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[i习作temp] ISSUE41 勇往直前小组第六次作业 BYnashiong [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-6 22:41:42 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The speaker claims that some nonmainstream areas play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs ,however , in my view ,the harm brought by nonmainstream areas always outweigh according benefits .let alone a vital role .
Nonmainstreams ,which usually involve lots of mysteries , always pose negative effects on society and mass .
Firstly. since it usually satisfy people' desire for the answer to unknown things, it hampers the developments of science by diminish the passion which could serve to form a impulse to science .Take great scientist Newton as an example .Newton was famous known for his achievements made during his 20 to 40 years old  , people might be curious that why he stopped walking on the road to truth after his 40? actually , according to his autobiography ,he grew to believe in some nonmainstream areas ,like astrology and alchemy ,when he was old ,and these kinds of research always involve unwarranted imaginations and deductions, and consequently Newton satisfied with these freely and easily "researches" than a boring and exhausted scientific research in physics and math .and this variation results in the waste of his talent in nonmainstream areas during his old age.
Secondly ,nonmainstreams could have the potential for harm to people's health, even lives by misleading people from a normal and scientific road . For instance , in some poor countries ,where nonmainstream areas, like fortune-telling, astrology, are widely accepted , when people get ill and suffer from diseases ,first thing for them to do is asking not for a doctor but a fortune teller , who will tell them where the disease comes from and whether there is a need for them to go to hospital . for the most part , this misleading effect of fortune-telling would cost patients’ dear time for curing in the sense.
Finally , some organization with evil religen, which could be a great danger to society ,always use these nonmainstream area as their tools to confuse mass. and this also is the case which we should be vary wary of . take The Peoples Temple as an example , this group is known for a tragedy during which nearly 1000 people were killed via suicide under the order of the group leader ,and the means the leader adopted to confuse people is via monmainstream areas : he ,in the name of a fortune-teller ,claimed to his member that the endless of world would come ,and made his members believe in him via a various means ,most of which referred to nonmainstream areas . in this example , we could indicate that nonmainstream could easy serve as a horrible weapons which threaten people's lives and society's safety .
Admittedly , some nonmainstream area involves ample imaginations which could lend help to science research ,and the psychological need of people reflected in the function of nonmainstreams areas could guild the government to improve the service and assistance to the public .nonmainstream also would give a temporal solace to people's pressing insecurity and nervous feeling when there is no solution to a coming hardship ,however , compared to its harms ,these ephemeral benefits could nearly be neglected.
In conclusion , I think nonmainstream areas have great potential harms towards society ,although it could bring some benefits ,but harm far outweigh them.
囧 我觉得我的语言 真的 写的我自己都很无语啊 怎么办...........

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-7 01:13:36 |只看该作者
The speaker claims that some nonmainstream areas play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs ,however , in my view ,the harm brought by nonmainstream areas always outweigh according benefits .let alone a vital role .
Nonmainstreams ,which usually involve lots of mysteries , always pose negative effects on society and mass .
Firstly. since it usually satisfy people' desire for the answer to unknown things, it hampers the developments of science by diminish the passion which could serve to form a impulse to science .Take great scientist Newton as an example .Newton was famous known for his achievements made during his 20 to 40 years old  , people might be curious that why he stopped walking on the road to truth after his 40? actually , according to his autobiography ,he grew to believe in some nonmainstream areas ,like astrology and alchemy ,when he was old ,and these kinds of research always involve unwarranted imaginations and deductions, and consequently Newton satisfied with these freely and easily "researches" than a boring and exhausted scientific research in physics and math .and this variation results in the waste of his talent in nonmainstream areas during his old age. (非主流的科学分散了科学家的注意力)
Secondly ,nonmainstreams could have the potential for harm to people's health, even lives by misleading people from a normal and scientific road . For instance , in some poor countries ,where nonmainstream areas, like fortune-telling, astrology, are widely accepted , when people get ill and suffer from diseases ,first thing for them to do is asking not for a doctor but a fortune teller , who will tell them where the disease comes from and whether there is a need for them to go to hospital . for the most part , this misleading effect of fortune-telling would cost patients’ dear time for curing in the sense.(相信非主流有害身体)
Finally , some organization with evil religen, which could be a great danger to society ,always use these nonmainstream area as their tools to confuse mass. and this also is the case which we should be vary wary of . take The Peoples Temple as an example , this group is known for a tragedy during which nearly 1000 people were killed via suicide under the order of the group leader ,and the means the leader adopted to confuse people is via monmainstream areas : he ,in the name of a fortune-teller ,claimed to his member that the endless of world would come ,and made his members believe in him via a various means ,most of which referred to nonmainstream areas . in this example , we could indicate that nonmainstream could easy serve as a horrible weapons which threaten people's lives and society's safety .(非主流会成为利用的工具以迷惑群众)
Admittedly , some nonmainstream area involves ample imaginations which could lend help to science research ,and the psychological need of people reflected in the function of nonmainstreams areas could guild the government to improve the service and assistance to the public .nonmainstream also would give a temporal solace to people's pressing insecurity and nervous feeling when there is no solution to a coming hardship ,however , compared to its harms ,these ephemeral benefits could nearly be neglected.(非主流科学有好处)
In conclusion , I think nonmainstream areas have great potential harms towards society ,although it could bring some benefits ,but harm far outweigh them.
结构还是很清晰的 语言大家一起努力 你还有很多时间吧 继续加油

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ISSUE41 勇往直前小组第六次作业 BYnashiong
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