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[i习作temp] issue212 [勇往直前小组] 8.1 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-2 00:45:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE212 - "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."
WORDS: 495          TIME: 1:05:00          DATE: 2007-8-1
Nowadays, as the commercial atmosphere is more and more widespread in the society, many people now hold such a belief that any means taken to attain it is justifiable when the goal is worthy. I think that although using some special ways to achieve reasonable aims is usually preferable, such opinions should not be used abusively, especially when it is against laws and our moral standards. In these cases, it is not advisable to achieve the final goal, and under certain other circumstances, it is difficult to make a clearly decision.

To begin with, it is often effective and quicker to reach the aim when we use certain legal and immoral but special means. A typical example is that a few years ago, an American wished to be a millionaire and he made a website which only had a picture of 1000x1000 pixels. He sold one point on the picture for a US dollar, and now it is said that he is already on the halfway (more than 500,000 of all pixel are sold). Such novelties now usually happen. The originality of his money-making plan is so creative that lots of people felt interesting, and one dollar is not so much money. All these factors predict that he will success. Such cases bring great amount of fortune to individuals, but do not make negative influence on society. From this point of view, it is acceptable to achieve one's goal in special ways.

However, abusive generalization of such idea is dangerous and harmful to both individuals and the whole society. If the statement that it is justifiable to take any means to achieve the goal, the clerks may steal money from the companies, enterprises may escaping from paying taxes, judges and government officials may soon corrupt, and the normal order of the society is devastated. No one wish to see such scene happen, thus when we talk about this problem, the potential prerequisite is that we should obey laws and what we do should not damage the existing regulation of the society.

More often, when we consider whether it is justifiable to attain a goal, we are led to a moral dilemma that we can hardly decide what is right and what is wrong. Such news is not rare that a person regarded very kind by his neighbors was found appropriate public money in the company because he could not afford his father's treatment for cancer and he failed to borrow enough from others. Ethically, his neighbor believed he did the right thing, while objectively he was guilty. When moral standards conflict with laws, whether an action is justifiable is no easily decided.

In a sum, achieving a goal though legal way is usually preferable; however, it is not advisable and often accusable to break the law or generally accepted ethics; and when we decide whether a means is justifiable, we often have different and controversial standards, which makes it hard to draw a final decision.


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-3 19:30:38 |只看该作者
Nowadays, as the commercialatmosphere is more and more widespread in the society, many people now holdsuch a belief that any means taken to attain it is justifiable when the goal isworthy.(这句话不确定是否妥当,你凭据什么认为商人不择手段呢?) I think that although using some specialways to achieve reasonable aims is usually preferable, such opinions should notbe used abusively, especially when it is against laws and our moral standards.In these cases, it is not advisable to achieve the final goal, and under certain other circumstances, it is difficult to make aclearly decision.(有点含糊,看不明白)

To begin with, it is often effective and quicker to reach the aim when we usecertain legal and immoral but special means. A typical example is that a fewyears ago, an American wished to be a millionaire and he made a website whichonly had a picture of 1000x1000 pixels. He sold one point on the picture for aUS dollar, and now it is said that he is already on the halfway (more than500,000 of all pixel are sold). Such novelties now usually happen. Theoriginality of his money-making plan is so creative that lots of people feltinteresting, and one dollar is not so much money
(这句话是什么意思?). All these factors predict that he willsuccess.(这句话也多余) Such cases bring great amount of fortuneto individuals, but do not make negative influence on society. From this pointof view, it is acceptable to achieve one's goal in special ways.这个例子有什么不好的影响呢?你没有写出来。你的观点是合法而不道德的方式更容易达到目的,你举的例子文字偏多于成功,对于为什么不道德,以及有什么负面影响(这一点最重要)描述很少。

However, abusive generalization of such
(这个such指的上段的有违道德但在法律范围内的方式) idea is dangerous and harmful to both individuals and the wholesociety. If the statement that it is justifiable to take any means to achievethe goal, the clerks may steal money from thecompanies, enterprises may escaping from paying taxes, judges and governmentofficials may soon corrupt, and the normal order of the society is devastated(要对他们的目标予以说明,否则很突兀啊,万一秘书没有这个动机呢?). No one wish to see suchscene happen, thus (看不出什么因果关系啊)when we talk about this problem, thepotential prerequisite is that we should obey laws and what we do should notdamage the existing regulation of the society.
我觉得你这一段和上一段没有过渡,你在上一段写的有违道德但在法律范围内,而这一段开头写的such idea,那么你应该承接上文写,但是你却写的违法的方式,所以显得中间没有过渡,断开了。

More often, when we consider whether it is justifiable to attain a goal, we areled to a moral dilemma that we can hardly decide what is right and what iswrong. Such news is not rare that a person regarded very kind by his neighborswas found appropriate public money in the company because he could not affordhis father's treatment for cancer and he failed to borrow enough from others.Ethically, his neighbor believed he did the right thing, while objectively hewas guilty. When moral standards conflict with laws, whether an action isjustifiable is no easily decided.

In a sum, achieving a goal though legal way is usually preferable; however, itis not advisable
(使用频率较高) and often accusable(and改成but) to break the law or generally accepted ethics; andwhen we decide whether a means is justifiable, we often have different andcontroversial standards, which makes it hard to draw a final decision.

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