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[a习作temp] argument 7 [TSUBASA] by wildrose800331 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2009-7-3 06:50:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

TOPIC: ARGUMENT7 - The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Clearview newspaper.

"In the next mayoral election, residents of Clearview should vote for Ann Green, who is a member of the Good Earth Coalition, rather than for Frank Braun, a member of the Clearview town council, because the current members are not protecting our environment. For example, during the past year the number of factories in Clearview has doubled, air pollution levels have increased, and the local hospital has treated 25 percent more patients with respiratory illnesses. If we elect Ann Green, the environmental problems in Clearview will certainly be solved."
WORDS: 400/ 442
00:30:00 + 4mins
DATE: 2009-7-1 12:27:05

The author, in the letter to the editor of the Clearview newspaper, recommends that local residents should vote for Ann Green in order to certainly solve the environmental problems. To bolster the recommendation, the arguer lists three preconditions: first, the number of factories has doubled, air pollution levels have increased and 25 percent more patients with respiratory illnesses have been treated during the past year; second, Frank Braun is a member of the Clearview town council which is not devoted to protecting environment; Third, Ann Green is a member of the Good Earth Coalition. However, both the factual prerequisites and the deduction is problematic and unconvincing under close scrutiny.
First, it seems plausible at the first glance that Ann Green is more likely than Frank Braun to solve the environment problems. Since Ann Green belongs to the Good Earth Coalition while Frank Braun to town council. The former association is committed to environmental protection while the latter group is not. Nevertheless, the general and overall purpose or action of a group can not apply directly to each member in this group. We should not take it for granted that Ann is absolutely an environmental protector and Frank is exactly indifferent to the deteriorating surroundings.
In addition, the outlined data can not convince me of the credibility that members in the town council, which is a government body, are known not to protect environment. It illustrates the facts about increasing factories, worsening air pollution levels and soaring respiratory patients, which are evidences of the environment seriousness but not of indifference and irresponsibility of council members. It is highly possible that respiratory patients have risen by 25 percent due to climatic changes and members in the Clearview town council have been striving for the improvement of local circumstances, which is to say, without their conscious and consistent efforts, the mentioned three aspects may have turned out to be worse.
Finally, even if residents are successfully persuaded to elect Ann Green and Ann possibly wins the mayoral election, the environmental problems in Clearview can not be definitely solved. It is still a long way to solve the problems because the solution involves the whole efforts of government agencies including mayor, individuals and companies. It is not simply fulfilled by one election or a leader's effort.
In all, the conclusion reached in this argument is lack of legitimacy and credibility. To strengthen its comparison, the author should pinpoint that Ann is keener on environmental protection than Frank besides their position or belonging entity. To solidify its trustworthiness, the arguer need further align more potential efforts made by mayor’s group around the solution to those environmental problems.
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argument 7 [TSUBASA] by wildrose800331
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