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[i习作temp] Issue153 这篇自我感觉不错 有提纲 欢迎大家猛拍~ [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-9 18:25:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
如果是需要很多思考和想像涉及很多理论的专业, 这样做是必要的 ,爱因斯坦 和肖邦
OPIC: ISSUE153 - "Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
WORDS: 635          TIME: 上午 12:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-9

Should students hold a skepticism towards whatever they study? the speaker claims so , however, in my view ,although I concede that students should not accept knowledge passively , whether all the students should bring a certain skepticism relies on the major they engage in. If they major in some realms referring to theories and imaginations in majority , then , like the speaker claims, they should hold a skepticism to what they study ,however, if the knowledge they learn refers to industry manufacture and related practical realms ,then accept what they learn without skepticism might be a better choice .
First of all , when the major involves theories and imagination for the most part , students should hold a certain skepticism to what they study , skepticism carries two main merits in this situation .
    first. it could serve students interest in enhancing what they learn during ferreting out evidence to justify their assumption, although they always fail in the sense . for example , If a student majored in physics do not believe the quantum theory , he has to collect evidence to bolster his doubt ,then he will devote himself to the library and check out a myriad of books in order to find the mistake or infirmity existed during the deduction of quantum theory , after reading many books ,known the reasonable history of the development of quantum theory , he may be convincing to the result ,or not . anyway , he must be familiar with the essence of  this theory ,and this familiarity is attributable to his skepticism .
   Second , skepticism always contribute to a breakthrough and discovery in realms referring to theory . it is a important basis to the students for further research and discoveries . take Einstein as an example ,if he did not hold a skepticism towards the classical mechanics ,which were accepted by most contemporary scientists , outcomes of relativity would be a dream . when come to art field, which also mainly involve imaginations , the case keeps the same , Chopin ,who is the representative of Romanticism , ever once was hampered by classical music 's regular style ,however , he felt that the regularity of Classical music always hampered his inspiration ,and was doubt about the necessity of this style ,finally he got rid of this established confines and developed his own romantic and free styles ,which formed an impulse to the music development. above analysis could informs us , in a realms replete with imagination and theory ,surely need students a skepticism to illuminate the road to success .

However , do students majored in practical realms which values the security and stability than other factors also conform to this issue? perhaps adherence to the claims of speaker would pose a detrimental effects on industry. to illustrate this point , we need look no further than my experiences in campus . I major in nuclear plants operation ,and each year lots of plants come to offer employments to us , it is a little curious that the most important requirement to the students is not clever or high cores, but only the obedience to the regulations of plant ,no matter what happen . and representatives of the plants explain to us that: industry do not need skepticism , it is the duty of scientists and designers  , as a operator , the most important thing should involve practice the regulations of operation seriously . if we focus on teaching students who will be operators a skeptic attitude towards whatever they learn , it would have potential for harm to the safety of industry.

In conclusion , whether skepticism is necessary to students is determined by their specific major ,narrow students' focus on skepticism to everything without taking accout for this business will pose counterproductive effects.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-10 20:35:54 |只看该作者
Should students hold a skepticism towards whatever they study? the speaker claims so , however, in my view ,although I concede that students should not accept knowledge passively , whether all the students should bring a certain skepticism relies on the major they engage in. If they major in some realms referring to theories and imaginations in majority , then , like the speaker claims, they should hold a skepticism to what they study ,however, if the knowledge they learn refers to industry manufacture and related practical realms ,then accept what they learn without skepticism might be a better choice .
First of all , when the major involves theories and imagination for the most part , students should hold a certain skepticism to what they study , skepticism carries two main merits in this situation .
    first(用得太单调了,可以换换). it could serve students interest in enhancing what they learn during ferreting out evidence to justify their assumption, although they always fail in the sense (看后面的论述,倒觉得ts应该改一下,说怀疑可以使学生理解只是更深刻,貌似更符合). for example , If a student majored in physics do not believe the quantum theory , he has to collect evidence to bolster his doubt ,then he will devote himself to the library and check out a myriad of books in order to find the mistake or infirmity existed during the deduction of quantum theory , after reading many books ,known(??) the reasonable history of the development of quantum theory , he may be convincing to the result ,or not . anyway , he must be familiar with the essence of  this theory ,and this familiarity is attributable to his skepticism .
   Second , skepticism always contributes to a breakthrough and discovery in realms referring to theory . it is a important basis to the students for further research and discoveries . take Einstein as an example ,if he did not hold a skepticism towards the classical mechanics ,which were accepted by most contemporary scientists , outcomes of relativity would be a dream . when come to art field, which also mainly involve imaginations , the case keeps the same , Chopin ,who is the representative of Romanticism , ever once was hampered by classical music 's regular style ,however , he felt that the regularity of Classical music always hampered his inspiration ,and was doubt about the necessity of this style(好像有点牵强,这个例子貌似只能说他打破传统,感觉是强行扯到怀疑上来的) ,finally he got rid of this established confines and developed his own romantic and free styles ,which formed an impulse to the music development. above analysis could informs us , in a realms replete with imagination and theory ,surely need students a skepticism to illuminate the road to success .

