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[i习作temp] Issue51 [Jet]小组第三次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-6 03:09:04 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE51: Education will be truly effective only when it is specially designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.
1learn to know
2learn to recognize one’s potentials
3learn to get together
1.不能well-grounded learning
2.不能启发人不断认识自己潜能  whim  innate
3.不能学到Learn to get together: cooperation  interpersonal skill teamwork
The speaker asserts education can only be effective when designed specially. However, in my observation, while effective education is defined as a gradual process of acquiring knowledge, in which students are instilled to learn to know , learn to get together, and learn to recognize one’s potentials, I can hardly agree with speaker's contention.

To begin with, in terms of "learn to know", the individualized educational mode may play a negative role in well-grounded learning. For education aims at impart the students knowledge, so it needs to expose its learners to the best of the world, and to make efforts to put its students in touch, both as specialist and as human beings, with those human minds the students' minds need to involve, whatever technological science or social science. However, there is little chance for the educators and students to aware of this. When designing the curricula, the educators are likely to focus on the aspects the students present great enthusiasm and talents, all these would serve to form a partial knowledge system. For instance, a curricula designed to prepared students for mathematician would inclined to pay large attention on geometrylogic, and so forth, neglecting subjects such as philosophy that is essential for posing a correct Weltanschauung. In this light, specially designed educational system would exert an opposite effect in teaching student to acquire knowledge.

At the “learn to recognize one's potentials" level, education that is specially designed would encumber the process of digging out students' internal talents. Most talents and interests are not innate characters, then education should be elicited and enlightened by teachers on the basis of wide knowledge, to exploit the underground talents. Only specialized knowledge resulting from individual education, will isolate the students in a island far away from the sea of information. The reason is simply to explain: too fractionized specialized knowledge would make students narrow foci, and their minds will be prisoned, let alone find out the potential talents inside. Whereas in a normal educatoional system, people can better attain the goal. Take Leonardo de Vinci, the famous mathematician, architect, sculpture and artist, for instance, it is obvious to know he cannot gain success in these different profession if been educated with specially designed curriculum. Moreover, even if the students show interests and needs for more knowledge in another field, without the elicition of teachers, he can not develop well and finally be a outstanding individual.

Last, when comes to "learn to get together", the specially designed education will bring obstacle to the socialization of students. Consider, a student prepared to be a biologist, would spend most his/her time, neither school time nor spare time, in the library killing white mousethe creature he contact most frequently in the experimental and control group, so no doubt he/she is poor in interpersonal skill.  

Simply put, it is not effective for educational system designed for every student based on their interests and needs, no matter what an important part interests play in knowledge learning.

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[ 本帖最后由 xiahsoul 于 2008-2-6 20:02 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2008-2-6 21:55:53 |只看该作者
The speaker asserts education can only be effective when designed specially. However, in my observation, while effective education is defined as a gradual process of acquiring knowledge, in which students are instilled to learn to know, learn to get together, and learn to recognize one's potentials, and specifically designed education can scarcely achieve all of these. For the reason od that, I can hardly agree with speaker's contention. (Notice:You should tell us clearly why you do not agree.)

To begin with, in terms of "learn to know", the individualized educational mode may play a negative role in well-grounded learning. For education aims at impart the students knowledge, so it needs to expose its learners to the best of the world, and to make efforts to put its students in touch, both as specialist and as human beings, with those human minds the students' minds need to involve, whatever no matter technological science or social science. However, there is little chance for the(不用the) educators and students to be aware of this. When designing the curricula, if the educators are likely to (were prone to)focus on the aspects the students present great enthusiasm and talents, all these(they) would serve to form a partial knowledge system. For instance, a curricula designed to prepared students for mathematician would inclined to pay large attention on geometry
logic, and so forth, neglecting subjects such as philosophy that is essential for posing a correct Weltanschauung(呵呵,这么奇怪有趣的词哪里找出来的). In this light, specially designed educational system would exert an opposite effect in teaching student to acquire knowledge.举的例子很好,但是这个例子是说明会阻碍学生树立正确的人生观,并没有说明会阻碍他们获取知识

At the "learn to recognize one's potentials" level, education that is specially designed would encumber the process of digging out students' internal talents. Most talents and interests are not innate characters, then education should be elicited and enlightened by teachers on the basis of wide knowledge, to exploit the underground latent talents. Only specialized knowledge resulting from individual education, will isolate the students in a small island of their own area far away from the vast sea of other information.这个比喻感觉不错 The reason is simply to explain: too fractionized specialized knowledge would make students narrow foci, and their minds will be prisoned, let alone find out the potential talents inside. Whereas in a normal educatoional system, people can better attain the goal. Take Leonardo de Vinci, the famous mathematician, architect, sculpture and artist, for instance, it is obvious to know he cannot gain success in these different profession if been educated with specially designed curriculum. Moreover, even if the students show interests and needs for more knowledge in another field, without the elicition of teachers, he can not develop well and finally be a outstanding individual.

