3、滥用which,who。我觉得这个的罪魁祸首就是新东方。记得以前上新东方的时候,老师说大家写长句子怎么办啊。就加上which who,whose。这样一个句子就能拉的很长。但是这个往往起到了相反的结果。因为GRE考得是逻辑,不是语言。而which who其实表达的是一种强烈的逻辑关系。比如我PS的一个例子。(都改了,一下子找不到,就随便说一个吧)These topics which are talked about a few days ago are quite important. 在我们看来,重心在于important.但是很多外国人一眼落在了which上头。由此可见他认为你的逻辑是否正确。而且特别是一些短句子,我们刻意的把他们拉长。用所谓的which whose,导致他们看其他特别变扭。
更新一下,ETS 绝对官方说的,作文错误,我就截取其中的句子部分。
too many passive sentences.
too many long sentences
too many short sentences
ton many sentences beginning with coordinating conjunctions
Does each of your main ideas begin with a topic sentence.由此可见第一句话必须写啥
use your topic sentence to prepare the reader for understanding what is written in the essay.
use topic sentences to connect two paragraphs or two main ideas.