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[i习作temp] Issue48[Jet]小组第十次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-24 00:17:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE48 - "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
WORDS: 519          TIME: 01:33:58         

The author asserts that the most significant historical events and trends probably made by groups of people rather than the famous few, thus more emphasis should be placed on the majority in the study of history. While I tend to believe that it is the famous few who create the decisions and innovations in the historical events and trends, and the groups of people implemented and strengthened these decisions and innovations. Thus a balance need to be made on whom emphasis should be placed.

In most history books and documents, those significant figures were always described as the only decision makers. Especially in political realm, as only a few people who could really grasp the power, their decisions and policies affected the significant historical events and trends directly. In the realm of science and arts in the past, egregious attainments and works tend to be achieved by the few eminent people. For example, when we conduct research on fundamental physics, Newton, Einstein and Maxwell etc. will naturally be the focus; when we study Psychology, the image of Dr. S. Freud puffing his cigar pipe will emerge. Additionally, learning about eminent historical figures especially their process to success will also inspire us to achieve more over their principles.

Furthermore, most people are likely to read stories about famous figures not only those of the historical notabilities but also these of our contemporaries. In our daily lives, often we will find articles reporting or discussing about trivia, such as Michal Jackson’s litigation and the queen's dressing. Why do TV stations broadcast NBA games? Obviously, there are plenty of basketball fans who will watch the games. Similarly, why do newspapers report these trivia? Obviously we, as readers, are interested in reading them. Consequently, more news, stories, documents and books are created, which make it relatively more emphasis placed on these notabilities.

However, it is not fair for those groups of people who implemented and strengthened the decisions and innovations made by the famous few as there are almost none materials and documents about them. Although there might be some merits over-emphasizing on the famous few, it isn't good for the long views research of these significant historical events and trends. Suppose that there were no soldiers fighting for Alexander the Great even his decisions were right, will he establish such a great empire? If there were no individuals and company admitting Watt's theory, will he has such a famous repute and admired worldwide even now? In other words, the famous few couldn't create histories without the help of the groups of people. Additionally, as the political and science tend to be conducted by consortiums and committees, groups of people play more and more important roles in the future.

To sum up, I tend to believe that the famous few played important roles in making the significant events and trends in history, however, the importance of the groups of people should not be neglected. We need to find a balance on whom emphasis should be placed. And our historians should pay much attention to those achievements that attained by the groups of people.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-2-25 23:11:37 |只看该作者
The author asserts that the most significant historical events and trends probably made by groups of people rather than the famous few, thus more emphasis should be placed on the majority in the study of history. While I tend to believe that it is the famous few who create(created) the decisions and innovations in the historical events and trends, and(删去,不然这个句子就没写完) the groups of people implemented and strengthened these decisions and innovations. Thus a balance need to be made on whom emphasis should be placed.

In most history books and documents, those significant figures were(are) always described as the only decision makers. Especially in political realm, as only a few people who could really grasp the power, their decisions and policies affected the significant historical events and trends directly. In the realm of science and arts in the past, egregious attainments and works tend to be achieved by the few eminent people. For example, when we conduct research on fundamental physics, Newton, Einstein and Maxwell etc. will naturally be the focus; when we study Psychology, the image of(of后面不能跟这么个句子吧?用that) Dr. S. Freud puffing his cigar pipe will emerge. Additionally, learning about eminent historical figures especially their process to success will also(also放着觉得和前面几个句子衔接不紧密,所以这个also的作用也没太体现出来,你仔细把这几个句子连起来读读体会一下) inspire us to achieve more over their principles.

Furthermore, most people are likely to read stories about famous figures not only those of the historical notabilities but also these of our contemporaries. In our daily lives, often we will find articles reporting or discussing about trivia, such as Michal Jackson’s litigation and the queen's dressing. Why do TV stations broadcast NBA games? Obviously, there are plenty of basketball fans who will watch the games. Similarly, why do newspapers report these trivia? Obviously we, as readers, are interested in reading them. Consequently, more news, stories, documents and books are created, which make it relatively more emphasis placed on these notabilities.(你说NBA那儿的时候,应该说因为有球星,来突出你这一段是说people like to read stories about famous figures。同样,读那些trivia也应该说是名人的trivia)

However, it is not fair for those groups of people who implemented and strengthened the decisions and innovations (which)made by the famous few as there are almost none materials and documents about them. Although there might be some merits over-emphasizing on the famous few, it isn't good for the long views research of these significant historical events and trends. Suppose that there were no soldiers fighting for Alexander the Great even his decisions were right, will he establish such a great empire? If there were no individuals and company(companies) admitting Watt's theory, will he has such a famous repute and admired worldwide even now? In other words, the famous few couldn't create histories(可不可以用复数?我不太确定) without the help of the groups of people. Additionally, as the political and science tend to be conducted by consortiums and committees, groups of people play more and more important roles in the future.

To sum up, I tend to believe that the famous few played important roles in making the significant events and trends in history, however, the importance of the groups of people should not be neglected. We need to find a balance on whom emphasis should be placed. And our historians should pay much attention to those achievements that attained by the groups of people.(最后这一句不太好,像是在强调应该注意那些事情,实际上historians注意到了事情,只是没注意到那些人。


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