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0910AW 同主题写作第一期 ISSUE13 by qtangtangs [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-6-5 02:04:04 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
13"Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."

As is known to all, language is an indispensible as well as a significant part of a nation’s historical culture. Not only because it records the history of a nation from its origin till now, but indicates the development of a country. The disappearance of a language, to some extent, may be caused by the poor strength of a country, or a dynasty.

In the ancient time, people gather together in order to protect themselves from being hurt by predatory animals or some other unexpected accidents. We anthropologists call this a tribe. Then for the sake of a better understanding among the folk, there exists some basic simple words. And finally, a language, which is combined with all the words created in the daily lives, is born. In other words, a language is used for communication and understood by some particular group of people. Accordingly, the language will not extinct as long as some people keep saying it. However, as the cruel warfare in the world, tribes or countries which are less competitive are occupied and gradually assimilated. Spontaneously, the original language is forgotten and ultimately extinct. Such examples are replete in history. After Columbus discovered America, the aboriginal Indian were discriminated and infracted by the European, which lead to a consequence that their language is decreased at a tremendous speed. The same situation happened on the Australian aboriginal language, too. On closer inspection it may be that there is some common ground among these disappearing languages. That is all these languages belong to the less powerful groups of people.

Today, when we live in a peaceful society, there is hardly any possibility that one country will be overcame and dominated by others. But unfortunately, language extinction still exists. Some people consider this may due to the reason that fewer and fewer people speak them. But in my opinion, the fundamental cause is the same with the ancient time—the poor strength of a country. Why English, not other languages such as Mexican or Thai, becomes the most universal language in the world? Why Chinese, after China joined the WTO and contributed a lot to the global economy, becomes the most prevalent language people want to learn? Both of these owe to the powerful strength of the countries themselves. If a country is powerful enough to attract the whole world’s attentions, then why citizens would like to speak other languages instead of their mother tongue? Therefore, what the government, which worries its own language being disappeared, should really do is to improve the country’s comprehensive strength first. Only by elevating the position of the country in the family of nations, can the majority of people pay attention to its culture, history, including language.

Besides, the power of the citizens should not be neglected. After all, languages can not survive without speakers. So apart from increasing the power of the country, the government should also arouse people’s national consciousness; let them realize the essentiality of speaking their mother language. Once a country had adequate power and the citizens were full of patriotism, it is surely that their language would be more valued than ever.

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发表于 2009-6-5 23:27:40 |只看该作者
As is known to all, language is an indispensible as well as a significant part of a nation’s historical culture. Not only because it records the history of a nation from its origin till now, but indicates the development of a country. The disappearance of a language, to some extent, may be caused by the poor strength of a country, or a dynasty.感觉没有点明主题,只说了语言消失原因, 我觉得还应该提一下保护方面的东西...

In the ancient time, people gather together in order to protect themselves from being hurt by predatory animals or some other unexpected accidents. We anthropologists call this a tribe. Then for the sake of a better understanding among the folk, there exists some basic simple words. And finally, a language, which is combined with all the words created in the daily lives, is born. In other words, a language is used for communication and understood by some particular group of people. Accordingly, the language will not extinct as long as some people keep saying it. However, as the cruel warfare in the world, tribes or countries which are less competitive are occupied and gradually assimilated Spontaneously, the original language is forgotten and ultimately extinct. Such examples are replete in history. After Columbus discovered America, the aboriginal Indian were discriminated and infracted by the European, which lead to a consequence that their language is decreased at a tremendous speed. The same situation happened on the Australian aboriginal language, too. On closer inspection it may be that there is some common ground among these disappearing languages. That is all these languages belong to the less powerful groups of people.

Today, when we live in a peaceful society, there is hardly any possibility that one country will be overcame and dominated by others. But unfortunately, language extinction still exists. Some people consider this may due to the reason that fewer and fewer people speak them. But in my opinion, the fundamental cause is the same with the ancient time—the poor strength of a country. Why English, not other languages such as Mexican or Thai, becomes the most universal language in the world? Why Chinese, after China joined the WTO and contributed a lot to the global economy, becomes the most prevalent language people want to learn? Both of these owe to the powerful strength of the countries themselves. If a country is powerful enough to attract the whole world’s attentions, then why citizens would like to speak other languages instead of their mother tongue? Therefore, what the government, which worries its own language being disappeared, should really do is to improve the country’s comprehensive strength first. Only by elevating the position of the country in the family of nations, can the majority of people pay attention to its culture, history, including language.观点陈述的很合理哦~~lz的结构性还是很强的....汗颜....不过这个提升国家竞争力比较抽象啊~每个国家都希望能提升竞争力,可是这实在不是说说就做得到的啊...政府很大程度上也是有心无力的说...观点提的很好,论证的也合理,但是就是太抽象了.....个人观点...

Besides, the power of the citizens should not be neglected. After all, languages can not survive without speakers. So apart from increasing the power of the country, the government should also arouse people’s national consciousness; let them realize the essentiality of speaking their mother language. Once a country had adequate power and the citizens were full of patriotism, it is surely that their language would be more valued than ever. 最后一段写的很好~赞下...

总的来说就是~~lz 的这篇文章我个人感觉写的很不错....整体思路很清晰...我觉得应该给版主们改改~~

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发表于 2009-6-6 00:10:00 |只看该作者
其实我也感觉我可能写跑题了...    但是我真的是没招了..  所以就想先看看大家意见然后再找个时间重写一下

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0910AW 同主题写作第一期 ISSUE13 by qtangtangs
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