. (感觉这个例子是不是只在中国古代啊,不是其他地方都是这样的啊)Today, registry becomes the only licit form to marriage and many couples choose no wedding marriage. Likewise, many superstitious ceremonies are replaced by new and scientific method, such as exorcism.  (感觉这个例子的对比有点问题,前面你强调的是结婚是双方互相认识的渠道,但后面你强调的是只需注册就可结婚。作者应该本来想表达从前婚礼这个仪式很重要,但现在却不那么重要了。意思是对的。但我觉得前面要修改一下。)

Furthermore, rituals and ceremonies are not the whole of a culture. Without them, people can understand and identify themselves through other means, such as clothing styles, eating habits, as well as language. All of these can also help people distinguish them from others(我觉得得加限定语,那些别的文化的人。) For instance, Chinese people living abroad can make them different from the native by the Chinese traditional clothes, Chinese food, as well as Chinese besides the rituals and ceremonies.

To sum up, although rituals and ceremonies do play an important role as a symbol of one culture, with the progress of our society, their importance will fade gradually, so the saying that people without them can not have a sense of themselves is unjustified.

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