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[未归类] 0910G【Try Best】GG86_Fly AW日志 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-5-19 09:26:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

5月21日前:I题目过一遍~~自己分类整理    5月28日前:A题目过一遍,过得时候每天大概写2~3篇提纲

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-5-20 11:25:04 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 GG86_Fly 于 2009-5-20 23:06 编辑



使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-5-22 16:37:51 |只看该作者
2009-5-22 第一次写作文,没有限时,用了一个半小时多,还算没有写完,我贴出来,是没有修改的,我只希望2个月后自己再看看这篇文章时,能看到是进步的而不是退步或者还原地踏步。

TOPIC: ISSUE99 - "In any realm of life-whether academic, social, business, or political-the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options."
WORDS: 509          TIME: 01:30:57          DATE: 2009-5-22 Íõè´ 15:46:06

Pragmatic behavior is the essential means for us to survival in this society which is full of competitions and opportunities. In the realm of business, when pragmatic is mentioned, we always associate it with money or other immediate efforts.Addmittely, Pragmatic behavior can guarantee us to have enough money to buy food and achieve our short-term goals though an effecient and rapid way. However, I am certainly not a practicist. I don't think a person with only practical views and pragmatic behaviors in mind can succeed.

A practial way to run a company is to try their best to earn as much money as possible. Some companies indeed reach  it. The milk facotory "SanLu" is one of the famous companies in China.However, in 2007,it was found that the peacent, the main supplyment of the factory, insert harmful materials to the milk which is sold in a low price without the company's saft detection .Some infants are dead after they drink the product, while so many else get a disaster with unknown consequence  in their future. It is ridiculous that the belief of that factory is "to give a strong body and a better life for kids". Some excuetives in "SanLu" may argue," it is impossible for only our company to achieve this belief, and it is just an advertisment. We have so many workers, a wise and practical method is to earn a lot of money to pay the workers and run this company." However, this "wise and practical" suggestion lead a breaktdown to this big factory.

It is so danger to only take a practical view. Now Jack may say " I have a glamrous ideal, then I will success if I always keep it in mind."  It is regrat that a beautiful but unfundamental garden built in the air can not assure a "living happy after" life to you. Owen's experience is a vivid lesson to Jack.

Owen is a typical idealist.

From what is mentioned above, it is certainly to draw a conclusion that  An ideal is the direction of  life,without which, we just on our way to become a mechanized and materialed savage,while pragmatic behavior is the means to achieve the ideal which can prevent us from being the mere visionary dreamer.
Only to have a pragmatic behavior while keeping a great ideal in mind can we succeed.  

The ideal of the Republic of China is to becoming a social nation. How does it come true when the nation still has the highest wealth gap between urban and city, and a 30%  illiterary rate in Tibet. The down-to-earth measure is to ellimate  the social inequallity and to enhance the quatily of education. The Chinese government has already taken some practical and effeicent options, such as
taking reform in education, increasing the fannacial support to unban and encouraging people to help develop economy and culture of urban. Altough the ideal is hard to realize,  it will be waiting in corner on the way if we go step by step with a down-to-earth action and a stimulating ideal.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-5-22 17:47:34 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 GG86_Fly 于 2009-5-22 20:56 编辑

Issue 99 自己修改的
TOPIC: ISSUE99 - "In any realm of life-whether academic, social, business, or political-the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options."
WORDS: 509          TIME: 01:30:57          DATE: 2009-5-22 王璐 15:46:06

Pragmatic behavior is the essential means for us to survival in this society which is full of competitions and opportunities. In the realm of business, when pragmatic is mentioned, we always associate it with money or other immediate efforts. Admittedly, Pragmatic behavior can guarantee us to have enough money to buy food and achieve our short-term goals though an efficient and rapid way. However, I am certainly not a realist. I don't think a person with only practical views and pragmatic behaviors in mind can succeed.

