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0910AW 同主题写作第一期 ISSUE13 by saya [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


AW活动特殊奖 Gemini双子座 GRE梦想之帆 GRE斩浪之魂 荣誉版主 寄托兑换店纪念章

发表于 2009-5-29 02:48:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Many of the world’s lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The government of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.

As globalization become a tendency among all nations dotted on the world, as one result of which culture gradually tends to assimilate, especially, the language. Certain assimilation of language is bound to extinction of some lesser-known ones, and thus invites us humans to think about the reason why it has happened, where the meaning lies to prevent them from disappearance, and how we should face it. After further thinking over these questions, should we still take it for granted that governments can just shrug their shoulder, and then stand by with folded-arms to do nothing on these languages being endangered?

Apparently, many people will regard languages extinction as such a naturally-coming happenings resulting from colonization in the 19th century, migration in the 20th century, and globalization in the 21th century, on a large scale, just like the extinction of a great deal of species owing to natural selection. Accordingly, it is just a process we should let it be instead of making a fuss about it. In addition, more and more young people become enjoying using words in vogue, even making some kinds in pursuit of fashion in order to show off their ability to keep abreast with the world. However, is that all we can find to convince governments not to lend a helping hand to them, overlooking the chilling consequence that if we doing so, not only a sense of self-pride, dignity, value will be deprived off from individuals in those countries, but also an ever-lost absence of history and culture? Can we endure? Can we afford?

A language, no matter how few people use it, how many people heard about it, it is always a manifestation of pride and existence in one’s feeling notably when they confronted with people not speaking the same one. Humans are potentially replenished a basically psychological need of identity and dignity, only through their own languages. If certain languages extinct, those who always speak it will suddenly find that their unique weakened badly with the death of their tongues.

What’s more, actions taken by government to prevent endangered languages are actually good deeds serving to preserve nation’s splendid histories. Just cast a light over numerous events in history written down in these languages, picturesque scenes promptly spread in front of humans’ eyes, which other languages will never document so detailed, let alone the typical national figures. Furthermore, despite significant meanings to the very individual and nation, to historians and worldwide historic research, these languages also carry a lot weights.

Finally, what is the most crucial is that language is a carrier of a specific culture, relying on language to inherit, disseminate, and prosper. Losing such languages, essences in thoughts and philosophy, mores and beliefs, customs and traditions, all vanish into air, and pass out of existence. And that it won’t be difficult for us to realize that it is the diversity in languages that creates magnificent and harmonious atmosphere in worldwide culture.

In the final analysis, languages play vital roles in personal identity in the world, preservation in precious history, and integration in culture. Inexorably, certain ones will collapse into a dilemma where their existences are threatened. Nonetheless, governments have to and must place enough emphasis on it, and then take affirmative measures to prevent it since its indispensable consequence.

By saya.
sometimes miracle comes
just for my belief

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2009-6-7 19:17:29 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 seiranzcc1 于 2009-6-7 19:34 编辑

As globalization becomes a tendency among all nations dotted on the world, as one result of which culture gradually tends to assimilate(不知道是不是要被动?。。。), especially, the language. (这个,是说语言是culture的一种么?呃,总觉得是一部分。。。。)Certain assimilation of language is bound to extinction of some lesser-known ones, and thus invites us humans to think about the reason why it has happened, where the meaning lies to prevent them from disappearance, and how we should face it. (这个长句,看上去不是太流畅,可以修改一下)After further thinking over these questions, should we still take it for granted that governments can just shrug their shoulder, and then stand by with folded-arms to do nothing on these languages being endangered?

Apparently, many people will regard languages extinction as such a naturally-coming happenings resulting from colonization in the 19th century, migration in the 20th century, and globalization in the 21th century, on a large scale, just like the extinction of a great deal of species owing to natural selection. Accordingly, it is just a process we should let it be instead of making a fuss about it. In addition, more and more young people become enjoying using words in vogue, even making some kinds in pursuit of fashion in order to show off their ability to keep abreast with the world. However, is that all we can find to convince governments not to lend a helping hand to them, overlooking the chilling consequence that if we doing (其实我觉得前面说的都是陈述事实,在讲“为什么小语种会消失”,这里用这句承接就显得有思维的断层。。。不知道你怎么看)so, not only a sense of self-pride, dignity, value will be deprived off from individuals in those countries, but also an ever-lost absence of history and culture? Can we endure? Can we afford?


