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issue17"There are two types of laws: just and unjust.Every individual in asociety has a responsibility to obey just lawsand, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."
Some people think we should not only obey just laws, but disobey and resist unjust laws as well. However, because the complexity (删nature) of (删the)law, I think that urging everyone in a society to act against theunjust law is not always the optimal way to maintain the justice oflaws, rather, the justice of laws are better achieved by makingeveryone reach a general understanding of what is justice.最后这个长句不是很懂,rather前后maintain the justice of laws和achieve the justice of laws achieved是同级比较关系吗?
Admittedly, there existed(exist应该不能用主动态吧,不及物,改被动,而且用现在时即可) manylaws which is regarded as unjust later in history, and aggressiveaction against these laws are considered necessary, for "they are", asMartin Luther King described, " codes which are out of harmony withmoral laws." One of these most well-known unjust law is Jim Crow Lawwhich was passed in every southern state in America after the abolitionof slavery. According to the law, segregation was reinforced in favorof the dominant whites in many places, such as the rows of seats in abus, schools, hospitals, and so on. A great deal of resistant actionswere taken by some famous black people to protest to(the) injustice of the law. They boycotted the segregated transportation, hold sit-in at segregated restaurants, and even picketed discriminatory businesses(什么意思?).All of these actions are regarded as indispensable in the overturn ofJim Crow Law. Such example shows that a blatant unjust law is likely tocontinue if no aggressive action are taken.
However, there are laws which can not be clearly judged as just orunjust, and it is impossible to achieve absolute justice, thereforesome mild actions are more advisable rather than the aggressive ones.There are a lot of examples which illustrate the embarrassing situationin which both the plaintiff and the respondent are not happy about thesentence and feel that the justice of law is not achieved. Forinstance, a company files a law suit against another company forinfringement of copyrights of their products, however, both companiesare (not?)satisfied with the judge: the accuser thinks the compensation is toolittle while the accused thinks it is too much. Aggressive actions suchas disobeying or resisting will not be helpful for achieving thejustice of the copyright law, because no matter how the legislatureadjusts the amount of compensation, at least one side of the suit willfeel that they are unfairly treated.这里如果再说一句如果resist的话会有怎样的后果就更完整了.另外也可以谈谈人们对这里的copyright law的判断标准问题.
In fact, the reason which prevents a law to be generally accepted liesin the disparity of people's understanding of justice in a society, andpeople are likely to obey (删to) laws if they think it is(they are)morally just. For example, the mutual understanding of equality, urgedby the aggressive action taken by the black people, helped to overturnthe segregation law; The later realization of the importance ofenvironmental protection contributes to the wildly acceptance of theenvironmental laws. Therefore, compared with merely encouraging peopleto disobey or resist the laws they feel being unjust,providing the general public with right idea on what is justice is moreeffective, because it makes people feel they would like to, rather thanhave to obey the laws.最后这一句很出彩,点明了问题的关键.
In sum, although aggressive actions may work when people fight with laws which are morally(这个概念也不是绝对的吧) wrong, justice can be achieved more effectively by helping people to reach a mutual understanding of justice.