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[资料分享] AW5天倒计时,发个time时代周刊html图文版给大家吧 |
相关帖子 Updated by 2025.03.06既然是GRE,那么更是非杀不可
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I think no matter where you are, and whatever you are doing, there are always different challenges and tough tests from life whether you accept them or not. one of the most powerful cognitive thinking ability I learned from psychology is always be aware of the 'problems' -- distinct those catastrophic thoughts from the self from external events, and never let your negative emotions be part of the problems. after all, life is tough in someway we may not like it, we stilll need to be tougher in order to go over them. soo.. add oil and pray for a little.
life is short and people are great because of their dreams. ------From 某贴某版友回复,thx |