However , do students majored in practical realms which values the security and stability than other factors also conform to this issue? perhaps adherence to the claims of speaker would pose a detrimental effects on industry. to illustrate this point , we need look no further than my experiences in campus(额。。不是说举自己的例子不好吗说) . I major in nuclear plants operation ,and each year lots of plants come to offer employments to us , it is a little curious(一般说sb be curious about sth) that the most important requirement to the students is not clever or high cores, but only the obedience to the regulations of plant ,no matter what happen . and representatives of the plants explain to us that: industry do not need skepticism , it is the duty of scientists and designers  , as a operator , the most important thing should involve practice the regulations of operation seriously . if we focus on teaching students who will be operators a skeptic attitude towards whatever they learn , it would have potential for harm to the safety of industry(这段论述没有说服了,仅仅是说你的经历,并不表示不必要啊,还是有人通过怀疑在这些领域有成绩的).

In conclusion , whether skepticism is necessary to students is determined by their specific major ,narrow students' focus on skepticism to everything without taking accout for this business will pose counterproductive effects.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-10 23:10:12 |只看该作者
Shouldstudents hold a skepticism towards whatever they study? the speaker claims so ,however, in my view ,although I concede that students should not acceptknowledge passively , whether all the students should bring a certainskepticism relies on the major they engage in. If they major in some realmsreferring to theories and imaginations in majority , then , like the speakerclaims, they should hold a skepticism to what they study ,however, if theknowledge they learn refers to industry manufacture and related practicalrealms ,then accept what they learn without skepticism might be a better choice.开头冗长,除非是很有新意很吸引人,否则就不必了,因为到后面就会很仓促。又是分类~~~

Firstof all , when the major involves theories and imagination for the most part ,students should hold a certain skepticism to what they study , skepticismcarries two main merits in this situation .
first. it could serve students interest inenhancing(这个说不上来哪不对,感觉怪怪的)what they learn during ferreting out evidence tojustify their assumption, although they always fail in the sense . for example, If a student majored in physics do not believe the quantum theory , he has tocollect evidence to bolster his doubt ,then he will devote himself to thelibrary and check out a myriad of books in order to find the mistake orinfirmity existed during the deduction of quantum theory , after reading manybooks ,known the reasonable history of the development of quantum theory , hemay be convincing to the result ,or not . anyway , he must be familiar with theessence of  this theory ,and this familiarity is attributable to hisskepticism .这个例子压根儿没提到interest
Second , skepticism always contribute to a breakthrough anddiscovery in realms referring to theory . it is aimportant basis to the students for further research and discoveries(表达不地道) . take Einstein as an example ,if hedid not hold a skepticism towards the classical mechanics ,which were acceptedby most contemporary scientists , outcomes of relativity would be a dream .when come to art field, which also mainly involve imaginations , the case keepsthe same , Chopin ,who is the representative of Romanticism , ever once washampered by classical music 's regular style ,however , he felt that theregularity of Classical music always hampered his inspiration ,and was doubtabout the necessity of this style ,finally he got rid of this establishedconfines and developed his own romantic and free styles ,which formed animpulse to the music development. above analysis could informs us , in a realmsreplete with imagination and theory ,surely need students a skepticism toilluminate the road to success .对于理由的论述比较少,犯了和我一样的毛病,呵呵,例子很多,但是对于理由的说明什么的太少了,不见得会有说服力。Chopin的例子好像与质疑关系不大啊,人家只是考虑有没有必要遵守陈旧的模式。

However , do students majored in practical realms which values thesecurity and stability than other factors also conform to this issue? perhapsadherence to the claims of speaker would pose a detrimental effects onindustry. to illustrate this point , we need look no further than myexperiences in campus . I major in nuclear plants operation ,and each year lotsof plants come to offer employments to us , it is a little curious that themost important requirement to the students is not clever or high cores, butonly the obedience to the regulations of plant ,no matter what happen . andrepresentatives of the plants explain to us that: industry do not needskepticism , it is the duty of scientists and designers  , as aoperator , the most important thing should involve practice the regulations ofoperation seriously . if we focus on teaching students who will be operators askeptic attitude towards whatever they learn , it would have potential for harmto the safety of industry.这一段基本失败了,遵守实验规则就能说明整个领域不质疑了吗?那么新的突破从何而来,重复实验能有进步吗?不同实验可能有不同结果,你还是得质疑某些结果。再说以你个人的经历难以雄辩一方啊。你的论证有点像是例举我每天遵守交通规则,难道你就认定我是一个没有质疑精神的人吗?

