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[a习作temp] argument67 [勇往直前小组] 8.1 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-1 22:58:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ARGUMENT67 - The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a newspaper serving the villages of Castorville and Polluxton.

"Both the villages of Castorville and Polluxton have experienced sharp declines in the numbers of residents who pay property taxes. To save money and improve service, the two villages recently merged their once separate garbage collection departments into a single department located in Castorville, and the new department has reported few complaints about its service. Last year the library in Polluxton had 20 percent fewer users than during the previous year. It follows that we should now further economize and improve service, as we did with garbage collection, by closing the library in Polluxton and using the library in Castorville to serve both villages."
字数:452         用时:00:40:00          日期:2007-8-1 19:40:44

In this argument, the arguer suggests they should close the library in Pollixton and use the library in Castorville to serve both villages. To verify the claim, the arguer provides the evidence upon which the conclusion depends that there is a sharp declines in the numbers of Castorville and Polluxton residents who pay property taxes. Meanwhile, a successful economizing and improving service is supplied after the combination of two separate garbage collection departments seems to provide a solution to the case that the users of library in Polluxton had decreased by 20 percent. This argument suffers from several critical flaws.

First of all, no evidence is provided to convince us that the cost of recent garbage collection department which is merged by two separate one is fewer than before. Considering the factors which may have an influence on the cost of the supplying of the service, the number of faculty and the level of salary should not be ruled out. Perhaps the combination has nothing to do with those two factors above, therefore the department could not decrease its cost on the wage of workers. Instead, the combination could bring some neglect influence which may not be ignored. For example, it may increases the complexity of the work caused by the far distance from Castorville to Polluxton and so on.

Secondly, although the users of the library in Polluxton have declined by 20 percent last year, it is still questionable on the reasonability of the closing of Polluxton's library. If the library in Castorville could not accept the sum of the readers in two villages, the combination would make the readers inconvenient. Also the possible long distance and different reading custom between two villages may be a block to the Polluxton's reader.

Last but not least, the arguer should take into account other alternative methods which may also solve the problems two villages facing. The basic reason of the necessity of the reform is the waste of the public facilities caused by the sharp declining in the numbers of residents who pay property taxes. Therefore maybe to attract more people inhabit in the two villages in which the larger amount of taxes will be collected is a better solution of the problem. Also perhaps raising a higher level of tax could be another solution considering the situation that the residents may not complain that given the better service supplied.

To sum up, the arguer should provide more facts to convince us that the combination of the two villages’ department actually save money and improve service. Meanwhile, the feasibility and reasonability of the closing of library in Polluxton should be demonstrated. Additional, only if all the other alternative methods are taken into account, will this argument be more reasonable.


1)      虽然调查中许多人表示了对额外的体育节目的兴趣,但是忽略了调查对象只有男人这个事实对调查结果的影响。可能看电视时间比较长的是家庭主妇,而男人虽然有看体育节目的兴趣但是却可能没有时间看,或者家里电视的遥控器并不掌握在自己手里
2)      Wack电视台的收视率上升了一倍,并不代表模仿它的变化我们也能取得一样的效果。Wack电视台收视率上升未能证实一定与体育节目的增加直接相关,例如可能还播了个热播的电视剧什么的。即使这一点是事实,在市场可能已经被Wack电视台占领的情况下,我们模仿不一定能改变观众已经存在的收视习惯而转而看我们台的节目

1)  消费者平均三个月买一次Dura-sock的事实与应不应该继续使用耐用技术生产没有关系。消费者平均三个月买一次Dura-sock并不代表每次购买的Dura-sock只穿三个月,可能三个月后的购买是源于这段时间内的使用的满意度,源于对该产品质量的信任。因此可能只有继续使用耐用技术才能让消费者在三个月后还能买我们的产品。
2)  美国东北部的市场调查并不能代表全体消费者的看法。可能其他地方的人更看重的是耐久读
3)  即使外观和颜色更被看重,但是常识告诉我们产品的基础在于质量。即使一个产品外观和颜色都很好,但是损坏的非常快,也同样不能让消费者购买
4)  不采用耐用技术生产并不一定能增加收入,可能这项技术在生产中所需的花费是极少的,相比较与不采用这项技术可能带来的消费者数量的减少,收入不一定会增加

