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[i习作temp] Issue185 你拍我拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-8 21:46:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue185 Scandals—whetherin politics, academia, or other areas—can be useful. They focus our attentionon problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.

When at the mention ofscandals, most people might be deeply impressed by the Clinton sex scandal occurred in the 1990s,which sparked a fierce debate about the powers and duties of legal prosecutorsin and out of office. Such scandals indeed call our close attention to someproblem that speakers or reformers fail to. Yet, disadvantages of scandals may far beyond such advantage sometimes.

It is true thatscandals, to some extent, could cause people focus on some problem that nospeaker or reformer ever could. We can see no further than the MitsubishiMotors scandal. Before media revealed the scandal, Mitsubishi Motors hadconcealed significant defects in the break system of Pajero, one of the company's major products, before apologized to public. Hundreds of caraccidents were directly caused by the break error. Thanks to the exposure ofthe scandal, people focus on the problem and finally force the company suffereda great goods return. Another example is  the Doping Scandal of Ben Johnson who won the champion of 100-meterrace in 2004 Summer Olympics. Such scandals make people pay attention to the fairness of the game and strengthen relevant rules toward doping use. Hence, scandals are useful to cause people notice some problems that speaker or reformer may ignore or failto reveal.

Nevertheless,despite the above potential benefits, are scandals always useful to our society?Should we always cast our close attention on scandals? The answer is negative.Disappointing but truly, in some cases, scandals may be useless even harmful.

Firstly, it isquite common that most exposures of scandals cause public lose trust and evenlead to panic. We can see no further than the Baring Bank Scandal in 1995 forexample. Lison, one of employers of Baring Bank, invested large amounts of thebank’s fund to financial derivation trade without any approbation and causedhuge loss that finally led to bankruptcy. When the scandal was exposed, most depositorslose heart toward bank, since they worried that bank was not a safe place to depositmoney. The scandal even caused financial panic among the whole society. The EnronScandal in 2001 is another good instance to illustrate that scandals cause thepublic lose trust toward large companies. Through using improper accountingmethods to list exorbitant assets, show profits where none existed and hidedebts, Enron attracted many investors, rose and sustained the high share price,gained cash flow by pledging company’s share. Some Enron’s executives soldtheir share before Enron collapse and got a large number of money. The scandalshaked the confidence of investors, and affected the stock market to somedegree. Hence, scandals sometimes may bring negative effect on society.

Furthermore, asmany scandals are meaningless, over focus on scandal may distract people frommore important affairs. In some areas, especially in the entertainment circle,most of the scandals are non-sense though these whistle-blowerrevealing wrongdoings can somewhat meet people’s curiosity about celebrities.In order promote audience rating and attract more advertisers, modern medialike to collect, broadcast and amplify the scandals of the stars, such aslip-synch, face-lift, complex love relationship and soon. Such scandals are sensationalization. For example, inJune all media wantonly publicized the scandal of Paris Hilton in jail, andpublic paid too much attention on it, since it is just an ordinary case that apeople who obey laws are punished, and people needn’t to care much about it. Inthis way, people could better focus on other more important affairs if they arenot distracted by such non-sense scandals.

Therefore, it is unresonable to claim that scandal is always useful. To reduce its negative effects as possible as we can, we should properly control our attention on scandals. When scandals may cause publicpanic, government should take certain measures to keep a steady social atmosphere.While, as for meaningless scandals, we should avoid blindly focus.

[ 本帖最后由 woodman 于 2007-8-9 00:21 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2007-8-8 22:51:22 |只看该作者
看完此文 首先折服于楼主驾御语言和例证的能力,俺非常佩服.但是我对楼主的写作思路有所质疑.从作者所列的提纲来看,作者应该是倾向于一种折中的观点,并且在文章的最后一段也得到了印证,但我认为,作为一篇考场作文,目的其实就是给考官看的,应该遵循西方的行文习惯,就是观点放在最前面.虽然也有很少数的美国文章是将观点放在了最后,但那大多都是大家的作品,作为考场作文,似乎没有必要去冒那个险.
另外,虽然似乎是折中的观点,但是似乎倾向依然比较明显.首先表现在篇幅上:赞成丑闻的只有一段,而不赞成的则占了两大段. 第二,在中间三段的论证过程中,似乎采用了欲扬先抑的手法.虽然可能这样是为了突出折中的观点,但是仍然觉得侧重倾向比较明显,特别是连接词.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-8 23:07:50 |只看该作者
When at the mention of scandals, most people might be deeply impressed by the Clinton sex scandal occurred in the 1990s,which sparked a fierce debate about the powers and duties of legal prosecutorsin and out of office. Such scandals indeed call our close attention to some problem that speakers or reformers fail to. Yet, disadvantages of scandals may far beyond such advantage sometimes.(开头不错)
It is true that scandals, to some extent, could cause people focus on some problem that nos peaker or reformer ever could. We can see no further than the Mitsubishi Motors scandal. Before media revealed the scandal, Mitsubishi Motors had concealed significant defects in the break system of Pajero, one of the company's major products, before apologized to public. Hundreds of caraccidents were directly caused by the break error. Thanks to the exposure ofthe scandal, people focus on the problem and finally force the company suffered a great goods return. Another example is the Olympic Games Scandals. There were several scandals of the 2004 Summer Olympics. The most prominent scandals involved the Doping Scandal of Ben Johnson who was the champion of 100-meter race. Such scandals make people pay attention to the fairness of the game and strengthen relevant rules toward doping use. Hence, scandals are useful to cause people notice some problems that speaker or reformer may ignore or failto reveal.(这一段先提正,不错)

Nevertheless,despite the above potential benefits, are scandals always useful to our society?Should we always cast our close attention on scandals? The answer is negative.Disappointing but truly, in some cases, scandals may be useless even harmful.

