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[i习作temp] issue150 [0710G突击先锋小组]第12次作业 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-8-3 23:35:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE150 - "Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete."
WORDS: 594          TIME: 超时          DATE: 2007-08-03 22:54:29

The author claims that tourism will soon become obsolete for the reason people will be more familiar with plenty of places owing to television and worldwide Internet. I disagree with the author. Television and computer would not only inform people with a lot of information, but also prompt the prosperity of tourism.

To begin with, compared with watching TV and surfing on the Internet, traveling has the true feeling and experience in reality. When people come out from their home or office and go the some place for rest and relaxation, they breathe fresh air, feel the nature and gain a lot of knowledge from the place where people visit. Compared with the boring and disinteresting TV program, how would people choose? Obviously, the answer is getting out from TV program related with resort. Maybe the Internet can give some vivid picture, a lively video about the traveling place and the detailed descriptions of scenery. Yet those are the other people feelings and depicted by other people views. How these can replace the true feelings and experience when people are actually in those places? When people go to sea, they may admire its broaden and want to dump into it; when people visit Mount Alpes, they must have a desire going to deeper forest or climbing to the peak to conquer nature difficulty; and when people travel a famous relics existing a long history, they may learn plenty of events, which happened at that place. In short, television and computer cannot provide true feelings and experience as some places give.

In the second place, going to some resorts or sceneries may have a vast amount of changes to make new friends and exercise people's bodies. Just staying in house or office may not benefit people's abilities involving communication. During the journey of a new place, people can acquaint some new people, such as aggregating for same destination, or giving help when meeting difficulties. Throughout these journeys, people develop their communicating skills. Also, people can exercise their bodies during the journey, such as doing some hiking to a high mountain, playing volleyball on the beach, or swimming in the ponds. All of these activities benefit people health, which cannot be provided by watching TV or surfing on the Internet. For example, we can see a vast amount of people find other places where they can do some exercises, such as playing basketball. Also through these kinds of activities, people relax after long tired work or study, and gain more health. In short, going out to some places can bring some new friend to people and benefit their health.

Moreover, television and worldwide computer connection does not lead to the tourism to be obsolete, while they will prompt its advancement. With the rapid development of TV and Internet, people are informed with innumerable information, which cannot be transmitted widely in the past decades. Nowadays, advertisements of tourism flush in TV and Internet, which would intrigue people’s curiosity and interest, and then they have a strong desire to visit those places. Also, throughout international TV and Internet, a lot of famous resort may be propagandized to the people, who do not know about it. For example, Chinese famous resort “JiuZhai” valley attracts a lot of foreign guests owing to the popularity of Internet. Contradicting to the author’s view, TV and worldwide computer connection would not render tourism’s obsolesce and bring its prosperity.

In conclusion, television and Internet would not render the tourism’s obsolesce. To the contrary, it would bring prosperity to tourism because of rapid information propaganda.

[ 本帖最后由 yylll 于 2007-8-3 23:40 编辑 ]

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