A practical way to run a company is to try their best to earn as much money as possible. Some companies indeed reach it. San Lu group is one of the most famous diary factories in China. However, in 2008, it was found to sell baby milk powder tainted with toxic materials used in industry to children. The factory’s inspectors can not prevent the toxic milk powder from feeding to infants. Some infants died after drinking the powdered milk, and many other children took ill or had acute kidney failure. It is sarcastically that the belief of that factory is "to give a strong body and a better life for kids". Some executives in "SanLu" may argue," it is impossible for only our company to achieve this belief, and it is just an advertisement. We have so many workers, a wise and practical method is to earn a lot of money to pay the workers and run this company." However, this "wise and practical" suggestion leads a burst-up to this big factory.

It is so danger to only take a practical view. Now Jack may say " I have a glorious ideal, then I will success if I always keep it in mind."  It is regret that a beautiful garden built in the air without foundation can not assure a "living happy after" life to you. The experience of Robert Owen is a vivid case to Jack.

Owen is a typical idealist. He bought 30,000 acres land in Indian in 1824, decided to test his idea of community in American of which concept was quiet different from Karl Marx’s. After only 4 years, His New Harmony Model co-operative community experiment failed as the settlement becoming overcrowded and the chaos developed.  

From what is mentioned above, it is certainly to draw a conclusion that  an ideal is the direction of  life, without which, we are just on our way to become a mechanized and materialized savage, while pragmatic behavior is the means to achieve the ideal which can prevent us from being the mere visionary dreamer. Only to have a pragmatic behavior while keeping a great ideal in mind can we succeed.  

The ideal of the Republic of China is to become a communistic society. How does it come true when the nation still has the highest wealth gap between urban and rural, and a 30% illiteracy rate in Tibet. The down-to-earth policy is to eliminate the social inequality and to enhance the quality of education. The Chinese government has already taken some practical and efficient policies, such as taking reform in education, increasing the financial aid to rural and encouraging people to help develop economy and culture of rural. Although the ideal is hard to realize, it will be waiting in corner on the way if we go step by step with a down-to-earth action and an inspiring ideal.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-5-24 10:14:13 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ARGUMENT238 - The following appeared in a memorandum from the president of Mira Vista College to the college's board of trustees.

"At nearby Green Mountain College, which has more business courses and more job counselors than does Mira Vista College, 90 percent of last year's graduating seniors had job offers from prospective employers. But at Mira Vista College last year, only 70 percent of the seniors who informed the placement office that they would be seeking employment had found full-time jobs within three months after graduation, and only half of these graduates were employed in their major field of study. To help Mira Vista's graduates find employment, we must offer more courses in business and computer technology and hire additional job counselors to help students with their resumés and interviewing skills."
WORDS: 387          TIME: 01:00:00          DATE: 2009-5-23 王璐 21:28:16

By making a comparison of Green Mountain College, which seems to have a higher job offers rate of graduating seniors last year, with Mira Vista College, of which the employment condition the arguer thought was not as successful as Green Mountain College, the argument for offering more business and computer technology courses and hiring additional job counselors in order to help Mira Vista's graduates find employment seems logical.However, careful examination reveals some flaws that make the arguer's suggestion unconvincing.

First of all, the argument is based on an incomplete comparison between the two colleges. The author simply assumes that the employment condition of Green Mountain College is better than that of Mira Vista College, but he does not provide any substantial evidence to  certify his assumption. Although 90 percent appears to be large , accurate number of the final employed graduated seniors is not given. Maybe afer the testing time, some of these graduates are rejected by their former employer. It is also fallacious to the author to believe that the condition in his college is unoptimal. He fails to consider those seniors
who did not inform the placement office that still seek  employment, how many of them were receiving an offer? And how about those who found jobs  after six or seven months, not within three months? And those who just found part-times jobs, but finally made their decision to take it as a full-times job? Even if most of them were not employed in their major field of study, there is no reason why a prospective job should relevant to their major.