Last, when comes to "learn to get together", it is the same: the specially designed education will bring obstacle to the socialization of students. Consider the case of a student who prepared to be a biologist.would spend most his/her time, neither school time nor spare time, in the library killing white mousethe creature he contact most frequently in the experimental and control group, so no doubt he/she is poor in interpersonal skill.  If  he or she spend most of his or her time, not only school time but also spare time, in the laboratory, dealing with white mice, the creature he or she contact most frequently in the experimental and control group, he or she would be poor in interpersonal  skills.

Simply put, it is not effective for educational system designed for every student based on their interests and needs, no matter what an important part interests play in knowledge learning.

先提出effective education的一个定义,这个定义包含了三个目标,再逐个证明specially designed education不能完成这三个目标。有参照和评价的标准,有的放矢,你的这种思路很好。值得学习。注意了用词的变化,比如,play a negative role in,bring obstacle to, encumber. 只是各段的论证还要进一步加强。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-7 20:55:11 |只看该作者

The speaker asserts education can only be effective when designed specially. However, in my observation, while (2个分句逻辑关系是因果,用since。如果你是想说对于education可以有很多定义的话,建议谨慎使用define,这个词比较正式)effective education is defined as a gradual process of acquiring knowledge, in which students are instilled to learn to know , learn to get together, and learn to recognize one’s potentials, I can hardly agree with speaker's contention.(你不同意他的观点,那么你的观点是什么)

To begin with, in terms of "learn to know", the individualized educational mode may play a negative role in well-grounded learning.(不理解,是要说影响教育质量么,看你之后的例子明白了,fundamental education) For education aims at impart the students knowledge, so it needs to expose its learners to the best of the world(学习一下词组,什么意思), and to make efforts to put its(教育的对象就是学生,可以省略) students in touch, both as specialist and as human beings, with those human minds the students' minds need to involve, whatever technological science or social science. (以上整句话不理解)However, there is little chance for the educators and students to aware of this. When designing the curricula, the educators are likely to focus on the aspects the students present great enthusiasm and talents, all these would serve to form a partial knowledge system. For instance, a curricula designed to prepared students for mathematician would inclined to pay large attention on geometry
logic, and so forth, neglecting subjects such as philosophy that is essential for posing a correct Weltanschauung(还有这么牛鼻的单词啊). In this light, specially designed educational system would exert an opposite(还是negative比较好) effect in teaching student to acquire knowledge.

At the “learn to recognize one's potentials" level, education that is specially designed would encumber the process of digging out students' internal talents. Most talents and interests are not innate characters, then education should be elicited and enlightened by teachers on the basis of wide knowledge, to exploit the underground talents. Only specialized knowledge resulting from individual education, will isolate the students in a island far away from the sea of information. The reason is simply to explain: too fractionized specialized knowledge would make students narrow foci, and their minds will be prisoned, let alone find out the potential talents inside. Whereas in a normal educatoional system, people can better attain the goal. Take Leonardo de Vinci, the famous mathematician, architect, sculpture and artist, for instance, it is obvious to know he cannot gain success in these different profession if been educated with specially designed curriculum. Moreover, even if the students show interests and needs for more knowledge in another field, without the elicition of teachers, he can not develop well and finally be a outstanding individual.

Last, when comes to "learn to get together", the specially designed education will bring obstacle to the socialization of students. Consider, a student prepared to be a biologist, would spend most his/her time, neither school time nor spare time, in the library killing white mouse,(not libray but lab,图书馆里杀小白鼠听上去有点吓人)the creature he contact most frequently in the experimental and control group, so no doubt he/she is poor in interpersonal skill.  (楼上改的感觉还有有问题,the creature....从句在句子里充当什么成分看不清楚,我也不知道怎么改,索性分2句。A student prepareing to be a biologist would spend most of his/her time, not only school time but also spare time, in the lab doing experiments with white mice. Most time contacting with mice  and little time with other people inevitably influences his communication skills.)

Simply put, it is not effective for educational system designed for every student based on their interests and needs, no matter what an important part interests play in knowledge learning.

感觉learn to recognize one's potentials的论证不好,达芬奇的例证有问题。你说他因为没有接受personal oriented education 所以就成了全才,所以接受了personal oriented education 就一定不能成为全才了。所以这样的教育不好。这在逻辑上是不严密的,就好像我说我成绩不好而我同桌的成绩非常好,而我喜欢吃糖,我同桌不喜欢吃,所以吃糖是个坏习惯。当然我大概是argu看多了,有点过敏,再想想觉得issue这样写未尝不可。
但个人觉得这个例子更适合第一个方面。你可以说basic knowledge is helpful for specialists in the research of his own field. moreover, it could create generalists, like Leonardo de Vinci.

[ 本帖最后由 ilabc 于 2008-2-7 21:00 编辑 ]

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-2-14 14:17:55 |只看该作者

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