1)  作者的关于糖的消费一定会下降的假设是不充分的。可能随着这个国家的人口可能的增长,即使人们每个人对糖的需求量减少了,但是总量还是不变的或略有增加
2)  作者没有证明如果农民改种含蛋白质高低糖的花生就会增加收入。首先没有证据证明如果服用过多的蛋白质不会产生和糖一样的副作用,同时即使之前一点成立,也没有证据证明人们一定会增加对花生的消费,其他的农场品可能也富含蛋白质而低糖。
3)  临近国家的农民采用增加花生种植的方法增加了收入的方法在我们这可能并不适用,很多理由啦

1)      首先机器人从不生病的假设是不成立的。机器人也有出故障的时候,当机器人出现故障时可能比人生病请假给生产带来更大的影响
2)      机器人不出错并不能说明工厂的产量就会上升。不出错只能说明产品的合格率高,但是产量取决于生产单个商品的时间,而这个事实作者并未提及
3)      对于机器人能激发人们的士气这一点是不成立的。很多工人可能因为机器人的广泛应用而失去工作或者生活在巨大的压力之下,所以对于工人的士气的提升,机器人的使用并不能起到促进作用
4)      作者忽略了影响利润的其他原因,也忽略了使用机器人可能带来的其他社会影响,如可能产生的广泛的失业等等

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-3 19:39:19 |只看该作者
In this argument, the arguer suggests they shouldclose the library in Pollixton and use the library in Castorville to serve bothvillages. To verify the claim, the arguer provides the evidence upon which theconclusion depends that there is a sharp declines in the numbers of Castorvilleand Polluxton residents who pay property taxes. Meanwhile, a successfuleconomizing and improving service is supplied after the combination of twoseparate garbage collection departments seems to provide a solution to the casethat the users of library in Polluxton had decreased by 20 percent. Thisargument suffers from several critical flaws.开头还是不要重述这么多啊,很繁冗,简洁点好。

First of all, no evidence is provided to convince usthat the cost of recent garbage collection department which is merged by twoseparate one is fewer than before. Considering the factors which may have aninfluence on the cost of the supplying of the service, the number of facultyand the level of salary should not be ruled out. Perhaps the combination hasnothing to do with thosethe twofactors above, therefore the department could not decrease its cost on the wageof workers. Instead, the combination could bring some neglect influence whichmay not be ignored. For example, it may increases the complexity of the workcaused by the far distance from Castorville to Polluxton and so on.

Secondly, although the users of the library inPolluxton have declined by 20 percent last year, it is still questionable onthe reasonability of the closing of Polluxton's library. If the library inCastorville could not accept the sum of the readers in two villages, thecombination would make the readers inconvenient. Also the possible longdistance and different reading custom between two villages may be a block tothe Polluxton's reader.这一段写少了点

Last but not least, the arguer should take into account(放句末)other alternative methods which may alsosolve the problems two villages facing. The basic reason of the necessity ofthe reform is the waste of the public facilities caused by the sharp decliningin the numbers of residents who pay property taxes. Therefore maybe to attractmore people inhabit in the two villages in which the larger amount of taxeswill be collected is a better solution of the problem. Also perhaps raising ahigher level of tax could be another solution considering the situation thatthe residents may not complain that given the better service supplied.

To sum up, the arguer should provide more facts toconvince us that the combination of the two villages’ department actually savemoney and improve service. Meanwhile, the feasibility and reasonability of theclosing of library in Polluxton should be demonstrated. Additional, only if allthe other alternative methods are taken into account, will this argument bemore reasonable.

[ 本帖最后由 woodman 于 2007-8-3 19:40 编辑 ]

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