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[i习作temp] issue 7第一篇作文 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-5-23 10:32:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 lamya_lani 于 2009-5-23 10:53 编辑

培根说过 writting makes a exact man。。。
7. "The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records."
23/5/2009 10:10    544

The speaker claims that the video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records. I totally agree with the speaker's threshold argumentation, while I challenge the conclusion. Although the video camera is accurate and convincing of recording life, it is not enough to replace the dominance of written records.

Admittedly, since video camera can offer a quick, convenient and precise record of things, it has become more and more important and conventional, especially with the high development of digit camera, computer and cell phone. In today's life, almost everyone, from a professional photographer to an amateur common person, from a reporter to a ten-year-old student, can record daily life by cell phone or video camera and processing these videos or photos by computer software, and even publish them to the Internet or some newspapers and periodicals, if he wants. What's more, even the courts now accept videos as proper and sometimes vital evidence.

Nevertheless I challenge the speaker's conclusion that video camera has become a more important documentation than written records. Actually, it is far less important to replace written records. There're mainly three reasons to support my view. In the first place, also the principal one, written document is more wildly used in the world, especially in most vital official records. As far as I know, almost all official records, such as document of a citizen and a certification of a real estate, need to be a written document in order to file them. Considering the same example of the court, the evidence can be a video, but you need to submit a indictment before the session, then you will get a subpoena, and after the session you will get a judgment, as you see, all of them are written records.

In the second place, written documents are easier to file and arrange than videos, which need special implements. Although computers or digit camera are wildly applied now, they are less available than paper and pens, not to say that process a video really needs special ability, which is only accessible to few professional person and most of them are movie makers rather than officers. Take our student's daily life for an example, our text book, essay and test paper are all paper document. Our archives are made up of lots of paper records, too. Our application to graduate school or to a certain job is also required to be a paper record contains the presentation of oneself.

In the third place, written documents need less space to store than the video, consider a five-minute video, it may have a storage of 5000K, more or less, while a five-page written document will have a storage less than 50K, not to say that a five-page written document often contain more information than a five-minute video.

In sum, while I extremely support the point of view that camera video supplies a accurate and convincing record of temporary life, it cannot substitute the dominance of written record now and in the near future.
已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
robotwish -1 请注意下格式,参考大贴,,标题也是

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Rank: 1

发表于 2009-5-23 10:56:06 |只看该作者
至于对于 written record的理解嘛,我开始只是理解为书面的证明,最后一点扩充到了电子的书面文档。我觉得这样理解也不为错吧。

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-5-26 19:54:20 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 xwlove 于 2009-5-26 20:07 编辑

The speaker claims that the video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records. I totally agree with the speaker's threshold argumentation, while(?while可以吗) I challenge the conclusion. Although the video camera is accurate and convincing of recording life, it is not enough to replace the dominance(赞一下,作者用词很到位啊,学习了) of written records.

Admittedly, since video camera can offer a quick, convenient and precise record of things, it has become more and more important and conventional, especially with the high development of digit camera, computer and cell phone. In today's life, almost everyone, from a professional photographer to an amateur common person, from a reporter to a ten-year-old student, can record daily life by (?冠词)cell phone or video camera and processing(process) these videos or photos by computer software, and even publish them to the Internet or some newspapers and periodicals, if he wants. What's more, even the courts now accept videos as proper and sometimes vital evidence.

Nevertheless I challenge the speaker's conclusion that video camera has become a more important documentation than written records. Actually, it is far less important to replace written records. There're mainly three reasons to support my view(赞一下). In the first place, also the principal one, written document is more wildly used in the world, especially in most vital official records. As far as I know, almost all official records, such as document of a citizen and a certification of a real estate, need to be a written document in order to file them. Considering the same example of the court, the evidence can be a video, but you need to submit a indictment before the session, then you will get a subpoena, and after the session you will get a judgment, as you see, all of them are written records.

In the second place, written documents are easier to file and arrange than videos, which need special implements. Although computers or digit camera are wildly applied now, they are less available than paper and pens, not to say(?needless to say,not to say 虽说不上) that process a video really needs special ability, which is only accessible to few professional person and most of them are movie makers rather than officers. Take our student's daily life for an example, our text book, essay and test paper are all paper document. Our archives are made up of lots of paper records, too. Our application to graduate school or to a certain job is also required to be a paper record contains the presentation of oneself.

In the third place, written documents need less space to store than the video, consider a five-minute video, it may have a storage of 5000K, more or less, while a five-page written document will have a storage less than 50K, not to say that a five-page written document often contain more information than a five-minute video.

In sum, while I extremely support the point of view that camera video supplies a accurate and convincing record of temporary life, it cannot substitute the dominance of written record now and in the near future.


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