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[i习作temp] issue41 4月作文小组4月8日第十五次作业 by寂寞樱花 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-4-9 16:52:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE41 - "Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."
WORDS: 529          TIME: 上午 12:43:37          DATE: 2007-4-9


I am always amazing when hearing people say that nonmainstream areas can benefit our society for they can satisfy human needs which cannot be addressed by mainstream science. I concede that sometimes nonmainstream areas may satisfy our needs, however, I think the harm they do to the participants are much more than those they benefits in our society.

Admittedly, nonmainstream has existed a long time in the history, and it does contribute to some problem that cannot be solved by present science, just like the problem in psychology. For example, fortune-telling sometime may give people a psychical indication which makes people to feel more confident in studying or working. So does astrology to predict some great change in our society or nature. In short, it is true that nonmainstream areas might be useful in some realm that science cannot reach nowadays to satisfy human need.

However, these nonmainstream areas lack of the basis of facts, which do not like science, and they will easily be overturned.

For one thing, although these nonmainstream has been exist for thousands of years, yet, they have not been appeared a obviously function for the development of our society, while science, which based on facts of our society or nature, has improved people's life and the development of the society greatly even it came out only two hundred years ago. Apt example included industry revolutionary, which is impelled by science and to develop an industrial world today while onmainstream also stay with the same place for the several thousand years. So people will tend to believe the science that will bring the real benefits to them than nonmainstream areas.

For another, nonmainstream areas are always useful in explaining some problem that cannot be worked out by present science. But with the developing of science, many problems have had a clear answer and people may realize that the explanations of nonmainstream is wrong and accept the right one given by science. In ancient China, people who do not know the how do light and thunder form has believed that there are person living in the sky and control the appearing of light. And so does western countries, as the Greek myth is used to explain the phenomenon of the nature that cannot be explained by their science. However, we all know that the mechanism of most of these phenomenon like light and thunder. So with the development of science, more and more phenomenon will be explained accurately and fewer people will believe the nonmainstream areas like astrology.

Moreover, nonmainstream areas sometimes will bring harm to the participants, for the participants may become vulnerable to self-condition, false hopes, fantastic ideas and even delusions. As a person who overbelieves the fortune-telling may lose the passionate for working and believe that the situation will become better automatically due to the words of fortune-teller. This is another problem of nonmainstream areas nowadays.

To sum up, although nonmainstream areas can be used in some problem that science cannot explain now to satisfy people's need, we should not exaggerated it, and what we need to do is to develop the science and find out the real answer of the unsolved problem.

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issue41 4月作文小组4月8日第十五次作业 by寂寞樱花
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