A language, no matter how few people use it, how many people heard about it, it is always a manifestation of pride and existence in one’s feeling notably when they confronted with people not speaking the same one. Humans are potentially replenished a basically psychological need of identity and dignity, only through their own languages. If certain languages extinct, those who always speak it will suddenly find that their unique weakened badly with the death of their tongues.(语言消失不是突然而来的,最大的原因就是说的人越来越少,这句说的有点奇怪,好像有些人还说着这种语言,然后它就突然消失了一样)

What’s more, actions taken by government to prevent endangered languages are actually good deeds serving to preserve nation’s splendid histories. Just cast a light over numerous events in history written down in these languages, picturesque scenes promptly spread in front of humans’ eyes, which other languages will never document so detailed, let alone the typical national figures. Furthermore, despite significant meanings to the very individual and nation, to historians and worldwide historic research, these languages also carry a lot weights.

Finally, what is the most crucial is that language is a carrier of a specific culture, relying on language to inherit, disseminate, and prosper. Losing such languages, essences in thoughts and philosophy, mores and beliefs, customs and traditions, all vanish into air, and pass out of existence. And that it won’t be difficult for us to realize that it is the diversity in languages that creates magnificent and harmonious atmosphere in worldwide culture.


In the final analysis, languages play vital roles in personal identity in the world, preservation in precious history, and integration in culture. Inexorably, certain ones will collapse into a dilemma where their existences are threatened. Nonetheless, governments have to and must place enough emphasis on it, and then take affirmative measures to prevent it since its indispensable consequence.


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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2009-6-7 19:31:58 |只看该作者
不是咱们组的? 1# 银落
choose,do and never give up.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


AW活动特殊奖 Gemini双子座 GRE梦想之帆 GRE斩浪之魂 荣誉版主 寄托兑换店纪念章

发表于 2009-6-8 00:43:58 |只看该作者
是同主题的作文。。~to  zyp。。你也可以参加啦。。~
sometimes miracle comes
just for my belief

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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


Cancer巨蟹座 荣誉版主 GRE梦想之帆 GRE斩浪之魂 GRE守护之星 AW小组活动奖 美版友情贡献

发表于 2009-6-10 00:34:08 |只看该作者
Many of the world’s lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The government of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.

As globalization become a tendency among all nations dotted on the world, as one result of which culture gradually tends to assimilate, especially, the language. Certain assimilation of language is bound to extinction of some lesser-known ones, and thus invites us humans to think about the reason why it has happened, where the meaning lies to prevent them from disappearance, and how we should face it. After further thinking over these questions, should we still take it for granted that governments can just shrug their shoulder, and then stand by with folded-arms to do nothing on these languages being endangered?

Apparently, many people will regard languages extinction as such a naturally-coming happenings resulting from colonization in the 19th century, migration in the 20th century, and globalization in the 21th century, on a large scale, just like the extinction of a great deal of species owing to natural selection. Accordingly, it is just a process we should let it be instead of making a fuss about it. In addition, more and more young people become enjoying using words in vogue, even making some kinds in pursuit of fashion in order to show off their ability to keep abreast with the world. However, is that all we can find to convince governments not to lend a helping hand to them, overlooking the chilling consequence that if we doing so, not only a sense of self-pride, dignity, value will be deprived off from individuals in those countries, but also an ever-lost absence of history and culture? Can we endure? Can we afford?

A language, no matter how few people use it, how many people heard about it, it is always a manifestation of pride and existence in one’s feeling notably when they confronted with people not speaking the same one. Humans are potentially replenished a basically psychological need of identity and dignity, only through their own languages. If certain languages extinct, those who always speak it will suddenly find that their unique weakened badly with the death of their tongues.(这个观点很好~)

What’s more, (这里递进关系不明显呐)actions taken by government to prevent endangered languages are actually good deeds serving to preserve nation’s splendid histories. Just cast a light over numerous events in history written down in these languages, picturesque scenes promptly spread in front of humans’ eyes, which other languages will never document so detailed, let alone the typical national figures. Furthermore, despite significant meanings to the very individual and nation, to historians and worldwide historic research, these languages also carry a lot weights.

Finally, what is the most crucial is that language is a carrier of a specific culture, relying on language to inherit, disseminate, and prosper. Losing such languages, essences in thoughts and philosophy, mores and beliefs, customs and traditions, all vanish into air, and pass out of existence. And that it won’t be difficult for us to realize that it is the diversity in languages that creates magnificent and harmonious atmosphere in worldwide culture. (这里好像和前面重复了~)

In the final analysis, languages play vital roles in personal identity in the world, preservation in precious history, and integration in culture. Inexorably, certain ones will collapse into a dilemma where their existences are threatened. Nonetheless, governments have to and must place enough emphasis on it, and then take affirmative measures to prevent it since its indispensable consequence.


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