Even if the arguer's conclusion that the employment condition of Green Mountain College is better than of Mira Vista College is true. There is no evidence to substantiate that more business courses and more job counselors are contribute to the success of Green Mountain College. How many graduates have choosen the business courses and how many of them who chose it could keep awake when they were at the class. And how many graduates went to the job counselors and accepted their advises. At the same time, is the main problem that laking  resumes and interviewing skills  of theMira Vista College  graduats that  weeken their competion in find jobs?  Maybe their caparbilty is not as good as other candidates.

Even if the above conclusions are true.That is ,More business course and job counselors have an effectable affect on graduates and the problem with the seniors of Mira Vista College is their poor resumes and interview skills. However, the arguer can not convince me that business and computer technology courses and job counselors can improve the resumes and interview skills of their graduates. Common sense tells us that the course on how to write a perfect resume and to perform better in an interview  can  get a rapid and effecient effort ,rather than adding more irrelevant courses and more
counselors(we still don't know whether they are already enough in Mira Vista College).

In conclusion, the argument has some flaws as disscussed above. If the arguer want to improve his argument, he sould first find more substantial evidences to make me believe  that the employment of Green Mountain College is better, and he should also certify that there are no other alternatives to illustrate the success of  Green Mountain College. Then  another suggestion rather than following the same step as Green Mountain College maybe better .

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-5-24 10:14:39 |只看该作者
By making a comparison of Green Mountain College, which seems to have a higher employment rate of graduating seniors last year, with Mira Vista College, of which the employment situation the arguer thought was not as successful (optimistic) as Green Mountain College, the argument for offering more business and computer technology courses and hiring additional job counselors in order to help Mira Vista's graduates find jobs seems logical. However, careful (rigorous) examination reveals some flaws that make the arguer's suggestion unconvincing.

First of all, the argument is based on an incomplete comparison between the two colleges. The author simply assumes that the employment situation of Green Mountain College is better than that of Mira Vista College, but he does not provide any substantial evidence to certify his assumption. Although 90 percent appears to be large, accurate number of the final employed graduated seniors is not given. Maybe after the probationary period, some of these graduates are rejected by their former employer. It is also fallacious to the author to believe that the situation in his college is not optimal. He fails to consider those seniors who did not inform the placement office that were still seeking employment, how many of them had received an offer? And what is the number of those who found jobs within six or seven months after graduation? And those who just found part-times jobs, but finally made their decision to take it as a full-times job? Even if most of them were not employed in their major field of study, there is no reason why a prospective job should relevant to their major.

Even if the arguer's conclusion that the employment situation of Green Mountain College is better than that of Mira Vista College is true. There is no evidence to substantiate that more business courses and more job counselors are contribute to the success of Green Mountain College. How many graduates have chosen the business courses and how many of them who chose it could keep awake though the class? And how many graduates went to the job counselors and accepted their suggestions? Moreover, is the main problem that lacking resumes and interviewing skills of the Mira Vista College graduates that weaken their competition in find jobs?  Maybe their potential  is not as good as other candidates.

Even if the above conclusions, that is, more business course and job counselors have a crucial affect on graduates and the problem with the seniors of Mira Vista College is their poor resumes and interview skills, are true. However, the arguer can not convince me that business and computer technology courses and job counselors can improve the resumes and interview skills of their graduates. Common sense tells us that the course on how to write a perfect resume and to perform better in an interview can get a rapid and efficient effort, rather than adding more irrelevant courses and more counselors (we still don't know whether they are already enough in Mira Vista College).

