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[i习作temp] 【challenge yourself小组】第四次作业 issue208by小火龙33 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-7-30 23:25:52 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
   As Beijing Olympic Games is coming, everyday we are covered by a great quantity's news reports about it at present from the media, many of which are focused on the clothing of the delegation of every country. Why do people interest in the costume so much? Many people think that the way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests, which can tell a society’s ideas and values. Consider the youthful clothing of American delegation and the simple but elegant clothing of Greece delegation, the appearance can actually reveals the ideas of a society to a certain degree, but of course not in all respects.
    To begin with, people’s appearance do provide a great deal of signals for us to judge their attitudes and interests. Moreover, since the clothing of people belong to the same group usually have much in common, it can reveal the values of a group of people. For example, the professors are always dressing comparatively simple, with a pair of glasses sometimes compared to the rock stars who are always dressing big, queer designed T-shirts and jeans with a series earrings.
         When it comes to the way people act, it do also inform us of the their attitudes and ideas, since the behaviors and habits are influences deeply by the culture and society. Imagine you are standing in the street of Hong Kong or New York, you will find people passing by you with little facial expression, which indicates that this is a busy city and people are suffering great pressure. When you are in Japan and Korea, you will find bow is a basic greeting way, compared with western countries’ embrace and kiss. This habit reveals that Japan and Korea values tradition over modernization while western countries are characterized by passion and enthusiasm.
      However, as the Chinese idiom goes, you cannot judge a book by its cover. The appearance and behavior does not necessarily reflect the ideas and values of them, since many people do not pay attention to their appearance. A billionaire may wear only simple clothes and makes you think he is nobody. Besides, sometimes people are not free to express their interests the staff of some large enterprises or specific organizations are required to dress in uniform, which makes it impossible to show their values. That is to say, it is not reliable to judge the ideas from people’s appearance.
        In general, values are moral or professional standards or principles of the objective things which are obviously rooted in one’s mind. Only if you communicate with others can you fully understand the ideas of the people. Only if you deeply study the culture, the history and the art of a society can you fully understand the values of it. Moreover, at many cases, the value of a society is so complicated that it is difficult to conclude an exact one, which is aptly illustrated by the contend of a hundred schools of thoughts during the Spring and Autumn Period in China.
       To sum up, although the way people look, dress and act can reveal their interests and attitudes in some respects, you have to further study every respect of the society such as the customs, the mores and the history if you want to fully understand the society.

[ 本帖最后由 小火龙33 于 2008-7-30 23:27 编辑 ]

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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-8-5 11:44:35 |只看该作者
   As Beijing Olympic Games is coming, everyday we are covered by a great quantity's news reports about it at present from the media, many of which are focused on the clothing of the delegation of every country. Why do people interest in the costume so much? Many people think that the way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests, which can tell a society’s ideas and values. Consider(Considering) the youthful clothing of American delegation and the simple but elegant clothing of Greece delegation, the appearance can actually reveals the ideas of a society to a certain degree, but of course not in all respects.
第一段写得不错    To begin with, people’s appearance does provide a great deal of signals for us to judge their attitudes and interests. Moreover, since the clothing of people belonging to the same group usually have much in common, it can reveal the values of a group of people. For example, the professors are always dressing(always dress) comparatively simple, with a pair of glasses sometimes compared to the rock stars who are always dressing(always dress) big, queer designed T-shirts and jeans with a series earrings.
         When it comes to the way people act, it do also inform us of the their attitudes and ideas, since the behaviors and habits are influences deeply by the culture and society. Imagine you are standing in the street of Hong Kong or New York, you will find people passing by you with little facial expression, which indicates that this is a busy city and people are suffering great pressure. When you are in Japan and Korea, you will find bow is a basic greeting way, compared with western countries’ embrace and kiss. This habit reveals that Japan and Korea values tradition over modernization while western countries are characterized by passion and enthusiasm.
      However, as the Chinese idiom goes, you cannot judge a book by its cover. The appearance and behavior does not necessarily reflect the ideas and values of them, since many people do not pay attention to their appearance. A billionaire may wear only simple clothes and makes you think he is nobody. Besides, sometimes people are not free to express their interests the staff of some large enterprises or specific organizations are required to dress in uniform, which makes it impossible to show their values. That is to say, it is not reliable to judge the ideas from people’s appearance.
        In general, values are moral or professional standards or principles of the objective things which are obviously rooted in one’s mind. Only if you communicate with others can you fully understand the ideas of the people. Only if you deeply study the culture, the history and the art of a society can you fully understand the values of it. Moreover, at many cases, the value of a society is so complicated that it is difficult to conclude an exact one, which is aptly illustrated by the contend of a hundred schools of thoughts during the Spring and Autumn Period in China.
       To sum up, although the way people look, dress and act can reveal their interests and attitudes in some respects, you have to further study every respect of the society such as the customs, the mores and the history if you want to fully understand the society.

Toefl 7.25
GRE 8.27 10.24

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【challenge yourself小组】第四次作业 issue208by小火龙33
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