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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-11-19 14:10:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer

I remember an interesting story between a beggar and a waiter. It goes like this:

One day a shabby bagger went into a restaurant to have lunch. He was unfairly treated and looked down upon because he was poorly dressed and of low status. The waiter came by and was ready to drive him away, just at that time the beggar opened the big case with him and in that case there were tons of 100-dollar notes. The waiter is extremely astonished and could not speak a word.

This story tells us that never judge a person by external appearances.

The waiter is surprised because make his judgments by the external appearance, the clothes and shoes the beggar was wearing. Nowadays, there are a large number of people who usually act similarly as the waiter in the story. It is true that the appearances can be a reflection of a person's status, mood and even personality. Nevertheless, as far as I am concerned, it is rather dangerous to draw a conclusion about a person only from their appearances.

We, human beings, are complicated social animals. We have such a sophisticated mind that we are very good disguisers who can hide their true inner thoughts behind the false external appearance. A good or bad looking face can not simply become a reason why they are kind-hearted and considerate. The rag clothes they are wearing can be the very camouflage of their wealthy status. And the best friend might simply betray you when tempted by fame, money and etc. Appearance can never be counted on.

From a psychological point of view, people can never actually know an individual's real thoughts except those of himself. So never judge a person by the graceful face he has, the beautiful remarks he speaks, nor the expressions he makes, but by the concrete action he takes. Remember that appearance is the least thing that we could depend on. As the old saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Open your eyes, clear your mind, refuse the illusion of the external appearance, then you can reach the correct conclusion.

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美版2016offer达人 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance 2016 US-applicant

发表于 2008-11-22 04:04:18 |只看该作者
I remember an interesting story between a beggar and a waiter. It goes like this:

One day a shabby bagger went into a restaurant to have lunch. He was unfairly treated and looked down upon because he was poorly dressed and of low status. The waiter came by and was ready to drive him away, just at that time the beggar opened the big case with him and in that case there were tons of 100-dollar notes. The waiter is was extremely astonished and could not speak a word.

This story tells us that we should never judge a person by external appearances (that后面要跟完整句子).

The waiter is was surprised because he made his judgments by the external appearance: the clothes and shoes the beggar was wearing. Nowadays, there are a large number of people who usually frequently act similarly as the waiter did in the story. It is true that the appearances can be a reflection of (Why not just use 'reflect'? Stay simple and focused in choosing your vocabulary.) a person's status, mood and even personality. Nevertheless, as far as I am concerned, it is rather dangerous to draw a conclusion about a person only from their his appearances.

We, human beings, are complicated social animals. We have such a sophisticated mind that we are very good disguisers who can hide their our (注意前后统一) true inner thoughts behind the false external appearances. A good or bad looking faces cannot simply become athe reasons why that they are kind-hearted and considerate. The rag clothes they (这些they是谁啊?..并请注意单复数统一) are wearing can be the very camouflage of their wealthy status. And the A best friend might simply betray you when tempted by fame, money and etc (你之前谈论appearances的时候完全只是按照‘外貌衣饰’的方向谈,并没有提到作为广义的‘表象’,所以这么句话突然跳出来是很没来由)
. Appearances can never be counted on.

From a psychological point of view, people can never actually know an individual's real thoughts except those of himself (Whose? himself指的是谁歧义). So Therefore never judge a person by the graceful face he has, the beautiful remarks he speaks, nor the expressions he makes, but by the concrete actions he takes. Remember that appearance is the least thing that we could depend on. As the old saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Open your eyes, clear your mind, refuse the illusion of the external appearance, then you can reach the correct conclusion. (咦,怎么这儿也有演讲稿味儿..问题是问你同意‘不应该以貌取人’这句话与否,不是问你该怎么取人才对. Please answer the question but JUST the question.)


文章基本功还是不错的,只是如评语所说,最后一段跑题。另外请在开头就限定一下你对于题目中external appearances的讨论定义,避免在读者没有心理准备的情况下一会儿讲服饰衣着一会儿讲人情冷暖。
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