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[i习作temp] issue138 互拍留链,很没感觉的一篇文章 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-20 17:30:51 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE138 - "Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress."
WORDS: 517          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-18

On the way to the unknown and in the process of approaching the truth, mistakes cannot be avoided. History witnesses many cases that numbers of mistakes pave the way to discovery and progress. However, personally, I maintain that the speaker here overstates the importance of mistakes, since there are chances that through careful planning and examining people reach success.

To begin with, mistakes can be very benefit. On one hand, mistakes in trying new methods help people better understand the situation and find the correct way to progress. For example, when China won its autonomy in 1949 and established its new government, Chairman Mao decided to learn from the former USSR government and adopt USSR's system of economy that the government controls the economy. In this system, farmland is owned by the working group, people work together, eat together. Each season, the produces are divided according to the amount of work people contributed. Though Chairman Mao's purpose was to encourage the whole people to share together: If there is food, everyone should be given to a fraction, this system hurts people's enthusiasm for working, therefore reduces the productivity. When Chairman Deng Xiaoping found that people suffered a lot under this system, he decided to divide the land between the farmers, thus people can work on their own, and consequently they should be responsible for their own land. Such responsibility incited the farmers' morale, with significantly improved productivity. The mistakes of the former system helped the Chinese to reach a better policy, though they also suffered a lot. On the other hand, mistakes are necessary to find the potential problem which may impede the progress. The environment problems, great mistakes with people's industrial activity, help people to improve these facilities. The famous technologist, Edison, trying nearly 2000 materials for the bulb, explained that each mistake in that period told him that there was another material which should be discarded. Thus, mistakes help people to find the way to success.

However, mistakes can be helpful only when people take pains to analyze and find out the reason and finally find the way to correct them. It is the lessons learned from those mistakes that are benefit. In history, there is time when people committed mistakes but refused to correct, thus no progress was achieved. For example, people in middle Ages held that Earth was the center of the universe, a huge mistake which was protected by the Church, with no examination about this opinion. More over, they even refused any suspect. Many scientists were badly treated for different opinions, with Bruno even being burnt. In this case, those mistakes impeded the progress.

What's more, success can be reached without mistakes, with careful planning and thorough preparation. Nowadays, with more scientists discussing and analyzing the problems, then using the computers to imitate the real process to find out the potential problems, this procedure can be well applied to avoid mistakes. China launched its series of Divine Ship Aircrafts without any mistakes, thanks to the advanced technologies and the former experiences.

In sum, mistakes are common in the way to discovery or progress. But mistakes only offered chances for people to find the correct direction, only through analysis of mistakes can fully utilize the opportunities.   

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-21 23:37:48 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE138 - "Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress."
WORDS: 517          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-18

On the way to the unknown and in the process of approaching the truth, mistakes cannot be avoided. History witnesses many cases that numbers of mistakes pave the way to discovery and progress. However, personally, I maintain that the speaker here overstates the importance of mistakes, since there are chances that through careful planning and examining people reach success.

To begin with, mistakes can be very benefit. On one hand, mistakes in trying new methods help people better understand the situation and find the correct way to progress. For example, when China won its autonomy in 1949 and established its new government, Chairman Mao decided to learn from the former USSR government and adopt USSR's system of economy that the government controls the economy. In this system, farmland is owned by the working group, people work together, eat together. Each season, the produces are divided according to the amount of work people contributed. Though Chairman Mao's purpose was to encourage the whole people to share together: If there is food, everyone should be given to a fraction, this system hurts people's enthusiasm for working, therefore reduces the productivity. When Chairman Deng Xiaoping found that people suffered a lot under this system, he decided to divide the land between the farmers, thus people can work on their own, and consequently they should be responsible for their own land. Such responsibility incited the farmers' morale, with significantly improved productivity. The mistakes of the former system helped the Chinese to reach a better policy, though they also suffered a lot. On the other hand, mistakes are necessary to find the potential problem which may impede the progress. The environment problems, great mistakes with people's industrial activity, help people to improve these facilities. The famous technologist, Edison, trying nearly 2000 materials for the bulb, explained that each mistake in that period told him that there was another material which should be discarded. Thus, mistakes help people to find the way to success. (我觉得Edison的这个例子对于说明mistakes are necessary to find the potential problem不太有力,反而和上一个观点比较贴切find the correct way/answer。其实你这两个观点说的都是同一件事,就是更了解情况,排除错误的可能。)

However, mistakes can be helpful only when people take pains to analyze and find out the reason and finally find the way to correct them. It is the lessons learned from those mistakes that are benefit. In history, there is time when people committed mistakes but refused to correct, thus no progress was achieved. For example, people in middle Ages held that Earth was the center of the universe, a huge mistake which was protected by the Church, with no examination about this opinion. More over, they even refused any suspect. Many scientists were badly treated for different opinions, with Bruno even being burnt. In this case, those mistakes impeded the progress. 这一段的观点不错,有思想性,论证的例子也很合适。

What's more, success can be reached without mistakes, with careful planning and thorough preparation. Nowadays, with more scientists discussing and analyzing the problems, then using the computers to imitate the real process to find out the potential problems, this procedure can be well applied to avoid mistakes. China launched its series of Divine Ship Aircrafts without any mistakes, thanks to the advanced technologies and the former experiences. 这一段的论证略显单薄了一点,你的论点是倾向于没有错误也可以成功吧?应该多花点笔墨。不过我也没想清楚应该怎么厚实一点哦。可以谈谈合作吧,合作的话就可以多发现问题,少一点错误了?

In sum, mistakes are common in the way to discovery or progress. But mistakes only offered chances for people to find the correct direction, only through analysis of mistakes can fully utilize the opportunities.   

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