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[i习作temp] Issue184 【challenge yourself小组】第一次作业by小火龙33 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-7-24 18:14:46 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
      The birth of a successful theory depends on many factors, some of which may be quite accidental. Data seems like a very basic factor. Then what’s the relationship between the attained theory and the data attributing to the theorize? Most people appriciate the improtant role data plays in the formulation of a theory, some people even believe that it is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data. In my viw, I totally agree with the indispensibility of data for the establishment of a theory. However, it shuold not be neglected that data is mot the only thing, and many significant theories are put forward before sufficient data are attained. Overlooking the data will sometimes be an obstacle for the progress of theory.  
      Admittedly, sufficient and accurate data play a crucial role in establishing a theory. In various academic fields, an assumption without adequate data have to remain the researcher’s guess an desire. Take Aristotle and Galileo as example. Although Aristotle is a master of antient Greek culture, I believe many people do not think he is great especially in the field of physcis, compared to Galileo, who overthrew Aristotle "the object speed of table and theweight becomes the proportion" theory, by conducting the famous experiment "two iron balls simultaneously falls to theground" on the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I can’t help say something for Aristotle. His mistake lies not in his minds but in the inappropriate research methods characterized by observation and intuition, lacking relevent data. However, Galileo conducted an abundance of experiments and attained sufficient data before proposing the final conclusion. Although Observation and intuition for physics research is essential, physics is afterall a subject based on data and facts. This example obviously shows that how important data are in building up a theory.
     Nevertheless, not all great theories are put forward with adequate data, many of which begin with educated assumptions.Ancient Greek Philosophy, without ennough data, suggests that the primitive material of the world are some elements, such as water, gas, fire, etc.They are the people who first used the natural world itself to explain the formation of it. Though imperfect, they made a great progress on human’s understanding of the world. Making bold assumptions about the unknown world is not only necessary but also worthile.
      In addition, some achivements cannot be understood or appriciated by data, such as philosophy, religious and literary arts.
     Furthermore, excessive stress on data might hinder the development of innovative thinking and theories. Considering a theory cannot be built up until adequate and reliable data are ready, it is entirely possible that the theory’s proposal will be postponed forever. Not to mention that it’s hard to judge whether the data obtained is enough. The well known Kepler's Law is based on the observational data and Star Table of Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, his teacher, who devoted his life to observing celestial Bodies. He kept improving the observation equipment and accumulated a great quantity of data. However, it is his student who put forward the theory using his data. From the example, we can see Tycho is a millionaire, but he did not know how to correctly use his wealth. What a pity!
      In sum, I basically agree with the speaker’s opinion. Howeber, every coin has two sides. While we are in favor of the crucial role data play to the birth of a theory, we should not neglect it side effect and other fact in establishing theories.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-7-25 13:42:28 |只看该作者
The birth of a successful theory depends on many factors, some of which may be quite accidental. Data seems like a very basic factor. Then what’s the relationship between the attained theory and the data attributing to the theorize? Most people appriciate the improtant role data plays in the formulation of a theory, some people even believe that it is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data. In my viw, I totally agree with the indispensibility of data for the establishment of a theory. However, it shuold not be neglected that data is mot the only thing,<mot the only thing?> and many significant theories are put forward before sufficient data are attained. Overlooking the data will sometimes be an obstacle for the progress of theory.  
      Admittedly, sufficient and accurate data play a crucial role in establishing a theory. In various academic fields, an assumption without adequate data have to remain the researcher’s guess an desire<remain the researcher’s guess an desire?>. Take Aristotle and Galileo as example. Although Aristotle is a master of antient Greek culture, I believe many people do not think he is great especially in the field of physcis, compared to Galileo, who overthrew Aristotle "the object speed of table and theweight becomes the proportion" theory, by conducting the famous experiment "two iron balls simultaneously falls to theground" on the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I can’t help <to>say something for Aristotle. His mistake lies not in his minds but in the inappropriate research methods characterized by observation and intuition, lacking relevent data. However, Galileo conducted an abundance of experiments and attained sufficient data before proposing the final conclusion. Although Observation and intuition for physics research is essential, physics is afterall a subject based on data and facts. This example obviously shows that how important data are in building up a theory.