In conclusion, the argument has some flaws as discussed above. If the arguer wants to improve his argument, he should first find more substantial evidences to make me believe that the employment of Green Mountain College is better, and he should also certify that there are no other alternatives to illustrate the success of Green Mountain College. Then another suggestion rather than following the lead of Green Mountain College maybe better for Mira Vista College.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-5-25 22:34:48 |只看该作者
Argument 提纲:
1.        对市场计划中得到的调查攻击。怎么证明需求增加了,说要买不一定买,其他影响因素。
2.        错误类推。飞机厂可以的,汽车厂不一定。
3.        考虑成本,效益等。

1.        条件结果攻击,因果关系。中央公园的垃圾和毁坏不一定是滑板的人造成的。
2.        攻击调查。真实性,有多少人等。
3.        认为要取得理想的结果必须这么做,条件结果。就算禁止了也不一定繁荣。自身因素

1.        调查攻击。作为基础的Study没有代表性,unconvincing.
2.        错误类推。就算有用,对饮料有用不代表对家用产品有用。
3.        销售下降可能有其他原因。
4.        认为要取得理想的结果必须这么做,有其它办法。
1.        通过比较2段公路认为McR比AR的工作要好,质量高,比较不全,可能有其他原因。
2.        新的quality-manager 怎么样不知道,最新的机器也能保证质量好。
3.        好的质量好的工作收费高,road for shopping malls的要求没这么高,考虑成本问题。

1.        认为KNOW广播收听率不高是因为摇滚乐的原因。老年人数量增多,有多少听广播,有多少喜欢新闻?听众下降有没有别的原因
2.        音乐店销售不好,跟摇滚乐没有关系,表明不了人们对摇滚乐的态度。概念攻击。
3.        错误类比。跟临近城市比。情况不一样,调查问卷的真实性。
4.        考虑其他方法提高听众人数。

1.        前后关系等同了因果关系。The author commits a fallacy of “after this, therefore because of this” in assuming that D有2家大公司近来不一定因为政策。
2.        错误的类比。情况不一样,效果不一定有。The arguer fails to consider possible differences between……
3.        没有说private company来这就能解决问题。

1. 错误的认为MVC的就业情况没有CMC的好,二者的比较不让人信服。百分比,具体人数,预期的老板and so on.
2. 就算CMC的好,也不能说明是因为business courses and job counselors.
3. MVC的不好,也没说一定是因为resumes and interviewing skills. 就算是,business and    computer technology and job counselors 就能解决这些问题吗?
4. 要提高就业情况除了这些考虑其他因素。

1.        错误的认为Williamsville的crime situation 有好转,没有确凿的理由这么认为。(youth crime…..during curfew hours )and (not a single crime有报道,才四个月看不出来)
2.        不能把新的curfew当作crime situation改善的原因。
3.        也没有事实证明curfew能有效控制青年犯罪and so on。
4.        错误类比。就算是这样,能用在自己这里吗?情况一样吗?

1.        时间变化。招生的人数不一定几年之后还增多。情况会变的。
2.        平均没有代表性。城里的房价平均涨了,学校周围的可能低。时间变化几年之后不一定还涨。
3.        就算是这样,就算增多了,现有的宿舍不够不让人信服。总有人要走的。付不起房租也不一定住学校
4.        学生不是看宿舍才选择Buckingham的。

1.        错误的认为DPF对laid-off employees 有用。找到工作的人本身能力可能就强。
2.        错误的认为WPF不好。八年前 economical situation 可能不好,laid-off的人有多少找WPF了?
3.        错误的认为D is superior than W. 人多子公司多不是理由。平均的没有可比性。