In conclusion , whether skepticism is necessary to students is determinedby their specific major ,narrow students' focus on skepticism to everythingwithout taking accout for this business will pose counterproductive effects.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-10 23:45:53 |只看该作者
OPIC: ISSUE153 - "Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
WORDS: 635          TIME: 上午 12:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-9

Should students hold a skepticism towards whatever they study? the speaker claims so , however, in my view ,although I concede that students should not accept knowledge passively , whether all the students should bring a certain skepticism relies on the major they engage in.(major? 首先,学生不一定只学他们major的课程吧...不要随意缩小范围....) If they major in some realms referring to theories and imaginations in majority , then , like the speaker claims, they should hold a skepticism to what they study ,however, (分号...)if the knowledge they learn refers to industry manufacture and related practical realms ,then accept what they learn without skepticism might be a better choice .(这样分类啊...有难度哦 看下面的表现...)
First of all , when the major involves theories and imagination for the most part , students should hold a certain skepticism to what they study , (重复了.要paraphrase)skepticism carries two main merits in this situation .
    first. (The first one is....这样才对嘛...)it could serve students interest in enhancing what they learn during ferreting out evidence to justify their assumption, although they always fail in the sense . for example , If a student majored in physics do not believe the quantum theory , he has to collect evidence to bolster his doubt ,then he will devote himself to the library and check out a myriad of books in order to find the mistake or infirmity existed during the deduction of quantum theory , after reading many books ,known the reasonable history of the development of quantum theory , he may be convincing to the result ,or not . anyway , he must be familiar with the essence of  this theory ,and this familiarity is attributable to his skepticism .(上来就是量子力学啊...Orz一下....恩,例子虽好,还是不够具体: 比如说"我"曾经怀疑过薛定谔方程和弦理论,并且是爱因斯坦理想实验的坚定支持者,但经过一系列的对多元高次不等式的演算和对数据的核实之后,"我"逐渐在量子力学和相对论中徘徊起来,而正是这种怀疑和徘徊导致了"我"选择了高等物理作为研究方向...(甚至可以用来做PS...))
   Second , skepticism always contribute to a breakthrough and discovery in realms referring to theory . it is a important basis to the students for further research and discoveries . take Einstein as an example ,if he did not hold a skepticism towards the classical mechanics ,which were accepted by most contemporary scientists , outcomes of relativity would be a dream . when come to art field, which also mainly involve imaginations , the case keeps the same , Chopin ,who is the representative of Romanticism , ever once was hampered by classical music 's regular style ,however , he felt that the regularity of Classical music always hampered his inspiration ,and was doubt about the necessity of this style ,finally he got rid of this established confines and developed his own romantic and free styles ,which formed an impulse to the music development. above analysis could informs us , in a realms replete with imagination and theory ,surely need students a skepticism to illuminate the road to success . (Chopin的例子明显不合适,显然艺术家们不是因为"怀疑"旧风格的正确性,才创立自己的流派的.艺术流派的革新跟"怀疑"的关系在本文没有,也几乎很难在任何地方阐述清楚.)

However , do students majored in practical realms which values the security and stability than other factors also conform to this issue? perhaps adherence to the claims of speaker would pose a detrimental effects on industry. to illustrate this point , we need look no further than my experiences in campus . I major in nuclear plants operation(果然是核物理的,OTz...) ,and each year lots of plants come to offer employments to us , it is a little curious that the most important requirement to the students is not clever or high cores, but only the obedience to the regulations of plant ,no matter what happen . and representatives of the plants explain to us that: industry do not need skepticism , it is the duty of scientists and designers  , as a operator , the most important thing should involve practice the regulations of operation seriously . if we focus on teaching students who will be operators a skeptic attitude towards whatever they learn , it would have potential for harm to the safety of industry.(文中的例子还算恰当,但是废话了一些.另外,举出反例是很容易的,工业上的工艺改革也是存在的,而这些改革正是工业发展的原因之一.)

In conclusion , whether skepticism is necessary to students is determined by their specific major ,narrow students' focus on skepticism to everything without taking accout for this business will pose counterproductive effects.(还是简单重复)

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