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[i习作temp] issue130 『勇往直前小组』第十六次作业linshao [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-5 08:49:29 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE130 - "How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."

Is the destiny of our society determined by the way how children are socialized, as the speaker argues? I agree that socialization is very important to our society, however, it is not the only factor. But I disagree with the speaker's second assertion that we do not know how to raise children.
In the first place, we should interpret the term 'socialize', which means to teach people, especially children, to better adapt themselves to the society. Our education has two functions, one is to train the intelligence-the abilities and skills for occupation, other is the training for abilities of communication with others. The latter one is the process we called socialization. We can find that in many youth crimes, they show the disgust to the society, to their parents and to their teachers, meanwhile they have only few friends which are similar to them. The social education on them is always failed for some reasons. Among these young people, many of their parents have divorced, and many of them are regarded as bad students in the school, therefore their teacher always neglect them or abuse them, and their classmates dislike to play or study with them. Some one claims that these children are alone for their own reasons. However, I think that the children’s characters are shaped by the social environment around them. Lacking care from others, they regarded themselves as single/being alone, and became more reluctant to communicate with others. Gradually they linger in their own lorn hearts, or sink into the virtual world of novels or games. Their finally/final crimes are attributed to the distorted socialization process.
To these young children who get less care from others, more skills they acquired, more harmful they can make. Some of them harbor the hatred to the cruel society which they think they were treated unfairly, so they learn the scientific knowledge and use their intelligence to achieving their revenge. And some of them finally choose to commit suicide because of solitude. From all of the above, we can find that how the children are socialized do greatly affect our society--while badly-socialized children will bring more damage to our society, those who are well educated and socialized are certain to bring more benefits.
However, the destiny of our society is not only affected by this. As I have mentioned above, to running our society efficiently, we need to bring up our children the skills of learning and working. Without sufficient working abilities, our society will still be dysfunctional. And some other outside factors influence the 'destiny'. Such as the crisis of energy, the polarization of poverty and richness, the threatening of nuclear war, all these are more crucial for influence our society, and even our human's destiny.
In fact, we have learned how to raise our children. The civilization we made is the best evidence. Why there are still so many crimes, so many suicides, and why so many people still cannot melt into the society? It is not because of we do not know how to conduct our education, but for that we do not want do it. Those parents who give little care to their children, are not for that they cannot, but for that they neglect, or their unwillingness. It is the teachers’ faults to discriminate against the low score students , which led these students to be of low self-esteem. We can find that almost every successful people have a good family education or have good teachers. So we do know how to raise our children, but some of us do not do it.
In sum, the speaker overstates the situation we faced, although the socialization of our children is vital to the society. Now we must pay more attention on how can we make every parent and every teacher do social education efficiently and how to make our parent and teacher caring more about our children's mind/thoughts.


[ 本帖最后由 linshao 于 2007-8-5 08:51 编辑 ]

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-6 09:48:14 |只看该作者
Is the destiny of our society determined by the way how children are socialized, as the speaker argues? I agree that socialization is very important to our society, however, it is not the only factor. But I disagree with the speaker's second assertion that we do not know how to raise children.
In the first place, we should interpret the term 'socialize', which means to teach people, especially children, to better adapt themselves to the society. Our education has two functions, one is to train the intelligence-the abilities and skills for occupation, other is the training for abilities of communication with others. The latter one is the process we called socialization. We can find that in many youth crimes, they show the disgust to the society, to their parents and to their teachers, meanwhile they have only few friends which are similar to them. The social education on them is always failed for some reasons. Among these young people, many of their parents have divorced, and many of them are regarded as bad students in the school, therefore their teacher always neglect them or abuse them, and their classmates dislike to play or study with them. Some one claims that these children are alone for their own reasons. However, I think that the children’s characters are shaped by the social environment around them. Lacking care from others, they regarded themselves as single/being alone, and became more reluctant to communicate with others. Gradually they linger in their own lorn hearts, or sink into the virtual world of novels or games. Their finally/final crimes are attributed to the distorted socialization process.
To these young children who get less care from others, more skills they acquired, more harmful they can make. Some of them harbor the hatred to the cruel society which they think they were treated unfairly, so they learn the scientific knowledge and use their intelligence to achieving their revenge. And some of them finally choose to commit suicide because of solitude. From all of the above, we can find that how the children are socialized do greatly affect our society--while badly-socialized children will bring more damage to our society, those who are well educated and socialized are certain to bring more benefits.
However, the destiny of our society is not only affected by this. As I have mentioned above, to running our society efficiently, we need to bring up our children the skills of learning and working. Without sufficient working abilities, our society will still be dysfunctional. And some other outside factors influence the 'destiny'. Such as the crisis of energy, the polarization of poverty and richness, the threatening of nuclear war, all these are more crucial for influence our society, and even our human's destiny.
In fact, we have learned how to raise our children. The civilization we made is the best evidence. Why there are still so many crimes, so many suicides, and why so many people still cannot melt into the society? It is not because of we do not know how to conduct our education, but for that we do not want do it. Those parents who give little care to their children, are not for that they cannot, but for that they neglect, or their unwillingness. It is the teachers’ faults to discriminate against the low score students , which led these students to be of low self-esteem. We can find that almost every successful people have a good family education or have good teachers. So we do know how to raise our children, but some of us do not do it.
In sum, the speaker overstates the situation we faced, although the socialization of our children is vital to the society. Now we must pay more attention on how can we make every parent and every teacher do social education efficiently and how to make our parent and teacher caring more about our children's mind/thoughts.
确实写偏了 花了很大的篇幅写没有社会化给孩子带来什么什么坏处之类的,但是第一部分写的还不错 稍微精炼点 还有一些其他的方面没考虑到

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-6 23:09:20 |只看该作者
我看了遍 不过Linshao可以说说 你觉得你哪里写偏了吗 你之前有写提纲没有

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RE: issue130 『勇往直前小组』第十六次作业linshao [修改]
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issue130 『勇往直前小组』第十六次作业linshao
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