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[i习作temp] issue50 [0710g直接冲刺小组] [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-23 21:56:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE50 - "In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."
WORDS:613         TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2007-7-23 19:39:21
The question whether university faculty should spend time working outside the academic world has long been controversial,different people may hold different views. As to me, I think it is necessary for university faculty to take such work, but the author's claim that all faculty should take such work is too extrame, we should consider this in different cases.
To begin with,as the author asserts, it is very necessary for unversity faculty to take some work outside their academic world in professions to improve the quality of instruction.Firstly,it is an effective way to make the professor's class more interesting and more useful. We may have the experience that if some concept is given with an example, it will be easier for us to understand the meaning of this concept and remember it.So if the professor take some job in real world relative to his/her professions, it will be easier for him/her to find such examples which can help the students understand the meanning of certain concept. In this sense, the student can better know the usage of their knowledge in real life and probably be more interested in the school work.Secondly, it is an effective way for students to prepare their career life. Students in these professors' classes know more about the knowledge need in real work, so they can better prepare themselves for the job market.Also,they have the advantage to get precious advice on career from these professors,whose advices usually are more valuable than those ordinary professors.Moreover,good students may have recommendation letters from these professors,which make a big advantage in finding jobs.From all those above,we can see such methods bring a lot of good to students.
Also,such jobs can do a lot of good to the professors.Firstly, the professor can turn his/her knowledge into fortune in his/her work.The professor can better realize one's personal value in this world besides academia,and this sometimes bring even more sense of success to the professors.Secondly,from  such work,the professor can find more subjects in his/her academia, and as a result make his/her academic research more meaningful.For example, one  economic professor in our university who is researching agricultrual-economy took the job as consultant to several agricultural companies, which provided him a good oportunity to better know the status of agricultural-economy in China.After several years of work and research, he is now one of the most famous professors in agricultural-economy in China, and taking jobs outsides his professional research contributes a lot to this.So this kind of teaching not only bring benefit to students, but also make professor's research more meaningful.
Admittedly,not all professors should take such jobs.There are some subjects which is difficult for professors to find such jobs.For example, it is difficult for professors researching acient Rome to find such jobs in real life, also it is hard for professors majored in theoretical mathematics to find such a work oportunity.In the other hand,there are some subjects which the academic world includes something practical.For example, the academic work of a film director is to make movies,which has been so practical that it is hard to find such jobs outside his academic area but related to real life.Also,the academic work of a doctor is to cure patients,which is also practical enough.So it is not the case that all professors can find such jobs, it depends.
To  sum up, from the analysis and reasons above,I think any thoughtful person could get the same conclusion with me that it is necessary for university faculty to take work outside their academic world but related with their professions.For it can not only bring good to the students but also to the professors themselves.But we should concede that not all professors should take such jobs.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-24 17:58:47 |只看该作者
The question whether university faculty should spend time working outside the academic world has long been controversial,different people may hold different views. As to me, I think it is necessary for university faculty to take such work, but the author's claim that all faculty should take such work is too extrame, we should consider this in different cases.
To begin with,as the author asserts, it is very necessary for unversity faculty to take some work outside their academic world in professions to improve the quality of instruction.Firstly,it is an effective way to make the professor's class more interesting and more useful. We may have the experience that if some concept is given with an example, it will be easier for us to understand the meaning of this concept and remember it最好具体举点例子.So if the professor take some job in real world relative to his/her professions, it will be easier for him/her to find such examples which can help the students understand the meanning of certain concept. In this sense, the student can better know the usage of their knowledge in real life and probably be more interested in the school work还是集举点具体的例子.Secondly, it is an effective way for students to prepare their career life. Students in these professors' classes know more about the knowledge need in real work, so they can better prepare themselves for the job market.Also,they have the advantage to get precious advice on career from these professors,whose advices usually are more valuable than those ordinary professors.Moreover,good students may have recommendation letters from these professors,which make a big advantage in finding jobs.From all those above,we can see such methods bring a lot of good to students.说理是好的 但我觉得加上具体的事例更有说服力
Also,such jobs can do a lot of good to the professors.Firstly, the professor can turn his/her knowledge into fortune in his/her work.The professor can better realize one's personal value in this world besides academia,and this sometimes bring even more sense of success to the professors.Secondly,from  such work,the professor can find more subjects in his/her academia, and as a result make his/her academic research more meaningful这一段的内容可以写在前面那段 后面那个事例就可以用 单独写我觉得你还是在写上面的内容.For example, one  economic professor in our university who is researching agricultrual-economy took the job as consultant to several agricultural companies, which provided him a good oportunity to better know the status of agricultural-economy in China.After several years of work and research, he is now one of the most famous professors in agricultural-economy in China, and taking jobs outsides his professional research contributes a lot to this.So this kind of teaching not only bring benefit to students, but also make professor's research more meaningful.
Admittedly,not all professors should take such jobs.There are some subjects which is difficult for professors to find such jobs.For example, it is difficult for professors researching acient Rome to find such jobs in real life, (考古所可以找)also it is hard for professors majored in theoretical mathematics to find such a work oportunity.In the other hand,there are some subjects which the academic world includes something practical.For example, the academic work of a film director is to make movies,which has been so practical that it is hard to find such jobs outside his academic area but related to real life.Also,the academic work of a doctor is to cure patients,which is also practical enough.So it is not the case that all professors can find such jobs, it depends.还有哲学
To  sum up, from the analysis and reasons above,I think any thoughtful person could get the same conclusion with me that it is necessary for university faculty to take work outside their academic world but related with their professions.For it can not only bring good to the students but also to the professors themselves.But we should concede that not all professors should take such jobs.
条理清楚 论点也好 就是前面的那段我觉得不用单独列出来 这样反而是重复前面的内容了

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