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[i习作temp] Issue110 historicans as storytellers 请大家指教,谢谢!~~ [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-10 01:05:46 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
"When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we become storytellers. Because we can never know the past directly but must construct it by interpreting evidence, exploring history is more of a creative enterprise than it is an objective pursuit. All historians are storytellers."

立场:partly agree
1、        后人无法亲身经历历史,只能根据现存的历史依据描述历史。
2、        但是,没有完整系统的史实,并不等于没有任何历史依据,且随科技发展,可获得的史实会越来越精准。
3、        所有历史都是有关人的历史,人性是有规律的,所以历史应符合人性规律,不能捏造。

History, which refers to the part of human beings, represents the splendid fruits of all social realms and display full of glorious events in the remote years. But it is a pity that there are no direct accesses for our existing historians to contact what has happened so as to their researches usually seems to be a creative enterprise rather than an objective pursuit as the claimer states. On balance, however, based on the numerous historical facts and the professional study vehicle of the history science, the demonstrations that interpret the past would be reasonable and not far form the truth.

For one thing, being a common sense, it is no doubt that people living on the current world will never face the significant historical events straightly. So without the whole reappearance of what has occurred in the past, when it comes to history research, current historians could only deduce or even construct the history depending on the incomplete and limited interpreting evidence. An apt illustration of this point involves music instruments by which the researchers have a look of the classical forms of music before 1870 when the gramophone has been not invented. By studying these precious but restricted remains of ancient musical culture, it is inextricable that historians are forced to be storytellers who explores past musical patterns. Under such circumstance, constricted by the mere cues of history, it seems that creating vivid stories may be the best way for history scholars to decipher the truth of the past and the society is prone to give researches a license to construct the history.

On the other hand, the limitation of integrated and systemic historical evidence is not as equal as the absence of any important witnesses of the development of the human beings. As a result, when the historians express what they extract from relic about past events, they must lie on the proofs they had and try to decipher history as accurate as the truth. For instance, the pyramids in Egypt interpret the way the ancient tribe chief arrange themselves afterwards their death so that what the researches conclude from these pyramids should be close to the facts. And in addition, the more advanced the development of modern archaeology technology is, the more accurate the display of history will achieve. Simply put, the portraits of the past made by generations on the root of history and do the best to approach the truth rather than just shape a interesting story in the air.

What is more, not only is all the history related to the human beings, but humans are full of intelligence and critical thinking. There is no denying that human nature is in the definite route and invariability,so at least, the interpretation of history should be in accordance with the rule of humanity and cannot be fashioned arbitrary. Consider writing a biography of a famous history figure, the writer must collect abundant personal information of the subject and rely on relevant affairs which is widely acknowledged, then the author could do his or her job. If the writer just shapes the life of the subject regardless of the individual’s growth trace, it is clear that the biography could not belong to a authentic one. Thus, for the stake that history cling to the evolution of human beings, there are stable foundations for the expression of the past and it is proved that the interpretation are not a story but a reasonable description.

In the final analysis, there is no hardness to conclude that history is a book through which human can realize what the world is and seek for human nature. Actually, it is difficult to picture what has taken place in the past without any error, but in some sense, based on offspring’s the understanding of human nature and historical remains, what historians said about the past is credible and related to the truth.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-12-10 02:15:23 |只看该作者


"When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we become storytellers. Because we can never know the past directly but must construct it by interpreting evidence, exploring history is more of a creative enterprise than it is an objective pursuit. All historians are storytellers."

立场:partly agree
1、        后人无法亲身经历历史,只能根据现存的历史依据描述历史。
2、        但是,没有完整系统的史实,并不等于没有任何历史依据,且随科技发展,可获得的史实会越来越精准。
3、        所有历史都是有关人的历史,人性是有规律的,所以历史应符合人性规律,不能捏造。

History, which refers to the partpast of human beings, represents the splendid fruits of all social realms and display full of glorious events in the remote好词! years. But it is a pity that there are no direct accesses for our existing historians to contact withwhat has happened so as to their researches usually seems to be a creative enterprise rather than an objective pursuit as the claimer states. On balance, however, based on the numerous historical facts and the professional study vehicle of the history science, the demonstrations that interpret the past would be reasonable and not far form the truth.

For one thing, being a common sense, it is no doubt that people living on the current world will never face the significant historical events straightly虽然straightly也有直接的意思,这里用directly是不是更恰当些?不过我也只是读起来觉得有些别扭. So without the whole reappearance of what has occurred in the past, when it comes to history research, current historians could only deduce or even construct the history depending on the incomplete and limited interpreting evidence. An apt illustration of this point involves music instruments by which the researchers have a look of the classical forms of music before 1870 when the gramophone has been not invented. By studying these precious but restricted remains of ancient musical culture, it is inextricable that historians are forced to be storytellers who explores past musical patterns.这个论述真是不错 Under such circumstance, constricted by the mere cues of history, it seems that creating vivid stories may be the best way for history scholars to decipher the truth of the past and the society is prone to give researches a license to construct the history. 这段论述精彩,例子也用得比较恰当,赞

