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[i习作temp] Issue144 勇往直前小组第六次作业 bynashiong [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-26 17:51:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE144 - "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.
WORDS: 447          TIME: 上午 12:41:40          DATE: 2007-7-25

I tend to disagree with the issue above , I contend that whether critic would serve good to the lasting value of art mainly rely on the characteristics of the art work itself .
If creation of the artist violate the traditional ethics and established confines for valuation, critics would play a role of impeding to the recognition of lasting value of the achievements. in the field of literature a typical cases goes that one famous novel named Lady Chatterley’s Lover ,wrote by  D.H.lawrence, one of the greatest writers in 20th century ,risked enormous resistances from the critics because of lots erotic details described in it , soon , the comments of critics caused a sensation in the public which resulted in banning of this book for nearly 50 years in many countries . Accordingly, we could find critics would have a counterproductive effect on the lasting value of artist's works which conflict with ethics and customs.
Nevertheless, if the creations of artist could be accepted by the society , then the critics would do benefits in giving society something of lasting value. It could bring two benefits mainly.

At first. critics would give feedback to artist which would give them some references to decide how to do in the next step. for instance, Chopin , one of the most representative pianists in Romanticism , once tried to wrote symphonies, however, when his works came out , the result frustrated him -little recognitions reflected from the critics, from then on , Chopin decided to be dedicated in pure piano works creation which later came to be the works, which surely are of lasting value , imagine that if there were no critics, maybe Chopin would not realize his superiority and might wasted lots of time on symphony .
Secondly, critics would help the artist call mass's attention on the excellent works and shorten the distance between the layperson and the professional work.
Bach Goldberg Variations, regarded as one of the most obscure piano works even by many critics, always was ignored by people ,however , since Glenn Gould released his recordings of Bach , Goldberg Variations has gained public's concerning again and its lasting value also gets admitted ,the key reason was attributable not only to the talented performer Glenn Gould but also to the passionate critics who gave their highest praises to the rendition and bridged the gap between this obscure work and the public .  
In addition  , when artists provide the initial spark for the lasting value of their creations , the critics will protect it and bring it to the public ,then reach the objectives of bring society something with lasting value, if the creations will not contradict with the traditional ethics and rules .

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-26 22:23:28 |只看该作者

I tend to disagree with the issue above , I contend that whether critic would serve good to the lasting value of art mainlyrely on the characteristics of the art work itself .(观点过于片面了,与下文不太吻合,下面花了大量笔墨在说critic的重要,这里却没有提)

If creation of the artist violate the traditional ethics and established confines for valuation, critics would play a role of impeding to the recognition of lasting value of the achievements. in the field of literature a typical cases goes that one famous novel named Lady Chatterley’s Lover ,wrote by  D.H.lawrence, one of the greatest writers in 20th century ,risked enormous resistances from the critics because of lots erotic details described in it , soon , the comments of critics caused a sensation in the public which resulted in banning of this book for nearly 50 years in many countries . Accordingly, we could find critics would have a counterproductive effect on the lasting value of artist's works which conflict with ethics and customs.

这个例子的内容满丰富的,只是感觉怪怪的,既然小说里面有lots erotic detailscritics的批判并没有错啊,相反说明critics有社会责任感,后来这个小说成为something of lasting value,不也是critics的功劳吗
Nevertheless, if the creations of artist could be accepted by the society , then the
critics would do benefits in giving society something of lasting value. It could bring two benefits mainly.
这段的观点和下面的论述不统一,这段说critics would do benefits下面说的是criticsartist的重要作用

At first, critics would give feedback to artist which would give them some references to decide how to do in the next step. for instance,
Chopin , one of the most representative pianists in Romanticism , once tried to wrote symphonies, however, when his works came out , the result frustrated him -little recognitions reflected from the critics, from then on , Chopin decided to be dedicated in pure piano works creation which later came to be the works, which surely are of lasting value , imagine that if there were no critics, maybe Chopin would not realize his superiority and might wasted lots of time on symphony .

Secondly, critics would help the artist call mass's attention on the excellent works and shorten the distance between the layperson and the professional work.
Bach Goldberg Variations, regarded as one of the most obscure piano works even by many critics, always was ignored by people ,however , since Glenn Gould released his recordings of Bach , Goldberg Variations has gained public's concerning again and its lasting value also gets admitted ,the key reason was attributable not only to the talented performer Glenn Gould but also to the passionate critics who gave their highest praises to the rendition and bridged the gap between this obscure work and the public .  

In addition  , when artists provide the initial spark for the lasting value of their creations , the critics will protect it and bring it to the public ,then reach the objectives of bring society something with lasting value, if the creations will not contradict with the traditional ethics and rules .


[ 本帖最后由 linshao 于 2007-7-26 22:24 编辑 ]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-26 23:06:17 |只看该作者
I tend to disagree with the issue above , I contend that whether critic would serve good to the lasting value of art mainly rely on the characteristics of the art work itself .(可以简要说一下为什么反对)

If creation of the artist violate the traditional ethics and established confines for valuation, critics would play a role of impeding to the recognition of lasting value of the achievements.(主题句?意思有点不清晰) in the field of literature a typical cases(单数) goes that one famous novel named Lady Chatterley’s Lover ,wrote by  D.H.lawrence, one of the greatest writers in 20th century ,risked enormous resistances from the critics because of lots(换个词表示许多) erotic details described in it , soon , the comments of critics caused a sensation in the public which resulted in banning of this book for nearly 50 years in many countries .(这句话太长了!可以再整理一下) Accordingly, we could find critics would have a counterproductive effect on the lasting value of artist's works which conflict with ethics and customs.

Nevertheless, if the creations of artist could be accepted by the society , then the critics would do benefits in giving society something of lasting value. It could bring two benefits mainly.

At first. critics would give feedback to artist which would give them some references to decide how to do in the next step. for instance, Chopin , one of the most representative pianists in Romanticism , once tried to wrote symphonies, however, when his works came out , the result frustrated him -little recognitions reflected from the critics, from then on , Chopin decided to be dedicated in pure piano works creation which later came to be the works, which surely are of lasting value , imagine that if there were no critics, maybe Chopin would not realize his superiority and might wasted lots of time on symphony .

Secondly, critics would help the artist call mass's attention on the excellent works and shorten the distance between the layperson and the professional work. Bach Goldberg Variations, regarded as one of the most obscure piano works even by many critics, always was ignored by people ,however , since Glenn Gould released his recordings of Bach , Goldberg Variations has gained public's concerning again and its lasting value also gets admitted ,the key reason was attributable not only to the talented performer Glenn Gould but also to the passionate critics who gave their highest praises to the rendition and bridged the gap between this obscure work and the public .  

In addition  , when artists provide the initial spark for the lasting value of their creations , the critics will protect it and bring it to the public ,then reach the objectives of bring society something with lasting value, if the creations will not contradict with the traditional ethics and rules .
1、观点有待商榷,可以在讨论一下。我觉得你的全文可以简缩一下放在第三个意群段里阐述你认为sth of lasting value是怎么由艺术家和评论家共同创造的,还是有必要在文章的前部分加入对提干的评述和让步阐述较好。不过我的Issue也掌握的不好,理解的也不透,意见仅供参考。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-27 09:17:37 |只看该作者
to linshao
因为我对钢琴比较感兴趣 所以懂的多一点点 囧

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RE: Issue144 勇往直前小组第六次作业 bynashiong [修改]
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Issue144 勇往直前小组第六次作业 bynashiong
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