     Nevertheless, not all great theories are put forward with adequate data, many of which begin with educated assumptions.Ancient Greek Philosophy, without ennough data, suggests that the primitive material of the world are some elements, such as water, gas, fire, etc.They are the people who first used the natural world itself to explain the formation of it. Though imperfect, they made a great progress on human’s understanding of the world. Making bold assumptions about the unknown world is not only necessary but also worthile.<但是这些认识都已经被证明是错误的了,对我们的意义和亚里士多德的例子有什么区别>
      In addition, some achivements cannot be understood or appriciated by data, such as philosophy, religious and literary arts.
     Furthermore, excessive stress on data might hinder the development of innovative thinking and theories. Considering a theory cannot be built up until adequate and reliable data are ready, it is entirely possible that the theory’s proposal will be postponed forever. Not to mention that it’s hard to judge whether the data obtained is enough. The well known Kepler's Law is based on the observational data and Star Table of Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, his teacher, who devoted his life to observing celestial Bodies. He kept improving the observation equipment and accumulated a great quantity of data. However, it is his student who put forward the theory using his data. From the example, we can see Tycho is a millionaire, but he did not know how to correctly use his wealth. <这个比喻句写得有点像肯定句>What a pity!<不过也不是Theorize before one has data,只是一个不theorize,一个在有data后theorize,根data无关吧>
      In sum, I basically agree with the speaker’s opinion. Howeber<however>, every coin has two sides. While we are in favor of the crucial role data play to the birth of a theory, we should not neglect it side effect and other fact in establishing theories.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-7-25 14:54:28 |只看该作者
The birth of a successful theory depends on many factors, some of which may be quite accidental. Data seems like a very basic factor. Then what’s the relationship between the attained theory and the data attributing to the theorize? Most people appreciate the important role that data plays in the formulation of a theory, some people even believe that it is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data. In my view, I totally agree with the indispensability of data for the establishment of a theory. However, it should not be neglected that data is not the only thing, and many significant theories are put forward before sufficient data are attained. Overlooking the data will sometimes be an obstacle for the progress of theory.ts是哪一句?看了半天没看出来- -  
      Admittedly让步, sufficient and accurate data play a crucial role in establishing a theory. In various academic fields, an assumption without adequate data have to remain the researcher’s guess an desire. Take Aristotle and Galileo as example. Although Aristotle is a master of ancient Greek culture, I believe many people do not think he is great especially in the field of physics, compared to Galileo, who overthrew Aristotle "the object speed of table and the weight becomes the proportion" theory, by conducting the famous experiment "two iron balls simultaneously falls to the ground" on the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I can’t help say something for Aristotle. His mistake lies not in his minds but in the inappropriate research methods characterized by observation and intuition, lacking relevant data. However, Galileo conducted an abundance of experiments and attained sufficient data before proposing the final conclusion. Although Observation and intuition for physics research is essential, physics为何强调physics? is after all a subject based on data and facts. This example obviously shows that how important data are in building up a theory.
     Nevertheless, not all great theories are put forward with adequate data, many of which begin with educated assumptions.Ancient Greek Philosophy, without enough data, suggests that the primitive material of the world are some elements, such as water, gas, fire, etc.They are the people who first used the natural world itself to explain the formation of it. Though imperfect, they made a great progressimpact? on human’s understanding of the world. Making bold assumptions about the unknown world is not only necessary but also worthwhile.
      In addition, some achievements cannot be understood or appreciated by data, such as philosophy, religious and literary arts.不要这么绝对,不太好
     Furthermore, excessive stress on data might hinder the development of innovative thinking and theories. Considering a theory cannot be built up until adequate and reliable data are ready, it is entirely possible that the theory’s proposal will be postponed forever. Not to mention that it’s hard to judge whether the data obtained is enough. The well known Kepler's Law is based on the observational data and Star Table of Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, his teacher, who devoted his life to observing celestial Bodies. He kept improving the observation equipment and accumulated a great quantity of data. However, it is his student who put forward the theory using his data. From the example, we can see Tycho is a millionaire, but he did not know how to correctly use his wealth. What a pity!
      In sum, I basically agree with the speaker’s opinion. However, every coin has two sides. While we are in favor of the crucial role data play to the birth of a theory, we should not neglect it side effect and other fact in establishing theories.总结段很华丽,但是最后还是重申一下ts

结构和表达都很不错,例子很多,细节上有一些问题但是瑕不掩瑜  拜一个~

[ 本帖最后由 qillura 于 2008-7-25 14:58 编辑 ]

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RE: Issue184 【challenge yourself小组】第一次作业by小火龙33 [修改]
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Issue184 【challenge yourself小组】第一次作业by小火龙33
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