1.        真实性。GC的honor code 的成功不一定是真的。学生上报的少了可能是学生的问题;学生说不可能作弊不一定。可能卷子简单了,学生素质了.可能中间的多,第五年少了。
2.        类推。不一定适用在别的学校。试卷太难;学生素质不高and so on.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-5-25 22:35:50 |只看该作者
Issue 教育类:
Education is a means to prepare students to fit for life.
In contrast, countries like France, Germany, and Japan have school systems that are financed and regulated on the national level. This has allowed them to maintain a relatively uniform school environment throughout their respective countries, regardless of the values and economies of local communities. They have also accomplished this partly by mandating highly competitive standardized examinations. These exams usually have direct consequences for the students who take them, often by permitting or denying access to higher education or positions of employment. 这种情况和中国的一样,可以把这几个国家作为统一课程的例子。
The public schools are administered by the local school boards who sometimes participate in choosing the teachers, decide how school funds are to be allocated, and have some voices in establishing the curriculum. Local funds for schools are largely from property taxes paid by residents of the local school districts. The people of the entirely community, not just the parents of the children who attend,  pay for schools.
Elementary knowledge in language and science lays the foundation of students’ further education.
不好:different race, different geographical areas, different historical background, different culture tradition, different living condition and the students' quality is very different too, it is impossible to ask all of them to use the curriculum  of a same level .If all of them use the same curriculum ,maybe someone will feel so easy, the other feel difficult at the same time . so the school teacher should have the right to decide which kind of curriculum they need.强化教学管理的规范性,对教学质量的提高有好处,但它却是以牺牲教学管理的灵活性与活力为代价take  the flexibility and vigour of the school management as the price ,使教学管理丧失了其个性与创造力loose its characteristics and creativeness. 在过去的课程格局中,忽视学生主体以及各地区学校的需求和特点,用统一的课程、统一的教材、统一的试卷、统一的目标和方式来衡量具有千差万别的学生。单一的课程格局和简单的评判标准,抑制了多向思考和个性化的体验、理解与表达,造成的是统一规格的人才。今天的社会需要多样化、有个性的人才,当然未来的社会更是如此。
好:As greater numbers of Americans enrolled in schools during the 20th century, education became a powerful social and economic force.这句改一改可以放在教育类文章的开头当作背景。 Efforts to increase the size and efficiency of public schools led to the creation of more centralized school systems. To bring order and efficiency to school systems, American educators had already developed standardized mechanisms of school organization by the end of the 19th century. For example, class placement was determined by a student’s age, each class period was a specified length, and students graduated after a specified number of years in attendance. 上面的论述可以借鉴用作赞成统一课程的原因,统一课程的好处。
Schools also became more centrally organized as education developed into a highly structured profession with a streamlined chain of administrative command.另一个统一的原因 For example, in the late 19th century the position of the school superintendent increased in power and influence. The first public school superintendent began directing the Buffalo, New York, school system in 1837. By 1900 the superintendent had replaced the school principal as the most influential and highest paid figure in public elementary and secondary education.
Students are required to take such course as fundamental knowledge, moral education and social skills.
The same national curriculum chosen by authority rather than by schools in local district avoids students being limited to a narrower space of knowledge too early .If schools in different parts of the nation are permitted to decided which academic courses to offer by themselves, not all of them can work out a systematic and integral curriculum to make its student qualified to college studies. Whether the curriculum of some school is good or not depends largely on the relatively narrower view of the staff of the school, and may be influenced by local customs, culture and even the will of sponsors. The uniform curriculum designed by nation’s authority, on the contrary, is much more broad and better balanced to set up for students an even and broad primese for further studies in colleges, preventing students against bing deprived of the privilege to study of some knowledge.
By providing all children with fundamental skills and knowledge, a common core curriculum would help ensure that our children to become reasonably informed, productive members of society.

Give them an opportunity to meet new people, to get to know the society better and also to get a more intimate understanding of how local community functions.
They can build friendships and form bonds with other students. Graduated students know that it will be a life time friendship. It will last for a life time.
Subjects always revolve around commonalities and rarely on differences.
In social activities, colleges students are more concerned with how much they are alike rather than with how they are different.
Increase the sense of social responsibility of their students.
can’t find their position in society and can’t adapt themselves well to the reality. One effective way is encourage them in public-service activities when at school.
perpare the student to an independent, creative person
communal impulse

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-5-31 15:32:06 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

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