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issue144同主题写作,欢迎拍砖 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2006-7-12 14:31:27 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
2、表面上艺术家是唯一因素,但不然。批评家发现艺术品的价值。 批评家有敏锐的洞察力,能筛选出有真正价值的艺术品,从而节约人们的时间和精力。批评家的评论能够帮助人们更好的理解艺术的价值。
4 总结,两者对社会的贡献都很大,应将他们结合起来。

Words: 603                                   time: 70mins
Does the artist give society something of lasting value rather than the critic? The speaker claims so, I tend to agree with the view insofar as that some great artists’ splendid works give society something of lasting value indeed, however, in some sense, it is the critic who help the artist create better works though giving suggestions to them. In my opinion, both artist and critic contribute much to the society.

Looking trough the history, there is no doubt that the artists create many great works which influence people at all times. From their works, we can learn much. For instance, from Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa”, we are potty about the mysterious smile; from Monet’s “Impression: Sunrise”, we can find describing the world by another way is wonderful; from Beethoven’s music, we can hear the bottom of his strong heart ; from the outstanding movie “The Lord of the Rings”, we are shocked by the gallant scenes. All these great works contribute much to the development of the human’s culture, and give human something of lasting value. Some of them were not accepted then, even disdained by the critic. For example, Van Gogh, two of whose still life paintings have recently broken all records in selling for $50 million, sold only one of his paintings in his entire career. But these works are proved to be some endless wealth for the later person.

Although from the surface, we can draw a conclusion that it is the artists who give much value to the society. But thinking deeply, we will find that without the art critic, in some sense art cannot embody its significance thoroughly. Critics can help us to understand and interpret art. A critic who is familiar with a particular artist and his works or his thoughts can have certain insights about the works but the layperson can not. Their professional evaluation can teach us how to enjoy the works, and at the same time, they can also lead us find better works so that we can save our time and attention. For example, in Chinese, almost everybody knows the famous book “Dream of the red chamber” which plays an important part in Chinese literature history. The book can achieve such great reputation not only for the author CaoXueqin but also a famous critic called ZhiYanzhai. It is him who commented the book from the head to the end to make later person to understand the book’s more clearly. Therefore, the critic can be a bridge between the works and the layperson. They lead us to find the true value in the works.

In addition, a critic can provide some creative feedback for artists. Although they can not create them by themselves, they understand them. They can analyze them from other directions, maybe more proper ways. By this way, there can always be better thoughts offered to the artists, and constructive criticism too. If the artists take them to heart, much better works will appear. For example, the famous musician Chopin wrote a new piece of work then showed it to his neighbor, an old woman who was blind but had good hearing. She evaluated the work and told him her thoughts. Chopin made better work by taking her advices. It is possible that the critic make mistakes on some works sometimes, but most parts of them can make valuable evaluation, which can impel the development of the art.

In sum, both the artist and the critic have positive effects on the creation of great works. By combining them, there could be more and more permanent art emerging in the world.
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