Firstly, it isquite common that most exposures of scandals cause public lose trust and even lead to panic. We can see no further than the Baring Bank Scandal in 1995 for example. Lison, one of employers of Baring Bank, invested large amounts of the bank’s fund to financial derivation trade without any approbation and caused huge loss that finally led to bankruptcy. When the scandal was exposed, most depositors lose heart toward bank, since they worried that bank was not a safe place to deposit money. The scandal even caused financial panic among the whole society. The Enron Scandal in 2001 is another good instance to illustrate that scandals cause the public lose trust toward large companies. Through using improper accounting methods to list exorbitant assets, show profits where none existed and hidedebts, Enron attracted many investors, rose and sustained the high share price,gained cash flow by pledging company’s share. Some Enron’s executives sold their share before Enron collapse and got a large number of money. The scandal shaked the confidence of investors, and affected the stock market to some degree. Hence, scandals sometimes may bring negative effect on society.(举了两个例子)

Furthermore, asmany scandals are meaningless, over focus on scandal may distract people from more important affairs. In some areas, especially in the entertainment circle,most of the scandals are non-sense though these whistle-blowerrevealing wrongdoings can somewhat meet people’s curiosity about celebrities.In order promote audience rating and attract more advertisers, modern medialike to collect, broadcast and amplify the scandals of the stars, such aslip-synch, face-lift, complex love relationship and soon. Such scandals are sensationalization. For example, inJune all media wantonly publicized the scandal of Paris Hilton in jail, andpublic paid too much attention on it, since it is just an ordinary case that apeople who obey laws are punished, and people needn’t to care much about it. Inthis way, people could better focus on other more important affairs if they arenot distracted by such non-sense scandals.

Therefore, it is hard toachieve a conclusion that scandal is useful or not above all. To benefit fromscandals meanwhile reduce its negative effects as possible as we can, we shouldproperly control our attention on scandals. When scandals may cause publicpanic, government should take certain measures to keep a steady social atmosphere.While, as for meaningless scandals, we should avoid blindly focus.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-9 00:23:02 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-9 10:10:17 |只看该作者
When at the mention ofscandals, most people might be deeply impressed by the Clinton sex scandal occurred in the 1990s,which sparked a fierce debate about the powers and duties of legal prosecutorsin and out of office. Such scandals indeed call our close attention to some problem that speakers or reformers fail to. Yet, disadvantages of scandals may +be far beyond such advantage sometimes.It is true thatscandals, to some extent, could cause people focus on some problem that nospeaker or reformer ever could. We can see no further than the MitsubishiMotors scandal. Before media revealed the scandal, Mitsubishi Motors had concealed significant defects in the break system of Pajero, one of the company's major products, before apologized to public. Hundreds of car accidents were directly caused by the break error. Thanks to the exposure ofthe scandal, people focus on the problem and finally force the company suffered a great goods return. Another example is  the Doping Scandal of Ben Johnson who won the champion of 100-meterrace in 2004 Summer Olympics. Such scandals make people pay attention to the fairness of the game and strengthen relevant rules toward doping use. Hence, scandals are useful to cause people notice some problems that speaker or reformer may ignore or failto reveal.Nevertheless,despite the above potential benefits, are scandals always useful to our society?Should we always cast our close attention on scandals? The answer is negative.Disappointing(Disappointingly) but truly, in some cases, scandals may be useless even harmful. Firstly, it isquite common that most exposures of scandals cause public lose trust and evenlead to panic. We can see no further than the Baring Bank Scandal in 1995 forexample. Lison, one of employers of Baring Bank, invested large amounts of thebank’s fund to financial derivation trade without any approbation and causedhuge loss that finally led to bankruptcy. When the scandal was exposed, most depositors lose heart toward bank, since they worried that bank was not a safe place to deposit money. The scandal even caused financial panic among the whole society. The EnronScandal in 2001 is another good instance to illustrate that scandals cause thepublic lose trust toward large companies. Through using improper accountingmethods to list exorbitant assets, show profits where none existed and hidedebts, Enron attracted many investors, rose and sustained the high share price,gained cash flow by pledging company’s share. Some Enron’s executives soldtheir share before Enron collapse and got a large number of money. The scandalshaked the confidence of investors, and affected the stock market to somedegree. Hence, scandals sometimes may bring negative effect on society.本段两个例子是否都叙述太详细了,考试时如果时候够当然好,主要讲清一个,对其分析足以Furthermore, as many scandals are meaningless, over focus on scandal may distract people frommore important affairs. In some areas, especially in the entertainment circle,most of the scandals are non-sense though these whistle-blower revealing wrongdoings can somewhat meet people’s curiosity about celebrities.In order +to promote audience rating and attract more advertisers, modern medialike to collect, broadcast and amplify the scandals of the stars, such aslip-synch, face-lift, complex love relationship and soon. Such scandals are sensationalization. For example, inJune all media wantonly publicized the scandal of Paris Hilton in jail, andpublic paid too much attention on it, since it is just an ordinary case that apeople who obey(disobey) laws are punished, and people needn’t to care much about it. Inthis way, people could better focus on other more important affairs if they arenot distracted by such non-sense scandals.其他更重要的事情是什么,为什么更重要,最好具体说下Therefore, it is unresonable to claim that scandal is always useful. To reduce its negative effects as possible as we can, we should properly control our attention on scandals. When scandals may cause public panic, government should take certain measures to keep a steady social atmosphere.While, as for meaningless scandals, we should avoid blindly focus.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-14 15:17:12 |只看该作者

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