On the other hand, the limitation of integrated and systemic historical evidence is not as equal as the absence of any important witnesses of the development of the human beings. As a result, when the historians express what they extract from relic about past events, they must lie on the proofs they had and try to decipher history as accurate as the truth. For instance, the pyramids in Egypt interpret the way the ancient tribe chief arrange themselves afterwards their death so that what the researches conclude from these pyramids should be close to the facts. And in addition, the more advanced the development of modern archaeology technology is, the more accurate the display of history will achieve. Simply put, the portraits of the past made by generations on the root of history and do the best to approach the truth rather than just shape a interesting story in the air. rather than是连词,不能做谓语吧 这一段的例子用的也超好的 我就有点奇怪怎么你总能找到这么合适的例子呢 再赞

What is more, not only is all the history related to the human beings, but humans are full of intelligence and critical thinking.这句话说得就有点奇怪,好像两个分句之间的逻辑关系并不强啊 There is no denying that human nature is in the definite route and invariability,so at least, the interpretation of history should be in accordance with the rule of humanity and cannot be fashioned arbitrary. Consider writing a biography of a famous history figure, the writer must collect abundant personal information of the subject and rely on relevant affairs which is widely acknowledged, then the author could do his or her job. If the writer just shapes the life of the subject regardless of the individual’s growth trace, it is clear that the biography could not belong to a authentic one. Thus, for the stake that history cling to the evolution of human beings, there are stable foundations for the expression of the past and it is proved that the interpretation are not a story but a reasonable description.这段论证的展开也很充分,例子也不错。

In the final analysis, there is no hardness to conclude that history is a book through which human can realize what the world is and seek for human nature. Actually, it is difficult to picture what has taken place in the past without any error, but in some sense, based on offspring’s the understanding of human nature and historical remains, what historians said about the past is credible and related to the truth.结尾也很好,并没有一味的重复以前的话,而是有心的总结,很好很好。我想问一下高手,这样的文章是否属于满分的范畴,如果不是,那缺点出在哪里,真的非常急切地想知道。另外,看了bearlinbear的大作,真恨不得把自己刚写的直接挖坑埋了,羞愧难当啊……

[ Last edited by superficial on 2005-12-10 at 03:26 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-12-10 02:20:16 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-12-10 02:44:54 |只看该作者
"When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we become storytellers. Because we can never know the past directly but must construct it by interpreting evidence, exploring history is more of a creative enterprise than it is an objective pursuit. All historians are storytellers."

立场:partly agree
1、        后人无法亲身经历历史,只能根据现存的历史依据描述历史。
2、        但是,没有完整系统的史实,并不等于没有任何历史依据,且随科技发展,可获得的史实会越来越精准。
3、        所有历史都是有关人的历史,人性是有规律的,所以历史应符合人性规律,不能捏造。

History, which refers to the part of human beings, represents the splendid fruits of all social realms and display full of glorious events in the remote years. But it is a pity that there are no direct accesses for our existing historians to contacting access to sth or doing sth what has happened so as to their researches usually seems to be a creative enterprise rather than an objective pursuit as the claimer states.经典句型重现,呵呵 so as to 把句子连系得非常漂亮 On balance, however, based on the numerous historical facts and the professional study vehicle这词在这怎么讲? of the history science, the demonstrations that interpret the past would be reasonable and not far form the truth.however转折前面的"creative enterprise"不是特别强烈,如果把however后面改成:based on......., the demonstration that firsthand interpreting the past with established envidence would be reasonable and not far from the truth.你觉得这种对比是不是要强烈些了呢?个人觉得"established envidence""firsthand"和"creative"有鲜明反差.前者有固定的直接照搬的意思,后面说创新. 当然,这个句子本来已经很好了,我想ETS也不会那么在意,我只是想让它更完善.

For one thing, being a common sense, it is no doubt that people living on the current world will never face the significant historical events straightly.感觉这个词不是特别贴切 So without the whole reappearance of what has occurred in the past, when it comes to history research, current historians could only deduce or even construct the history depending on the incomplete and limited interpreting interpreted evidence. An apt illustration of this point involves music instruments by which the researchers have a look of the classical forms of music before 1870 when the gramophone has been not invented. By studying these precious but restricted remains of ancient musical culture, it is inextricable that historians are forced to be storytellers who explores past musical patterns. Under such circumstance, constricted by the mere cues of history, it seems that creating vivid stories may be the best way for history scholars to decipher the truth of the past and the society is prone to give researches a license to construct the history.最后一句再次称述观点,非常深入有力又没照抄题目,实在不错啊

On the other hand, the limitation of integrated and systemic historical evidence is not as equal as the absence of any important witnesses of the development of the human beings.这句话可以再完善,我想问这里的as equal as你想强调的是前面还是后面?完整有序历史证据的缺少不等于人类发展中重要witnesses的缺少。个人觉得as equal as是一个等价连系,不能突出前后任何方面,相反,根据你后面的结论,我觉得你要强调的是evidence也就是后面的proofs,那么,最好就把as equal as 改为一个强调前面的的连接词。具体什么我还想想。 As a result, when the historians express what they have extracted from relic about past events, they must lie on the proofs they had and try to decipher history as accurate as the truth. For instance, the pyramids in Egypt interpret the way the ancient tribe chief arrange themselves afterwards their death so that what the researches conclude from these pyramids should be close to the facts. And in addition, the more advanced the development of modern archaeology technology technology of archaeology好点吧 is, the more accurate the display of history will be achieved. Simply put, the portraits of the past made by generations on the root of history and do the best to approach the truth rather than just shape a interesting story in the air. and前面缺少一个动词

What is more, not only is all the history related to the human beings, but humans are full of intelligence and critical thinking. There is no denying that human nature is in the definite route and invariability,so at least, the interpretation of history should be in accordance with the rule of humanity and cannot be fashioned arbitrary. Consider writing a biography of a famous history figure, the writer must collect abundant personal information of the subject and rely on relevant affairs which is widely acknowledged, then the author could do his or her job. If the writer just shapes the life of the subject regardless of the individual’s growth trace, it is clear that the biography could not belong to a authentic好词语 one. Thus, for the stake that history cling to the evolution of human beings, there are stable foundations for the expression of the past and it is proved that the interpretation are not a story but a reasonable description.结尾句非常好,有概括性

In the final analysis, there is no hardness to conclude that history is a book through which human can realize what the world is and seek for human nature. Actually, it is difficult to picture what has taken place in the past without any error, but in some sense, based on offspring’s the understanding of human nature and historical remains, what historians said about the past is credible and related to the truth.


[ Last edited by sallyxindu on 2005-12-10 at 13:28 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-10 21:21:57 |只看该作者

Robbie(丽丽'S Dear brother)

"When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we become storytellers. Because we can never know the past directly but must construct it by interpreting evidence, exploring history is more of a creative enterprise than it is an objective pursuit. All historians are storytellers."

立场:partly agree
1、        后人无法亲身经历历史,只能根据现存的历史依据描述历史。
2、        但是,没有完整系统的史实,并不等于没有任何历史依据,且随科技发展,可获得的史实会越来越精准。
3、        所有历史都是有关人的历史,人性是有规律的,所以历史应符合人性规律,不能捏造。

History, which refers to theone part of human beings, represents the splendid fruits of all social realms and display加S full of glorious events in the remote years. But it is a pity that there are no direct accesses for our existing historians to contact what has happened so as to their researches usually seems to be a creative enterprise rather than an objective pursuit as the claimer states. [b]OnIN吧 balance, however, based on the numerous historical facts and the professional study vehicle of the history science加s, the demonstrations that interpret the past would be reasonable and not far formfrom the truth.

For one thing, being a common sense, it is no doubt that people living on the current world will never face the significant historical events straightly. So without the whole reappearance of what has occurred in the past, when it comes to history research, current historians could only deduce or even construct the history depending on the incomplete and limited interpreting evidence. An apt illustration of this point involves music instruments by which the researchers have a look of the classical forms of music before 1870 when the gramophone has been not invented. By studying these precious but restricted remains of ancient musical culture, it is inextricable that historians are forced to be storytellers who explores去s past musical patterns. Under such circumstance, constricted by the mere cues of history, it seems that creating vivid stories may be the best way for history scholars to decipher the truth of the past and the society is prone to give researchers a license to construct the history.

On the other hand, the limitation of integrated and systemic historical evidence is not as equal as the absence of any important witnesses of the development of the human beings. As a result, when the historians express what they extract from relic about past events, they must lie on the proofs they had and try to decipher history as accurate as the truth. For instance, the pyramids in Egypt interpret the way the ancient tribe chief arrange themselves afterwards非介词 their death so that what the researches conclude from these pyramids should be close to the facts. And in addition, the more advanced the development of 去掉modern archaeologyical technology is, the more accurate the display of history will achieve. Simply put, the portraits of the past made by generations on the root of history and do the best to approach the truth rather than just shape a interesting story in the air.

What is more, not only is all the history related to the human beings, but humans are full of intelligence and critical thinking. There is no denying that human nature is in the definite route and invariability,so at least, the interpretation of history should be in accordance with the rule of humanity and cannot be fashioned arbitrary. Considering writing a biography of a famous history figure, the writer must collect abundant personal information of the subject and rely on relevant affairs which isare widely acknowledged, then the author could do his or her job. If the writer just shapes the life of the subject regardless of the individual’s growth trace, it is clear that the biography could not belong to a authentic one. Thus, for the stake that history cling to the evolution of human beings, there are stable foundations for the expression of the past and it is proved that the interpretation areis not a story but a reasonable description.

In the final analysis, there is no hardness to conclude that history is a book through which human can realize what the world is and seek for human nature. Actually, it is difficult to picture what has taken place in the past without any error, but in some sense, based on offspring’s the understanding of human nature and historical remains, what historians said about the past is credible and related to the truth.

[ Last edited by siomer on 2005-12-10 at 21:25 ]

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Issue110 historicans as storytellers 请大家指教,谢谢!~~
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